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Хабибуллина К.А. «YOUTH PROBLEMS. The relation ship between teenagers and their parents»

Хабибуллина Клара Анваровна
Место работы: 
учитель английского языка, МОУ «СОШ №7» г. Ноябрьск ЯНАО Тюменская область.

«YOUTH PROBLEMS. The relation ship between teenagers and their parents»
Разработка урока английского языка, 9 класс


Урок проводится в 9 классе при изучении темы “YOUTH PROBLEMS” с использованием ИКТ (презентация).



  • развивать и поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка через использование современных технологий (компьютер);
  • совершенствовать навыки восприятия английской речи на слух с магнитофонной записи;
  • совершенствовать самостоятельность учащихся в решении задач в диалогическом и монологическом общении;
  • совершенствовать речевой этикет;
  • совершенствовать умения проигрывания ситуаций.


  • развивать чувство взаимопомощи, товарищества;
  • развивать умения преодолевать трудности, решать возникшие проблемы.


  • развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи по теме;
  • совершенствовать навыки восприятия на слух английской речи;
  • ввести и активизировать в речи структуру “I wish she had no problems”.

Оснащение: магнитофонная запись диалогов, компьютер, карточки с ситуациями.

Ход урока.

I. Оргмомент. (Введение в языковую атмосферу, стихотворение под музыку.)

  • Why is nothing ever easy?
  • Why are some boys so very sleazy?
  • Why can’t I have that brand new dress?
  • Why am I under so much stress?
  • Why don’t my parents ever believe me?
  • Why can’t they ever see…?
  • Why do I feel so often unhappy?
  • There’s a reason for all these problems and tears
  • I’m going through…

T: Have you guessed about which period of time in a person’s life it is spoken about?
P1: About adolescence.
T: What is adolescence?
P2: In my opinion it is the time in a person’s life when he or she develops into an adult.
T: What problems of teenagers are mentioned in the poem?
P3: Relationship between teenagers and their parents.
T: As you see the topic of our lesson is “Relationship between parents and their children”. At the lesson you’ll share your problems with your classmates, find out what your parents and your classmates complain about, discuss situations, listen to the dialogues, learn a new structure “I wish I had no problems”and have some practice in using it.

II. Речевая зарядка.
T: They say that the most beautiful period of time is when we are teenagers. Am I right?
P4: I can’t agree with you. Teenagers face a lot of problems.
T: What are they?
P5: Drug addiction.
P6: Alcohol addiction.
P7: Smoke addiction.
P8: The problem of getting a good education.
T: I fully agree with you. Look at the screen and you’ll see the problems the teenagers face. (Слайд1.)
T: Which of them are the most urgent?
P9: Drug addiction.
P10: The relationship between parents and their children, teachers and students.
T: I am of the same opinion. Why do you think I agree with?
P1: It seems to me that misunderstanding between teenagers and adults can lead to global problems such as leaving home, drug addiction and even committing suicide.
T: If we want to solve our problems we should know what our parents and classmates complain about.

III. Аудирование диалогов.
T: Before listening to the dialogues I’d like to explain you some unknown words. (Слайд №2.)
Dialogue 1.

  • That’s really unfair I’m not allowed to go out after 9 p.m.
  • A lot of my friends don’t have any curfew at all.
  • I’m sure I can understand how you feel. But you know it’s
  • Too late and dangerous to go after 9 o’clock. And I am afraid when you go so late.

Dialogue 2.

  • I’m fed up with the way my Mom always grumbles about what I wear and what I do. Actually, I can’t wait till I live alone.
  • Oh, come on! It isn’t that bad. At least you don’t need to think about what to eat and where to live

Dialogue 3.

  • I’m sorry to say this, but I have problems with my son. He really never listens to me and wears those terrible clothes.

T: What do people complain about?
P2: The teenager complains that he is not allowed to go out after 9 p.m. In my opinion his mother is right because it is dangerous to go out after 9 p.m.
P3: The teenager complains that his mother doesn’t like what he wears, what he does, she always grumbles. I think she is not right. When somebody grumbles it irritates everybody. She should respect the others’ lifestyle .Parents and children should be tolerant to each other.
P4: Mother complains that her son doesn’t listen to her. In my opinion sometimes teenagers wear terrible clothes and they do not know to be dressed to school, to a party. Sometimes it is necessary to follow your parents’ advice.

IV. Interview.
T: You are absolutely right. But what are your and your parents’ complaints? I’d like you to work in groups. You are parents and you are teenagers. Interview and find out what parents and their children complain about.
P5: We have interviewed the other group and found parents complain that their children are rude, never say where they are going or when they are coming, watch TV and play computer games too much.
P6: We have interviewed some teenagers and found out they complain that their parents don’t let them play loud music, criticize  their friends, don’t understand their lifestyles….

V .Relaxation.
Music is sounding, the students are drawing their problems in colours.

VI. Explanation of the new structure“. I wish I had no problems”.
Before passing a resolution we’ll learn how to express our wishes in English. Look at the screen! (Слайд 3.)
T: Can you guess the rule of formation this structure? Look at the screen! So this structure helps us to express our wishes which refer to present or future. We can translate it as... ”Как жаль…” Мне бы хотелось…” (Слайд 4.)

VII.Тренировка грамматического материала.
Imagine you have found an old jug and a jinnee comes out of the jug. He is ready to fulfil your wishes. Stand on the path of dreams and tell him about your wishes and your dreams will come true. (Работа с компьютером, программа тест. см. Приложение.)

  • You are lazy.
  • Your mother grumbles.
  • Your teacher shouts at you.
  • You can’t paint your hair red.
  • You are allowed to go out till 9 p.m.
  • Your friends tease you.
  • Your parents don’t like your friend.
  • Your friends don’t understand you.
  • Your friend smokes (all these sentences are on the screen).

VIII. Работа с учебником.
Выполнение упражнения 11 на стр. 48.

IX. Discuss the situations using “I wish…”
Situation 1: You’d like to go to the party. You are to be back by 11 p.m. But you’d like to stay out till midnight.
Situation 2: You are discussing the party over the telephone. But your father is waiting for a phone call from his college. He asks you to hang up. But you don’t hear.
Situation 3: Your friend has quarreled with his parents and he is going to leave home. Try to convince him not to do that.
Situation 4: Your mother doesn’t like your friend and tries to explain why she doesn’t you to bring home.
Situation 5: It is too late. You are watching TV. Your parents are angry with you.
T: Have you recognized yourselves? What should you do to make your relations closer?
P1: Teenagers should be treated as individuals.
P2: Parents must be tolerant to others’ mistakes.
T: Who can make a conclusion?

X. Подведение итогов.
XI. Домашнее задание.
XII. Презентация проекта.
T: All the obstacles will be overcome and all the gentle words will be found and this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile, your mother’s smile if you try to understand your parents, teachers, you can be young only once and some wonderful things can only happen when you are young. It is better to enjoy youth while it lasts. (Слайд 6.)


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