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Акулова Л.И. Урок-соревнование в форме КВН в младших классах (внеклассное мероприятие)

Акулова Лидия Ивановна
Место работы: 
педагог дополнительного образования муниципального бюджетного образовательного учреждения дополнительного образования детей Центр интеллектуального развития Ювента г. Ноябрьска ЯНАО

Урок-соревнование в форме КВН в младших классах (внеклассное мероприятие)


Цели мероприятия:
-    развивающая:  развивать у учащихся память, внимание, способность сосредотачиваться и находить правильное решение; повысить интерес и мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка;
-    воспитательная: воспитывать учащихся в духе взаимопомощи, учить их общаться в коллективе, сообща решая поставленные задачи;
-    обучающая:  совершенствовать умения учащихся общаться на английском языке в новой речевой ситуации.

Практические задачи:
1) показать учащимся их новые возможности в сфере  владения английским языком;
2) дать учащимся возможность общения на английском языке в неформальной обстановке и применения на практике полученных знаний.
Действующие лица и команды:
Команды -2: Team 1; Team 2.
Ведущие- 2. В1; В2.

Ход мероприятия:
(Выходят ведущие, звеня колокольчиком.)

В We are glad to see you. We hope you'll enjoy our English party, which is devoted to great explorers and their explorations.
В2   Here we come
Jumping over the melting snow,
Shaking our bells with a merry din
So open your doors and let us in!
В1   Presents we bring for each and all
Big folks, little folks, short and tall;
Each one of you a treasure may win
So open your doors and let us in!
В2   Some shall have silver and some shall have gold.
Some shall have new clothes and some shall have old.
Some shall have brass and some shall have tin
So open your doors and let us in!
В Some shall have water and some shall have milk
        Some shall have satin and some shall have silk!
But each of you a present may win
So open your doors and let us in!
Both:  Welcome to our party, dear children and grown ups.  Let’s sing our favourite song: “Come to the party”
В2   Let me introduce our judges.. They are: ...,  English teachers …. Let's greet them.
Вl    Take your seats, dear judges! Please be fair...
В2   But not too strict!

Звучитмузыка. (What do you like to do at the parties?) P-s: We like to sing songs.
Let’s sing the song “Come to the party” Словапеснивприложении.

В1   The first contest will be a greeting contest.
В2   Our teams must introduce themselves and greet each other.

В1   To choose the beginner we should cast lots. I want the captains to come up to me.
Now draw lots. (Капитаны команд тянут жребий)
В2  This team is the first. (Указывает на команду, которая начинает)
I конкурс. Приветствие.
(Следует представление и приветствие команд.)

В1   (После представления первой команды, обращаясь ко второй команде.)
It's y our turn. Introduce yourselves and greet each other.
В2  (После представления второй команды.) And now let the judges review the first contest.
(Жюри оценивает конкурс.) What is the score, dear judges?
(Жюри называет победителя конкурса.)

II конкурс. Разминка-The warming -up.
В1  The next contest is limbering-up
В Our teams will ask and answer each other's questions. This time the other team is beginning.
В1  And now let the judges review and sum up the second contest...
The score is...  ... is winning.

Ill конкурс. Пословицы.
В This contest is: “Sayings and Proverbs contest” We tell you the beginning of a proverb or a saying and you are to complete it. If you don't complete it, the other team may help and win more points. Be attentive please!
В1  Lost time is never...
В Never fry a fish...
В1  An apple a day...
В If you cannot have the best, make the best...
В1  A liar is not believed...
В Never put off till tomorrow...
В1  What is done...
В A tree is known...
В1  Nothing is impossible...
В Where there's a will, ...
В1  And now let the judges review and sum up the third contest... (Жюриоценивает конкурс.)
The score is…       ... is winning- up.
IV Конкурс.  Математический. Участники решают математические задания.
В Do you like to count? The next contest is a Math contest.
В1  The teams will do sums in oral.
В How much will you get if you divide sixty by five (60:5=20) ?
В How much will you get if you add seventy-three to sixty-eight (73+68=141)?
В How much will you get if you subtract fourteen from ninety (90-14=76)?
В1  How much will you get if you multiply one hundred by ten (100*10=1000)?
В How much will you get if you multiply five by five (5*5=546)?
В1 How much will you get if you subtract seven from thirty-three (33-7=26)?
В2 How much will you get if you add fifty-four to forty-seven (54+47=101)?
В1  How much will you get if you divide thirty by six (30:6=5)?
В How much will you get if you multiply six by eight (6*8=48)?
В1  How much will you get if you multiply seven by nine (7*9=63)?
В And now let the judges review and sum up the fourth contest. ..(Жюриоценивает конкурс.)
The  score is...             ... is winning.

V конкурс. На знание прилагательных.
В1  You can count wonderfully! We hope you know adjectives as well. Name an adjective at each step.
В If you don't name an adjective, the other team may help and win more points.
В1  And now let the judges review and sum up the fifth contest.
The Judges: The score is...
The team (название команды)... is winning.
VI конкурс. Аудирование. Прослушайте текст о великих мореплавателей.
В Let's check whether you know the names of great explorers.
В1  Listen to the texts and guess who they are about.
(Преподаватель читает вслух тексты, команды заполняют контрольные таблицы.)
В And now let the judges review the sixth contest. (Жюриоцениваетконкурс.)
What is the score, dear judges? (Жюри называет победителя конкурса.)
VII конкурс. Капитанов.
1) Угадайте загадки. (2-3 загадкикаждому)
 В1   It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky.                               (snow)
 В2  Fat and gay on a winter day,
He came here with us to stay.
But day-by-day he grew sad and thin,
And so we brought his younger brother in.     (a calendar)

2) Капитаны дают участникам команды. (Standstrait, jump, run, sing, dance) Участники выполняют команды.)

В1  And now the captains start to give commands.
В2  Good for you! And now let the judges review the seventh contest. (Жюри оцениваетконкурс) What are the scores, dear judges? (Жюри называет победителя конкурса.)
VIII конкурс. Домашнее задание.
(Команды показывают номера художественной самодеятельности.
Жюри оценивает конкурс.)

В1  Well done! And now let the judges review and sum up this contest...
IX. Подведение итогов.
В2  It was the last contest. I ask the judges to sum it up and name the winner.
В1 While the judges are counting the points, we shall play the game:
Пока жюри подводит итого ведущие проводят игру «Саймон сказал» "Simon says" with the  audience.  (Проводится игра “Simonsays”.)
(Жюри подводит итоги.)
Dear judges! We are eager to know the winner's name. Tell us what team has won. (Жюриподводититогивсегосоревнования)
В We congratulate the winners, but we want to mention that both teams were good at
English and pleased the audience with their wit and knowledge.
В1  We want to thank all who prepared and took part in our party. (Оба, хором) We wish you...
В2  New things to learn!
В New friends to meet!
 В2  New books to read!
 В1  New things to hear!
(Оба, хором)But please don't fear! Good-bye, everybody!

В2 I see you are very good at guessing riddles. And now we have a special task for the captains.
       Come up to me, dear captains, please. Take those maps of treasure islands.
       You must explain your team-mates what there is on the map and where the treasure is.
В Now one member from each team come up to me, please. Take those contour maps and draw    everything your captain tells you.  You may think it over. You've got 5 minutes.

(Капитаны и участники команд выполняют задание.)
(В это время ведущие задают зрителям загадки.)

В2 Dear audience! Now it's time to guess riddles.
       One face, two hands,
It goes, yet it stands.                               (a clock)

(a nut)

(a cow)

В The outside is a shell
       The inside is meat,
It grows on a tree
And it is good to eat.
В2  It gives us milk
      And butter too,
It is very kind
And it likes to moo.
В Pupils and teachers

(a blackboard)

      Write on me with chalk.
I can't talk.
В2  It's blue by night,
By day it's white.

Приложение 1
Come to the party, come to the party
Come to the party come right now
Think of something you want to do
And you can do it right now.

What do you like doing at the parties? –
I like eating cakes.
You can eat cake on your own.
You can eat cake with your friend.
You can eat cake with everybody.
And you can do it right now.
- What else do you like doing at the parties?
- I like having a dance
You can have a dance on your own
You can have a dance with your friend
You can have a dance with everybody.
And you can do it right now.


Данная разработка направлена в основном на проверку материала, изученного за период обучения в начальной школе.
Материал был подготовлен по учебникам к программе М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English», но может также подойти и для контроля знаний школьников, обучающимся по другим программам.
Верещагина И.Н. Учебник для 3-го класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.


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