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Каргаполова Н.Н., Мишенкова Н.С. Методическая разработка интегрированного урока английского и немецкого языков «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Germany»: Великобритания и Германия, 11 класс

Каргаполова Наталья Николаевна, Мишенкова Наталья Сергеевна
Место работы: 
учителя английского языка, МОУ «СОШ №7» г. Ноябрьск ЯНАО Тюменская обл.


Методическая разработка интегрированного урока английского и немецкого языков «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Germany»: Великобритания и Германия, 11 класс




Цели урока

  • Образовательная. Активизация творческих способностей учащихся через размышление и презентацию усвоенного лексико-грамматического материала, используя диалого-монологическую речь. Расширение общего лингвистического кругозора.
  • Развивающая. Развитие иноязычной компетенции посредством монолого-диалогических высказываний. Развитие памяти, внимания, мышления.
  • Методическая. Обработка методики работы с творческими заданиями по развитию устной речи.
  • Воспитательная. Формирование умения общаться на базе учебного материала. Воспитание культуры общения, внимательного отношения к партнерам по общению.
  • Организационная. Организация работы в группе в целом, в микрогруппах.


Оборудование урока. Раздаточный материал – карточки с лексико-грамматическими заданиями для выполнения работы в микрогруппах, тесты, компьютер, проектор, экран.
Слайд 1.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.
Задача. Обеспечить готовность учебной группы к работе, включение в деловой ритм (стихи читают учителя английского и немецкого языков на фоне музыки).
GT: Begrussung der Gaste.
Seid willkommen, all ihr lieben Gaste!
Wir begrussen euch zu unserm Feste!
Und wir hoffen sehr, es macht euch Freude,
was ihr sehn und horen werdet heute.
Es gibt wirklich viele nette Sachen,
Die euch viel Vergnugen machen.
Eure Neugier ist gewiss schon gross,
Freut euch, liebe Gaste, gleich geht’s los!
ET: One road leads to London,
One roads leads to Wales,
My road leads me seawards
To the white dipping sails.
My road calls me, lures me
West, east, south and north,
Most roads lead men homewards
My road leads me forth.
GT: What do you think why we have begun our lesson with the poems? What are these poems about? What is the main idea of each poem?
P1: Concerning the poem in German I’d say that the main idea of it is to invite everybody to visit countries of the world. I hope they are English – and German speaking countries of the languages which are learned by us.
P2: Speaking about the poem in English I would like to say that the main idea of it is to show us the beauty of England, Wales and to invite us to visit Great Britain.
GT: I agree with you. But why have we just recited these poems in two languages?
P: I suppose that we shall practice two foreign languages at the lesson.
Слайд 2.
ET: You are quite right, my dears. Imagine the situation. You are in the International Youth Camp. One of the days is devoted to the improvement of the knowledge about two countries: England and Germany. You know English perfectly and we’ll try to get some knowledge of German thanks to the English language. And we’ll see if it’s easier to learn the second foreign language on the base of the first one.


II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Задача. Развитие фонематического слуха, памяти.
ET: Before using words and word-combinations in your reports and dialogues I’d like you to review the pronunciation of these words. It’s very important to pronounce all these expressions correctly.
Look at the screen and repeat after me:
Слайд 3.
The UK, Great Britain, Land, Population, Capital, Largest Cities – Birmingem,
Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast,
Main Political Parties – the Conservative Party, the Labour Party



III. Речевая зарядка.
Задача. Включить учащихся в активную сознательную работу путем создания языковой атмосферы. Активизировать лексику по заданной теме.
Слайд 4.
ET: I’d like you to answer my questions:

  • What is the United Kingdom?
  • What countries is Great Britain made up of?
  • Do you know anything about the total area of Great Britain?
  • What about the population of the UK?
  • Name all the capital cities of Great Britain?
  • What are the largest cities of Great Britain?
  • What languages are spoken in the UK?
  • What are the main political parties of the UK?
  • What are the national symbols of the countries?
  • Describe the national flag of the United Kingdom.

P1: The UK means the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Is the political name of the country which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This name is abbreviated to “the United Kingdom” or “UK “. The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles.
P2: Great Britain .The country is sometimes called as Great Britain or Britain, England or the British Isles. Great Britain consists of three main parts: England, Wales and Scotland.
P3: Land. The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The total area is 244, 000 square kilometers.
P4: Population. As for the population of Great Britain, I must say that it is over 57 mln.
P5: Capitals. The capital of the United Kingdom and England is London, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
P6: Largest cities. The United Kingdom is a highly industrialized country. The main industrial centers are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow, Bristol,
Sheffield, Edinburgh.
P7: Languages. English is the official language of the United Kingdom. But English is not the only language of the country. Some people speak Gaelic, others speak Welsh. Wales is officially bilingual.
P8: As far as I am concerned, the main political parties of Great Britain are the Concervative Party and the Labour Party.
P9: The national symbol of England is a red rose.
The national symbol of Wales is a leek or a daffodil.
The national symbol of Scotland is a thistle.
The national symbol of Ireland is a shamrock.
P10: The national flag of the United Kingdom is known as Union Jack. It is a combination of the three crosses: the upright  red cross of St. George, the patron saint of England;
the white diagonal cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland;
the red diagonal cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.
Although Wales is a part of the United Kingdom it has its own national flag.
ET: Try to make up a conclusion about what you have mentioned concerning the UK.
Слайд 5.
GT: We have reviewed some information about the UK and Northern Ireland. I’m glad that you have done it well. You were a success! And what about Germany? Would you like to know anything about this great country?
Слайд 6.
ET: Imagine that you are preparing a party devoted to Germany. You are polyglots and, of course, you would like to practice two foreign languages: English and German. We’ll try to divide you into two groups. I hope it will be great if this group of students put questions in English about Germany and that group of students answer them in German. So, English is for you and German is for you. Is it clear? So, let’s start working.
P1-P10: 1. What is the geographical position of Germany?
2. What is Germany?
3. What is the capital of Germany?
4. What countries does Germany border on?
5. Has Germany any sea-borders?
6. What are big cities of this country?
7. What does Germany consist of ?
8. What is the biggest federal land?
9. What is the population of Germany?
10. Where is German an official language?
11. What can you say about the flag of Germany?
12. What kind of state is Germany?
13. Who is the Head of State?
14. Who is the Head of Government?
GT: Ich bin mit eurer Arbeit zufrieden. Aber wer kann eine Schlussfolgerung machen? Was habt ihr uber Deutschland erfahren? Bitte, fasst die ganze Information uber Deutschland zusammen. Sprecht Deutsch!
P1: Deutschland liegt in der Mitte Europas.
P2: Deutschland ist eine Bundesrepublik, das heisst: eine foderative Republik.
P3: Die Hauptstadt Deutschlands ist Berlin.
P4: Deutschlands Nachbarn sind Danemark im Norden, die Niederlande, Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich im Westen, die Schweiz, ?sterreich im Suden, Tschechien und Polen im Osten.
P5: Die Nordsee und die Ostsee sind Deutschlands Meeresgrenzen.
P6: Deutschlands Stadte sind Bonn, Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Nurnberg, Koln, Munchen, Weimar,Stuttgart, Hamburg und Bremen.
P7: Die BRD besteht aus 16 Budeslandern.
P8: Das grosste Bundesland ist Bayern, es liegt im Suden Deutschlands.
P9: In der BRD wohnen etwa 80 Millionen Menschen.
P10: In funf Staaten ist Deutsch die Landessprache: in der BRD, in der Schweiz, in sterreich, in Luxemburg und in Liechtenstein.
P11: Deutschlands Staatsfarben sind Schwarz-rot-gold.
P12: Deutschland ist ein demokratischer Rechtsstaat, ein Sozialstaat und ein Bundesstaat.
P13: Das Haupt der BRD ist der Bundesprasident.
P14: Der Chef der Bundesregierung ist der Bundeskanzler.


IV. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. (Работа в группах.)
Задача. Активизировать деятельность учащихся через работу в группах.
GT: Ihr habt jetzt die Information uber Deutschland wiederholt. Es war ganz gut! Es ist toll, dass ihr eure Kenntnisse uber 2 Lander aufgefrischt habt. Ausserdem, habt ihr das auf Deutsch und English (also 2 Sprachen) gemacht.
ET: Speaking about the UK we must pay attention to the political system of Great Britain. And I’d like you to have a talk about constitutional monarchy in the UK. The task won’t be so easy because your dialogues are different and full of difficult word-combinations. But, nevertheless, I’m sure that if you listen to your partner very attentively you will be a success. We are eager to listen to your dialogues.
Слайд 7.
You will get a card. Read the situation and try to prepare the dialogue. After your conversation one of you will try to give some information about things mentioned in your speech in German. One of you will speak German. And also, you will get a test which you will do in a group. Try to be ready with it. Is it clear? So, make your own groups and review your dialogues.
A Dialogue – Interview
1) Whether we like it or not but politics is a part of our lives. It is everywhere: in newspapers, on the radio and on TV. The idea of democracy plays a great role in politics. What do you think of it? Who rules the country in fact?
a) As far as I’m concerned The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.
1) What is your opinion of it?
b) In my view the head of the state is a king or a queen. A constitutional monarch is one who can rule only with the support of Parliament.
2) Do you like the way how the United Kingdom is governed?
a) Frankly speaking, nowadays, while the monarch is formally the head of the state, in practice the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule.
2) Do you really think so?
b) I am sure about it. The UK is governed by the Government – a body of Ministers who are the leading members of the political party in power and who are responsible to Parliament.
What do you think about the role of the Queen? Are her powers absolute?
a) If I am not mistaken, the age of absolute monarchy ended long ago. Still a housand years ago the Anglo – Saxon kings had to consult the Great Council before taking important decisions.
3) What would you say to it?
b) That’s true. In 1215 the nobles forced King John to accept Magna Carta which took away some of the king’s powers.
а) Quit so. And I can say that since then the British Parliament has been the main law – making body.
3) What’s the relationship between the Queen and Parliament in Britain?
Who does the real power in the UK belong to?
a) Honestly, the monarch reigns with the support of Parliament. The country is governed in the Queen’s name by the Government, but the monarch takes no part in the decision – making progress. I think the real power in the UK belongs to Parliament.
4) What’s your opinion of it?
b) Well, in my opinion every Act of Parliament is like a law. The Bill of Rights was the first legal step t important document became the first legal step towards constitutional monarchy in Britain?
a) I suptowards constitutional monarchy .Since 1689 the power of Parliament has grown, while the power of the monarch has become weaker.
5) Whapose the British Constitution has grown up slowly as the result of countless Acts of Parliament. The British Constitution is an unwritten constitution. It is not contained in a single legal document.
5) What would you say to it?
b) I quite agree here. The Bill of Rights was the first legal step towards constitutional monarchy. This Bill prevented the monarch from making laws or having an army without Parliament’s approval.
A Dialogue – Discussion
1) Whether you like it or not but politics is a part of our lives. It is everywhere: in newspaper, on the radio and on TV. The idea of democracy plays a great role in politics. Who rules the country in fact? The monarch or Parliament?
a) I would say that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional onarchy and a parliamentary democracy.
b) I fully agree with you. The head of the state is a king or a queen. A constitutional monarch is one who can rule only with the support of Parliament.
2) Do you like the way how the United Kingdom is governed?
a) If I am not mistaken nowadays, while the monarch is formally the head of the state, in practice the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule.
b) I am of the same opinion. I am going to say that the UK is governed by the Government – a body of Ministers who are the leading members of the political party in power and who are responsible to Parliament.
3) What do you think about the role of the Queen?  Are her powers absolute?
a) I am sure that the age of absolute monarchy ended long ago. Still a thousand years ago the Anglo – Saxon kings had to consult the Great Council before taking important decisions.
b) I quite agree here. In 1215 the nobles forced King John to accept Magna Carta which took away some of the king’s power.
c) I am with you there. In 1264 the first Parliament of nobles met together. Since then the British Parliament has been the main law – making body.
4) What is the relationship between the Queen and Parliament in Britain? What do you think about the British Parliament?
a) Let me see. Well, I must say that the monarch reigns with the support of Parliament. The Country is governed in the Queen’s name by the government, but the monarch does not take any part in the decision – making progress.
b) As far as I know every Act of Parliament is like a law. Since 1689 the power of Parliament has grown, while the power of the monarch has become weaker.
5) Do you happen to know what important document became the first legal step towards constitutional monarchy in Britain?
a) As far as I know the British Constitution has grown up slowly as the result of countless Acts of Parliament. The British Constitution is an unwritten constitution. It is not contained in a single legal document.
b) How right you are. The Bill of Rights was the first legal step towards constitutional monarchy. This Bill prevented the monarch from making laws or having an army without Parliament’s approval.
A Dialogue – Definition
1) The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy with the Constitutional monarch as head of state and an important symbol of national unity. As far as I remember the country is governed in the Queen’s name by the Government.
2) I am not sure in fact that the head of the state is a king or a queen.
3) Do you happen to know that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy?
4) Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you are speaking about.
5) Well, let me explain. You see, the head of the state is a king or a queen.
A constitutional monarch is one who can rule only with the support of Parliament.
But the point is that nowadays, while the monarch is formally the head of the state, in practice the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule.
6) I don’t follow what you are saying about the way how the United Kingdom is governed.
7) As far as I am aware the UK is governed by the Government – a body of Ministers who are the leading members of the political party in power and who are responsible to Parliament.
8) I think your opinion is absolutely nonsense because the real power in the UK belongs to the onarch.
9) Do you really think so? You are mistaken. As far as I am concerned the age of absolute monarchy ended long ago. Still a thousand years ago the Anglo – Saxon kings had to consult the Great Council before taking important decisions.
10) I absolutely agree with you. I can add that. In 1215 the nobles forced King John to accept Magna Carta which took away some of the king’s power. Since then the British Parliament has been the main law – making body.
11) I should be interested to know what important document became the first legal step towards constitutional monarchy in Britain. Have you got any idea about it?
12) You must be joking. Certainly, I know about it. The British Constitution has grown up slowly as the result of countless Acts of Parliament. The British Constitution is an unwritten constitution. It is not contained in a single legal document.
13) That’s true. The Bill of Rights was the first legal step towards constitutional monarchy. This Bill prevented the monarch from making laws or having an army without Parliament’s approval.
GT: Macht, bitte, die Schlussfolgerung auf Deutsch! Was habt ihr uber das politische System aus dem Dialog erfahren ?
P1: Ich habe erfahren, das Grossbritanien eine konstitutionelle Monarchie ist. Das Staatsoberhaupt ist Konig oder Konigin. Aber die Konigin kann nur unter der Unterstutzung des Parlamentes regieren. Ich weiss jetzt, dass die Regierung aus den Ministern besteht. Was Deutschland angeht, so will ich sagen, dass das Haupt der BDR der Bundesprasident ist. Und der Chef der Bundesregierung ist Bundeskanzler. Der Bundeskanzler wird vom Parlament auf Vorschlag des Bundesprasideten gewahlt.
P2: Ich habe verstanden, dass sowohl Grossbritanien als auch Deutschland ein demokratischer Rechtsstaat ist. Aber doch ist Grossbritanien eine konstitutionelle Monarchie. Die Konigin regiert, aber nur unter der Unterstutzung des Parlamentes. Ich denke, die reale Macht gehort zum Parlament. Der Parlament schafft die Gesetze, und die Regierung fuhrt sie aus. Und ich will euch an Deutschland erinnern. Das Haupt der BDR ist der Bundesprasident. Der Chef der Bundesregierung ist Bundeskanzler. Aber jedes Bundesland hat seine eigene Regierung und seine eigene Hauptstadt.
P3: Ich weiss jetzt, dass Grossbritanien eine konstitutionelle Monarchie ist. Die Konigin regiert, aber nur unter der Unterstutzung des Parlamentes. Meiner Meinung nach, gehort die reale Macht zum Parlament. Der Parlament schafft die Gesetze, und die Regierung fuhrt sie aus. Was Deutschland angeht, so ist es eine Bundesrepublik, das heisst: eine Foderative Republik. Die BRD besteht aus 16 Bundeslandern. Jedes Bundesland hat seine eigene Regierung und seine eigene Haupstadt. Aber das Haupt der BRD ist der Bundesprasident. Der Chef der Bundesregierung ist Bundeskanzler.
GT: Wir haben, also, politisches System zweier Lander besprochen. Und wieder habt ihr 2 Sprachen erfolgreich genutzt. Es ist euch gelungen, eure Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Politik zu zeigen.
ET: We have spoken about two political systems in the UK and Germany. You were like polyglots. It’s great that you have practiced two languages speaking about two countries. So, we are satisfied with you. But I think that you are tired. It’s time to relax.
(Ученики выходят в центр комнаты и под гитару исполняют песню на английском языке.)
I am a purple Thistle,
I’ll soon be thistle – down.
Let me join your singing,
I’ll never make you frown.
Come, join us our singing!
We’re glad to have you here.
You are so sweet and charming
That we want to have you near.


VI. Активизация монологических навыков учащихся на основе текстовой работы.
Задача. Формирование навыков монологической речи через текстовую работу, которая учитывает индивидуальные способности и возможности учащихся.
ET: Do you happen to know when the state visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Russia took place? (Идет краткая беседа с учащимися: кто-то знает о визите, кто-то нет.)
Слайд 8.
In a minute you will read a text in your books. The title of the text is “Buckingham Palace”. Will you guess about what it is having only the title of the text? (Идетоживленнаябеседасучащимися.)
Read the text and try to catch the main idea of it.
GT: Habt ihr den Text gelesen? Habt ihr alles verstanden? Gut, dann machen wir uns an die Arbeit!
Beantwortet meine Fragen auf Englisch!
1) Wozu kamen die Botschafter und Kaufleute der Konigin  Elisavete der Ersten nach Russland vor 400 Jahren?
P1: As far as I understood, the ambassadors and merchant- venturers of Queen Elizabeth I
came to Russia to explore new possibilities of trade cooperation and exchange.
2) Woran denkt die Konigin vor dem Besuch Russlands?
P2: To my mind Queen Elizabeth II looked forward to getting to know more about Russia and its young generation.
3) Warum wollen die Konigin und ihr Mann die besten Vertreter der jungen Generation kennenlernen?
P3: As far as I am concerned, the Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II considered the young generation to be the fulfillment of their hopes  for the future.
4) Welche Hoffnungen und Wunsche sind im Brief ausgedruckt?
P4: In my opinion , the Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II believed that such countries as Russia and the UK could have a future worthy of their past and they would be able to build it together.
GT: Die nachste Aufgabe ist, von einigen Momenten aus dem Text in 2-3 Satzen zu berichten. Sprecht Englisch!
1) Erzahlt uber Grunde des Besuches Russlands von Botschaftern und Kaufleuten Elisavete der Ersten.
2) Erklart die Situation in Europa zur Zeit!
3) Erzahlt uber Wunsche und Hoffungen Elisavete der 2, die im Brief ausgedruckt sind.
GT: Also, ich sehe, dass ihr den Text ganz gut verstanden habt. Ihr habt meine Aufgaben geschafft. Danke. Ich bin zufrieden.
ET: I’d like you to express the main idea of this text in English and in German. Boys will think of it in English and as for the girls, they will think of it in German. So, English is for the boys and German is for the girls.


VII. Подведение итогов.
Задача. Подвести итог усвоения материала для дальнейшего усовершенствования ЗУН и осуществления перехода к другой теме.
Слайд 9.
ET: Today at the lesson we have spoken about two great countries of the world. Of course, we have mentioned only some facts. As a matter of fact, it’s impossible to have a talk about every point at one lesson. But, nevertheless, I dare to hope that you are satisfied with your work. You were a success because your knowledge of English is perfect. I’d like you to express the idea about what sights of British and German life you would like to get acquainted with and how you can get to know Britain and German better. Prepare it as a report in two languages – German and English. I’d like you to leave our lesson in a high spirit. Let’s continue learning the song in German.
Hier lernst du die Sprache,
Hier kennst du dich aus.
Hier lebst du,
Hier bist du zu Haus.

Hier tanzt dir im Herbstwind
Das buntfarbige Laub.
Hier zaubert der Winter
Dir Schnee auf den Staub.

Hier ruft dich im Fr?hling
Die Lerche hinaus.
Hier lebst du,
Hier bist du zu Haus.

Hier wolbt sich dein Himmel,
Hier rauscht dir dein Meer.
Hier lernst du zu fragen
Wohin und woher.

Hier sind deine Freunde
Tagein und tagaus.
Hier lebst du,
Hier bist du zu Haus.

A Dialogue – Interview
Imagine that you are a journalist from “Daily Life”. You are interested in politics. As a matter of fact, it is the main point of your newspaper. You must ask as many questions as you can.
A Dialogue – Discussion
You are a group of students preparing a report. Discuss different points of the political system in Great Britain.
A Dialogue – Definition
Imagine the situation that one of you would like to prepare the information about the UK for the newspaper, but he is not sure in his knowledge about the political system of the country. His friends are helping him to do it.
The United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland and Germany
Choose the correct answer from the variants listed below.
1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
a) Great Britain
b) England
c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
a) four
b) three
c) two
3. What is the capital of Scotland?
a) Manchester
b) Edinburgh
c) Cardiff
4. What is the capital of Wales?
a) Edinburgh
b) Cardiff
c) Liverpool
5.What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
a) Cardiff
b) Dublin
c) Belfast
6. What is the state system of the United Kingdom?
a) a constitutional monarchy
b) a parliamentary republic
c) a limited monarchy
7. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom?
a) a bald eagle
b) Britannia
c) a rose
8. What is the name of the British national flag?
a) the Union Jack
b) the Saint Andrew’s Cross
c) the Saint David’s Cross
9. What is the emblem of England?
a) a shamrock
b) a red rose
c) a leek
10. What is the emblem of Scotland?
a) a daffodil
b) a dragon
c) a thistle
11. What are the emblems of Wales?
a) a shamrock , a clover and a red hand
b) a rose and the Saint George’s cross
c) a dragon, a daffodil, a leek, a dove
12. What is the emblem of Northern Ireland?
a) a shamrock
b) a red rose
c) a thistle
13. What country is called a land of castles and princes?
a) England
b) Northern Ireland
c) Wales
14. Das Wahrzeichen Berlins ist …
a) die Nikolaikirche
b) der Alexanderplatz
c) das Brandenburger Tor
d) der Treptowpark
15. Das grosste Bundesland Deutschlands ist …
a) Thuringen
b) Bayern
c) Sachsen
d) Hessen
16. Die BRD besteht aus … Bundeslandern
a) 17
b) 19
c) 16
d) 10
17. Die Staatsfarben Deutschlands sind …
a) rot – blau – weiss
b) weiss – grun – blau
c) schwarz – rot – gold
d) gold – schwarz – rot


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