Зыкова Татьяна Викторовна, Широченкова Татьяна Петровна
Место работы:
учитель английского языка Зыкова Татьяна Викторовна, учитель географии Широченкова Татьяна Петровна МОУ «Гимназия № 57» г. Кургана
КОНСПЕКТ интегрированного урока географии-английского языка. Создание проекта по теме: «У карты России»
Практическая задача:
Обобщение учебного материала по теме «Географическое положение России». Контроль подготовленных монологических высказываний по теме.
Когнитивная цель урока:
Формирование познавательной активности учащихся, умения участвовать в общении с несколькими собеседниками с целью обмена информацией, публично выступать с подготовленными устными сообщениями по выбранной теме по географии, расширение лингвистического и общего кругозора.
Креативная цель урока:
Использование иностранного языка для обобщения знаний в области географии, развитие ораторских и актёрских способностей учащихся.
Ценностная цель урока:
Формирование у учащихся уважения и интереса к своей стране, её ресурсам и потенциалу, воспитание культуры общения, поддержание интереса к иностранному языку и географии, формирование потребности в практическом использовании иностранного языка в сфере учебной деятельности.
Развивающая цель:
Развитие навыков устной монологической речи и аудирования, развитие памяти и мышления, способности интегрировать сведения из области географии – умения работать с географической и контурной картой, справочной литературой.
Оздоровительная цель:
Создание положительной психологической обстановки на уроке при проведении контроля навыков устной монологической речи, повышение мотивации изучения иностранного языка.
Урок проходит в форме заседания географического клуба. Ребята подготовили письменные сообщения по географии на русском языке согласно выбранной специальности – картографа, гидролога и т.д.
- Организационный момент.
Учитель географии: Здравствуйте, ребята. Сегодня у нас очередное заседание географического клуба. Мы работаем с картой России, выслушаем и обсудим доклады специалистов, ответим на вопрос – Действительно ли Россия – великая страна.
- Появление Шерлока Холмса. Стук в дверь.
Sherlock Holmes – Excuse me. Is this a meeting of the School Geography Club? My name is Sherlock Holmes. Can you help me?
Учитель географии: Как я поняла, перед нами знаменитый сыщик Шерлок Холмс. Он говорит только по-английски. Ребята изучают английский язык. Я думаю, что нам понадобится помощь учителя английского языка.
Учитель английского языка: Извините, Татьяна Петровна, что нам приходится изменить заседание географического клуба, но вы нам нужны в качестве эксперта - проверить правильность ответов ребят с точки зрения географии. Английский язык вы тоже немного знаете.
Of course, we shall try to help you, Sherlock Holmes. What has happened?
Sherlock Holmes – Do you know my friend Doctor Watson? He is interested in my method of investigation. We have made a bet that I can find him in any part of the world. He has left England in a balloon. Now it’s time for me to find him out. But I need some additional information. Here is a letter from Dr Watson.
- Аудирование письма от доктора Ватсона.
Учитель английского языка: Now boys and girls, listen to the letter attentively. We have to help Sh. Holmes to find out Dr Watson according to the facts from the letter. There are some new words for you.
На доске:
have made a bet – заключили пари;
method of investigation – метод расследования;
unusual border-line – необычная граница;
cave – пещера
Baker Street, London, UK
February, 22.
My Dear Friend, Sherlock Holmes,
Of course, I remember, that we have made a bet. It's time to use your method of investigation.
Now I am in a large country. It lies in two parts of the world. I have flown over the ocean. I have stopped on a very unusual border-line of this country.
I am not far from a large city - a big industrial, scientific and cultural centre. The city is somewhere in the southern part of the region.
The climate of the region is moderate continental. It is usually cold in winter. But I'm lucky that the weather was fine during last two days.
So I enjoy beautiful nature. I'm going to visit a wonderful cave in the very old mountains. And I'd like to spend my spare time for my hobbies. Do you remember about my hobbies?
I hope, that You'll not find me soon, so I can have a good time.
Sincerely yours,
Doctor Watson
Учитель английского языка: Have you understood the letter?
T > CL: Is Dr Watson in a big or a small country?
In what parts of the world does this country lie?
Is he near a big city or a village?
What kind of a border-line has he stopped on?
What is the weather like in that place?
What is the climate of the region?
What sight is he going to visit?
How does he spend his free time?
- Работа с макетом карты России.
Учитель английского языка: Now we shall try to analyze the information. We’ll make the portrait of that country.
Учитель географии: The cartographers will make up the map.
Sherlock Holmes: I consider that country is Russia. As far as I know Russia lies in two parts of the world – Europe and Asia. Dr Watson has sent me these figures in his letter. It may be a code.
Работа с цифрами. Учащиеся берут по карточке с цифрами и составляют предложения с ними по цепочке P1>P2 >P3>P4…
3 |
Russia is washed by 3 oceans – the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean
Russia is washed by 12 seas.
Russia occupies 1/7 of the earth’s surface.
17 mln
Its total area is 17 mln square kms.
? 150 mln
The population of Russia is nearly 150 mln people.
> 100
There are more than 100 nationalities in our country.
Russia spreads for 4000 kms from the North to the South.
It spreads for 10000 kms from the East to the West.
2 mln
There are 2 mln rivers in Russia.
The highest peak of Russia Elbrus is 5642 metres high.
Lake Baikal is 1630 metres deep.
Russia borders on 14 countries.
Учитель географии даёт задание картографам:
Show at the map the oceans.
What countries does Russia border on?
Show us the seas of Russia.
Картографы прикрепляют на контурную карту России карточки с названиями океанов, морей и стран, граничащих с Россией. Названия морей и океанов на синих карточках, стран – на красных.
Sherlock Holmes: I’m sure Dr Watson has written about Russia.
- Лирическая пауза.
Учитель английского языка: I think Russia is a unique country. It lies both in West and East. Do you remember the poem by Rudyard Kipling?
P1 Oh, East is East. And West is West,
And never twain shall meet,
Till Earth and sky stand presently
At God’s Great Judgment Seat.
Учитель английского языка: Do you remember any English proverbs about home, country, motherland?
East or West – home is best.
Every country has its customs.
So many countries, so many customs.
There is no place like home….
- Работа с макетом карты России. Доклады гидрологов.
Sherlock Holmes: I see that your country is great. It occupies a vast territory. How can I find Dr Watson? He wrote about his hobbies. I know that he likes to rest near the water. Are there great rivers and beautiful lakes in your country?
Учитель географиидаёт задание гидрологам: Show at the map great Russian rivers and some lakes. Картографы прикрепляют на контурную карту России синие карточки с названиями рек и озёр.
Учитель английского языка: It will be interesting to learn about some Great Russian rivers and lakes. Listen to the report of P1 about Lake Baikal and answer the question: What nicknames of Lake Baikal can you name?
- Доклад ученика о Байкале на английском языке. После сообщения учащиеся отвечают на поставленный вопрос.
Lake Baikal (meaning "the rich lake") is the world's second most voluminous lake, after the Caspian Sea. It is the most voluminous freshwater lake in the world. It is located in the south of the Russian region of Siberia (between Irkutsk Oblast to the northwest and the Buryat Republic to the southeast, near the city of Irkutsk, the body of water is also known as the "Pearl of Siberia".
At 1,642 metres Lake Baikal is the deepest and the clearest lake in the world. At more than 25 million years old, Baikal is also the world's oldest lake having the typical long crescent shape with a surface area of 31,722 square kms. Baikal is home to more than 1,700 species of plants and animals, two thirds of which can be found nowhere else in the world and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. The regional temperature varies from a minimum of -19°C in winter to maximum of 14°C in summer.
Known as the "Galapagos of Russia", its age and isolation have produced some of the world's richest and most unusual freshwater fauna.
The fault zone is also seismically active; there are hot springs in the area and notable earthquakes every few years.
The lake is completely surrounded by mountains. The Baikal Mountains on the north shore and the taiga are protected as a national park. It contains 27 islands; the largest, Olkhon, is 72 kms long and is the fourth-largest lake-bound island in the world.
The lake is fed by as many as three hundred and thirty inflowing rivers. The main ones draining directly into Baikal are the Selenga River, the Barguzin River, the Upper Angara River, the Turka River, the Sarma River and the Snezhnaya River. It is drained through a single outlet, the Angara River.
- Эвристическая беседа P2
Учитель английского языка: Listen to the information about the Volga. If you agree – clap your hands, if you disagree – step your feet.
The Volga is the longest river in Europe. |
It belongs to the closed basin of the Black Sea.
(the Caspian Sea)
At its most strategic point, it bends toward the Don ("the big bend").
The Volga has many tributaries, most importantly the Kama, the Oka, the Vetluga, and the Sura rivers.
The largest estuary in Europe, it is the only place in Russia where pelicans, flamingoes, and lotuses may be found.
The Volga drains a small part of Western Russia.
(-) (the most of)
It connects Moscow to the White Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea.
There is no problem of chemical pollution.
The Volga Delta and the nearby Caspian Sea offer superb fishing grounds. Astrakhan, at the delta, is the centre of the caviar industry.
- Стихотворение о Волге. P3
Russia, Russia,
My land so beautiful and free,
Russia, Russia,
The dearest land a man can see.
When down the Volga I go boating,
And birds are flying high above,
I hear a song, and it is flowing
To those green trees, the land I love.
Now down the Volga River going
And seeing much I’ve seen before,
I hear the dear song go flowing
That I shall sing for evermore.
7.Доклады сейсмологов.
Sherlock Holmes: It’s so interesting! But I know that Dr Watson is fond of mountaineering. Have you got any mountains in Russia?
Учитель английского языка: Sure. To my mind, the pupils are tired. Shall we have a fun? You’ll find out the names of Russian mountains if you make up the crosswords.
Ученики решают кроссворды – 5 вариантов разного уровня и называют горы: the Caucasus, the Sayans, Elbrus, the Urals, the Altai mountains. Картографы прикрепляют на контурную карту России коричневые карточки с названиями гор.
Пример кроссворда:

1. Vladivostok stands on the coast of the Pacific…
2. Not very high mountain.
3.14 countries ... on Russia.
4. Russia is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the…
5. Russia is rich in mineral…
6. The line between the sea and the land |
Учитель географии: Don’t forget that there are no caves in the Sayans and the Altai mountains. So we shall speak about the Caucasus and the Urals.
- Сообщение ученика о Кавказе.
The Caucasus Mountains is a mountain system in Eurasia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in the Caucasus region.
The Caucasus Mountains are made up of two separate mountain systems: the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range and the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The mountains are rather young and active.
The highest peak in the Caucasus range is Mount Elbrus in the Greater Caucasus, which rises to a height of 5,642 meters above sea level. Mountains near Sochi will host part of the 2014 Winter Olympics.
There is no clear agreement on whether the Caucasus Mountains are a part of Europe or Asia. Thus Europe's highest mountain is either Mount Elbrus 5,642 m (18,510 ft), in the Caucasus Mountains, or Mont Blanc 4,810 m (15,781 ft), in the Alps at the Italian-French border, depending on which continent the Caucasus Mountains are assigned to.
The Caucasus Mountains are located in the middle of the Eurasian plate between Europe and Asia.
Учитель английского языка: Will you advise your friend to travel to the Caucasus? Why?
- Сообщение ученика об Уральских горах.
The Ural Mountains are a mountain range that runs roughly north-south through western Russia. They are usually considered the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.
They are also known as the Great Stone Belt in Russian history and folklore. The Urals extend 2,498 km from the Kazakh steppes along the northern border of Kazakhstan to the coast of the Arctic ocean. The Urals highest peak is Mount Narodnaya (1,895 m).
Erosion has exposed considerable mineral wealth in the Urals, including gems such as topaz and beryl. The Virgin Komi Forests in the northern Urals are recognized as a World Heritage site. Geographers have divided the Urals into five regions: South, Middle, North, Subarctic and Arctic. Sections of the south and middle regions are completely forested.
The Urals are among the world's oldest extant mountain ranges. For its age of 250 to 300 million years, the elevation of the mountains is unusually high. There are a lot of beautiful lakes in the mountains.
Учитель английского языка: Continue the sentences:
The Ural mountains are…
They separate…
The Ural mountains are rich in…
The winters are…
Sherlock Holmes: As I’ve learnt the Urals are very old and not very high. And the Caucasus are rather young and high. I don’t think that Dr Watson would go to the dangerous region. He writes that he is on a very unusual border-line. As far as I remember the Urals separate Europe and Asia. Is it true that you can enjoy beautiful lakes and picturesque mountains in the Ural region? What are big industrial, scientific and cultural centers there?
CL – Perm, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, and Chelyabinsk.
- Доклады краеведов.
Учитель английского языка: Dr Watson writes that the city is somewhere in the southern part of the region.
Учитель географии: So we shall speak about Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. P1 won’t name the city. Guess yourselves.
- Сообщение ученика о Екатеринбурге;
It is a major city in the central part of Russia. Situated on the eastern side of the Ural mountain range on the Iset river, it is the main industrial and cultural center of the Urals Federal District. Its population of 1,293,537 makes it Russia's fifth largest city. The city was founded in 1723 by Vasily Tatischev and named after Saint Catherine.
In the 1930s, it became a large industrial center of Russia. It was the time when the famous Uralmash was built, becoming the biggest heavy machinery factory in Europe.During World War II, many factories were relocated here away from the war-affected areas. The main areas of the region's industry are machinery, metal processing, and ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.
It is a big transport centre. It is an important railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, planes fly to Koltsovo International Airport.
The city is famous for its theaters: the Academic Ballet and Opera Company, the Academic Theater of Musical Comedy, the Academic Dramatic Theater, and many others.
A number of popular Russian rock bands, such as Urfin Dzhyus, Chayf, Chicherina, Nautilus Pompilius, Nastya, Trek, Agata Kristi and Smyslovye Gallyutsinatsii, were originally formed in this city.
- Сообщение ученика о Челябинске. Would you like to visit this city? Why?
Chelyabinsk is a big industrial, scientific, transport and cultural centre in the Ural region. It is situated in the South-East of the Ural Range on the bank of the Miass River. The total area of the city is 520 square kms. Its population is about 1mln 200 thousand people. The climate is moderate continental. The winters are usually rather cold. The winter lasts for about 5 months — from November until the middle of April — and the temperature may fall to minus 45 degrees Celsius, though rarely lower than minus 20 to minus 25 degrees Celsius. The summer in the Urals is short and lasts an average of 65–70 days with an average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius.The nature is wonderful in Chelyabinsk region. We can enjoy beautiful forests, picturesque lakes and wonderful hills.
Tractors, watches, radio sets and other things are produced in Chelyabinsk.
There are many sights in the city: the Opera and Ballet Theatre, monuments to Lenin, Zwilling, the Sport Palace, Concert Hall and others. The railway station is one of the most beautiful and comfortable in the country.
Chelyabinsk is a wonderful city. You’d be nuts to miss a chance to see it!
9. Доклад метеоролога за последние два дня в уральском регионе.
Sherlock Holmes: Dr Watson writes that he is in the city. The weather was fine during last two days. Can the meteorologist help us?
Due to the city's location "behind" the mountain range and to differing winds, the weather is quite changeable from day to day and from year to year.
10. Подведение итогов. Вывод – где же надо искать Ватсона.
Sherlock Holmes: Now I’m quite sure that Dr Watson is somewhere in Chelyabinsk region.
Учитель английского языка: Sherlock Holmes, what will you say to Dr Watson, if he asks you how you have found him?
Sherlock Holmes: It’s elementary, Watson.
Учитель английского языка: And what will you do if you don’t find him?
Sherlock Holmes: Oh, I’ll sing a song “Don’t worry, be happy!”
11. Песенка “Don’t worry, be happy!”
- Here`s a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note-for-note. Don`t worry, be happy
- In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry, you make it double Don`t worry, be happy
- Ain`t got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed. Don`t worry, be happy
- The landlord say your rent is late
He may have to litigatem Don`t worry, (ha-ha ha-ha ha-ha) be happy (look at me, I`m happy)
(Here, I`ll give you my phone number.
When you`re worried, call me. I`ll make you happy.)
- Ain`t got no cash, ain`t got no style
Ain`t got no gal to make you smile But don`t worry, be happy
- `Cause when you`re worried, your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down, So don`t worry, be happy
- Now there, is this song I wrote
I hope you learned it note-for-note, like good little children
Don`t worry, be happy
- A-listen to a-what I say
In your life, expect some trouble
When you worry you make it double Don`t worry, be happy, be happy
- Put a smile on your face
Don`t bring everybody down like this
It will soon pass, whatever it is. Don`t worry, be happy
I`m not worried I`m happy
12. Подведение итогов урока. Комментирование оценок учителями.