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Горюнова И.В. Разработка урока на тему: "Animals in our life" с использованием компьютерных технологий

Горюнова Ирина Васильевна
Место работы: 
учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ 797, ВАО, Москва


Разработка урока на тему: "Animals in our life" с использованием компьютерных технологий

Тип урока: обобщающий

Используемые технологии: игровые, коммуникативные, здоровьесберегающие.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация, Интернет-ресурсы

Задача урока:

  1. Научить учащихся общению на английском языке (аудированию, говорению, письму) по теме: «Animals in our life».Употреблять Present Perfect в данной теме.

Образовательные цели:

  1. овладеть ЛЕ и РО по теме.
  2. совершенствовать и развивать грамматические навыки в употреблении Present Perfect.
  3. расширить кругозор учащихся в отношении существовании мировых сообществ по охране и защите животных
  4. определить значимость животных в жизни человека
  5. применять знания, приобретенные на других предметах.

Развивающие цели:

  1. развивать умения выразить собственные мысли разными способами: сообщением, убеждением, описанием.
  2. развивать умения соотносить графический образ слова с его произношением
  3. развивать интеллектуальную, эмоциональную и мотивационную сферы личности учащихся.

Воспитательные цели:

  1. формировать навыки и умения интеллектуального труда: поиск и исследование необходимой информации для создания мини-проектов.
  2. воспитывать толерантное отношение к животным.
  3. воспитывать уважительное отношение и тактичность по отношению к одноклассникам в процессе работы в группах.
  4. формировать вкусы учащихся использованием аккуратно сделанных наглядных пособий, проектов, воспитывать познавательную активность учащихся.


  1. картинки с изображением животных
  2. карточки с транскрипционными знаками
  3. таблица с грамматической структурой Present Perfect
  4. карточки с лексическими единицами


Ход урока

I. Organization moment.
brevard-zoo-logo1.jpg (250?165)

We'll speak about animals, pets, zoos and, of course, we will show that we can use Present Perfect in the sentences. We will play the game "Jungle Call".

II. Phonetic drills.
Look at the blackboard. You can see the sounds. Let's pronounce them and name the words with these sounds:

    1. [s] - hamster, pets, takes, most
    2. [z] - zoo, zoological, visit
    3. [d] - world, introduce, already, feed
    4. [t] - sight, fight, society
    5. [n] - nature, pleasant, recently
    6. [h] - hello, help, have

Teacher: You have used the words on topic "Animals". Look at the blackboard you can see a lot of pictures of animals. Let's speak about them. Now, tell me why do people think that animals are useful and helpful for people?
Pupil 1. You are absolutely right. Animals play a very important role in our life.
monkey-baby-02.jpg (506?842)Pupil 2. Animals help disabled, blind people.
Pupil 3. Animals give milk, meat, clothes to people.
Pupil 4. During the Great Patriotic War dogs helped the wounded, pigeons played the role of a postman.
Pupil 5. The pigeon is the symbol of peace.
Teacher: Scientists, simple people all over the world join the scientific zoological societies, like Greenpeace, to save animals, they fight against cruelty to animals. What is your opinion, what should people do to protect animals?
Pupil 1. I would like to make rules for people how to protect animals. The first rule is: you can be a member of the society if you love animals.
Pupil 2. You should take care of the any animal.
Pupil 3. If you have a pet at home you should look after it and feed it.
Pupil 4. You must be a real friend of the animal in any situation.
Pupil 5. You should tell other people about animals.
Pupil 6. If you want to know more about animals you should read books and watch programs about them.
Pupil 7. Don't forget that it is better for wild animals to live in the wild.
Pupil 8. People must stop killing animals. They kill animals for luxury clothes.
Teacher: I know that some of you have pets. I'd like to listen how you look after them.
(Pupils tell about them)
Teacher: We can see animals at zoos. To my mind animals don't feel comfortable in the cages.
Pupil 1. In my opinion it is bad of people to keep animals in the cages. From my point of view it is better for animals to live in the wild.
Teacher: What would you do if you were the director of the zoo?
Pupil 1. If I were the director of the zoo I would create a wild animal's park.
Pupil 2. If I were the director of the zoo I would feed animals better.
Pupil 3. If I were the director of the zoo I would repair animal's cage.
Pupil 4. If I were the director of the zoo I would close the zoo.
Teacher: I think you know zoo manners. What are they?
(Pupils name the rules of the zoo visitors)
Teacher: Have you ever been to Moscow Zoo?
(Pupils represent their projects about Moscow Zoo)
Pupil 1. In summer my friend Anya and I visited Moscow Zoo. We would like to tell about our visit.
(Pupils tell the dialogue)
Pupil 2. Last Sunday my friend and I went to the circus and enjoyed the animals. We want to tell about them.
(Pupils tell the dialogue)
Teacher: Thank you. And now it is time to our morning exercises.
(pupils do them)
Teacher: Children, I think you will be very glad to play game the "Jungle Call"

Children form two teams: "Beasts of Pray", "Beast of Grass". Each team has its captain. The winner of each contest gets a prize (representative of "Beast of Pray" - a bone, representative of "Beast of Grass" - a banana).


Tasks for the game:


1. Presentation of the team.


2. Task for the captains: to put in the necessary word into the poem:
Little mouse, little mouse                        My dear ...
Left her flat for bigger ...                         Sleep in the hat.
There are ten rooms in it.                        The hat is tall
... can the mouse sit?                               The cat is ...


3. Who knows the words more. Each participant of the team get a prize bone or a banana) for a word.


4. Give III forms of the verbs:
drink -...-...                       ... - saw - ...
... - had - ...                            ... - ... - draw
... - ... – taught                        hear - ... - ...
5. Find the mistakes in the following words:
SOCIETI                                     FAIGHT
ENJOYBLE                                ZOOLOGIKAL
ANEMAL                                    WACHT
NACHURE                                 CEIGE


6. Guess who is he/she and what he/she has said.
           (one of the pupils goes to the blackboard and stands his back towards the class)
Pupil 1. I have seen dolphins
Pupil 2. It is Sasha. He has seen dolphins.
Pupil 3. I have never been to London Zoo
Pupil 4. It is Misha. He has never been to London Zoo.


7.Arrange the following sentences:

      1. a group, a cage, already, of, students, to clean, have, finished
      2. Moscow Zoo, already been, have, to, I
      3. has, the boy, his, never, pet, fed
      4. Mike, an invitation, got, letter, just, has

8. Choose the correct tense:

  1. I have done/did my homework. Now I can go for a walk.
  2. Did you see/Have you seen my book? I can't find it.
  3. We didn't play/haven't played football yesterday.
  4. She has had lunch/had lunch half an hour ago.

9. Guess the riddles and get the prize
This animal lives in the forest. It's neither big nor small. It likes to eat carrots and it is afraid of a fox and a wolf. This animal runs fast.



                                                                     (a hare)




This animal is very big. It is grey and sometimes white. It has a very long nose. It lives in India and Africa. It likes to eat leaves and grass.



                                                             (an elephant)




Dog1.jpg (400?359)This animal lives at home or in the street. It's a man's friend. It can run? But can't fly and climb. It is very clever and friendly.



(a dog)






W-tnarg-litorianudidigita.jpg (600?529)This animal lives in the river or near the water. It is green. It can jump and swim, but it can neither run nor climb.



(a frog)



naumoff_002.jpg (800?517)Gena is not a boy. He is big, long and green. He is very clever. It can swim. He has a friend Cheburashka.


(a crocodile)




This animal is red and sly. It likes hens, cocks, hares and ducks. It lives in the forest.


(a fox)




Cute MouseIt is grey. It can run, jump and walk. It is very small. It likes bread and cheese. It lives in the house.


(a mouse)



This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It likes meat, fish and milk. It can run, jump, climb and walk.


(a cat)


10. Summing up of the game and the lesson.
11. Homework: ex. 14, page 48.


Электронные ресурсы


Cайт зоопарков мира. Большая база зоопарков, тнформация о животных


Зоологический сад или зоопарк – это общественный или частный парк, где животные сохранены и для показа людям и для изучения. Зверинцы и птичьи вольеры в Китае, Египте, и Риме были известны еще с древних времен. С позднесредневекового периода у многих правителей мира были частные зверинцы, некоторые из которых позже сформировали ядро общественных зоо - выставок. Почти у всех больших городов теперь есть зоологические парки или сады. Самые известные зоопарки мира включают зоопарки Лондона (Парк Регента), Парижа (Jardin des Plantes и Jardin d'Acclimatation, Bois de Boulogne), Берлина (Tiergarten), Торонто (Метро), Нью-Йорка (Бронкс), Чикаго (Парк Линкольна и Brookfield), Цинциннати, Детройта, Филадельфии, Сент-Луиса, и Сан-Диего (Парк Бальбоа). Современные тенденции развития зоопарков включают сохранение подвергаемых опасности животных для размножения в запасниках (некоторые виды животных, таким образом, были повторно введены в дикую природу), показ животных в вольерах, моделирующих их естественную среду обитания, а не в клетках (зоны открытого диапазона или парки сафари), и предоставление информации для всех, кто хочет знать о принципах экологии.


Задание для учащихся:

С помощью предтавленных выше сайтов или популярных поисковых систем найти различные зоопарки мира, сайты о животном мире и подготовить краткий обзор их на английском языке.



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