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Донская Г. А. Урок английского языка по теме ”Being happy in the country and in the city”

Донская Г. А.
Место работы: 
Учитель английского языка, МОУ Спас - Суходревская общеобразовательная средняя школа

Урок английского языка в 4 классе по теме ”Being happy in the country and in the city”




Theme: ”Being happy in the country and in the city”.

Aim: generalize knowledge according to the theme.

Tasks: develop listening and speaking skills and to encourage pupils to love our native region.

Visual aids and materials: a presentation, pictures, a tape-recorder, index cards with crosswords and chain words for the pupils, a ball.


Ход урока:

  1. Приветствие: Good morning, children! I’m very glad to see you. Let’s listen to the tape – recorder and sing a song.

Hello! Hello!
And how are you today?
Hello! Hello!
I’m feeling fine today.
Come out! Come out!
Come out with me to play.
All right! All right!
I’ll be there right away.

  1. Орг. беседа. (работа по картинкам по теме «Seasons»)

- Is it summer? Yes, it is.
- Do you like summer? Yes, I do.
- Why do you like summer? I like summer, because it is sunny, nice and warm.
- What can you do in summer? I can run, swim, play football and so on.

  1. Is it winter now? Yes, it is.
  2. Do you like winter? Yes, I do.
  3. And why do you like winter? I like winter, because it is snowy, cold and frosty.
  4. What can you do in winter? I can play snowballs, hockey, skate and ski.


  1. Let’s play a game “a Boaster”.

    1 team:   I will swim in winter.
2 team:  No, you will not swim in winter.
2 team:  I will play hockey in summer.
1 team:  No, you will not play hockey in summer.

     4.  A presentation. (слайд №1, 2)
Чтение и повторение за учителем скороговорки, нахождение соответствия между словами и соответствующими звуками.

  1. Teacher: As you know there are many big cities and villages in our country. On the one hand there are more places to visit in the cities, on the other hand they are dirtier than villages and there are fields, rivers, forests in the villages.

 (Повторение и декламация стихотворения наизусть: упр. 4, стр. 22 (“Enjoy English” part 2, М. З. Биболетова) («Country and city».)

  1. Проверка домашнего задания, приготовленного в виде стихотворения в конструктивистской форме по теме: «A farmer and a businessman» .

  Model: A farmer
Tall and big
Working hard
Like an ant.

  1. Зарядка:

  Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind, if you please,
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
Raise your hands into the air,
To the sides, on your hair,
Raise them up as before,
While clapping – “One, two, three, four!”

8. A presentation. (слайд № 3, 4)

9. Teacher: The people live in the city and in the country. The animals live in the city and in the country too. Are the animals happier in the country or in the city? Of course, they are happier in the country. We know a song “Old McDonald had a farm”. (исполнение песни)
Old McDonald had a farm
And on that farm he had some cows
With a moo, moo here
And a moo, moo there
Here moo, there moo,
Everywhere moo, moo.
Old McDonald had a farm
(cats – meow, meow; ducks – quack, quack).

10. Teacher’s questions:
- Do you live in the city? No, I live in the country, in the village.
- Do you have pets at home? Yes, I do.
- Name them.
- I have a dog, a cat, hens, pigs, a cow and fish.


11. I have some riddles, let’s guess them:
I’m big and I’m strong,
And my trunk is very long. (an elephant).
I’m not sad, I’m always funny.
Best of all I like some honey. (a bear)
I have a bushy tail, sometimes I’m grey and sometimes
I’m red, I like nuts. What am I? (a squirrel)
This animal can go without food and water for a long time.
What is it? (a camel)
This animal is small, it lives in woods and runs very fast.
It is afraid of everything. What animal is it? (a hare)

12. Crosswords and chain words (решение кроссвордов)
Model 1: zebraduckhenbatdogpigfox (выделить слова)
Model 2: Duck, hen, zebra, fox, pig, bat, dog. (найти эти слова)


























Model 3: 2 группы карточек – соотнести животных с местом их обитания.
1 гр.: Pig, bear, frog, mouse, lion, sheep, cat.
2 гр.: House, shed, hole, sty, wood, pond, forest.

13. Повторение слов стр. 39 упр. 2 (“Enjoy English” part 2, 
М. З. Биболетова), опрос учащихся с использованием мяча.

14. A creative work. “A house of my dream”. (звучит классическая мелодия, и учащиеся должны наклеить картинки на лист А3 за время звучания этой мелодии)

15. Teacher’s words: At the end of the lesson I want to say “Tastes differ”. The people and the animals live in the country and in the city. They are happy to live there.


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