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Исследовательская работа

Submitted by Чулпан Раисовна Сабитова on Fri, 07/02/2014 - 23:01
Данные об авторе
Сабитова Чулпан Раисовна
Место работы, должность: 

МБОУ "Муслюмовская средня общеобразовательная школа", учитель английского языка

Республика Татарстан
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
11 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
Тип ресурса: 
другой тип
Краткое описание ресурса: 
<p> Our project is called &ldquo;The first spring holidays in Britain and&nbsp;&nbsp; Tatarstan&rdquo;.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>



I. Introduction……………………………………………………………2


-  the importance of the project

-  aims and problems of research




II. Main part


1. The first spring Holidays in the UK and Republic of Tatarstan


a. St Patrick’s Day ……………………………………………………………….3.


b. Nauruz……………………………………………………………….. 6







III. Conclusion ………………………………………………………….8.                                                                                                     


IV. Addition……………………………………………………………...9 


V. List of reference books……………………………………………..12





















I. Introduction


         Our project is called “The first spring holidays in Britain and   Tatarstan.

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. Britain is different from our own country. This is natural. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries.

          Some of them appeared ages ago and are unique for one particular country, others can be found all over the world. The way people celebrate this or that holiday can tell much about their culture and way of life.

         Tradition and custom are usually passed on from generation to generation. To know customs and traditions means to understand the people, their art and culture better. They can tell us much about the country’s history and the people’s psychology. We learn English at my school. We like it very much and we try to connect it with our future profession. To know and speak English well we must learn British culture and we decided to research it but before it we put some questions for ourselves.

     -  Why is it important not only to study language, but to study culture too?

     -  What British traditions and customs do we know?

     -  What is the attitude of the British to their culture and traditions?

     -  What similarities and differences of British and Tatar cultures do we  know?


The aim and the purpose of our research are:

  - to compare  symbols of the birth of new life  throughout the first spring holidays in  Ireland and in Tatarstan;

 -  to learn and find out more about traditions Tatar  and British holidays;

          -  to demonstrate what holidays and traditions Tatar and the UK countries have in common and what are the differences between them.


Our hypothesizes  are:


  -  If I know English language I will understand the British without


  -  It is not enough to know only English I have to study culture too.

To get a better idea of the topic, we have made a list of some questions and do some researches.      The results of the research  helped me to understand what the most popular spring holidays  are, what old traditions are still alive and what new ones have appeared, what Tatar people know about British holidays. The information we received helped me in writing this paper.


The methods of investigations are:


 -  Studying of regional geography books, and information from the Internet                                                                                     -  Comparison the ways of celebration  St Patrick’s Day and Nauruz

 -  Analysis of the results


         British people are considered to be the most conservative in Europe. They have many traditions, manners and customs of which they can be proud and they carefully keep them up. Britain has preserved its old ceremonies and traditions to a greater extend than any other country in the world.

             We believe our Republic  is a unique country: it does not belong to Europe and is not considered part of Asia. Some Tatar  traditions date back to pagan time and there are some, which are brand new. Tatar influenced traditions of other nations, but at the same time absorbed a lot of their traditions.

             Of course, there are too many holidays both in my Republic and Great Britain and we will not have enough time to talk about all of them. So we have decided to speak about the most important ones that well demonstrate the country’s peculiarity.

         At all times, people do not stop to admire nature. Throughout his life a man with thousands of invisible threads associated with it. He is part of nature. Nature feeds and waters,  pleases and excites, stimulates thought, disturbs and soothes. Nature is beautiful, unique and multifaceted. That's why we wanted to explore the first spring holiday in my country and in UK. Spring is the time of year when everything  is waking up, everything breathes,  all people are cleared like at home and in their souls. How people of different nationalities, different religions commit these ceremonies?

II. Main part

Who was St Patrick? (Activity №1)

On the 17th March the whole world becomes Irish. It’s the day we celebrate St Patrick’s Day in honor of Ireland’s patron saint. Who was St Patrick? How do we celebrate his day?

St Patrick was born in Wales in AD 385. He was sold into slavery when he was 16 and

became a Christian after he arrived in Ireland.

 His given name was Maewyn, and he almost didn't get the job of bishop of Ireland because he lacked the required scholarship.

At that age, he was sold into slavery by a group of Irish marauders that raided his village. During his captivity he became a Christian and adopted the name Patrick.He escaped from slavery after six years and went to Gaul where he studied in the monastery under St. Germain, bishop of Auxerre for a period of twelve years. During his training he got the notion that his calling was to convert the pagans to Christianity.

His wishes were to return to Ireland, to convert the native pagans to Christianity. But his superiors instead appointed St. Palladius. But two years later, Palladius transferred to Scotland. Patrick was then appointed as second bishop to Ireland.

Spreading the "Truth" Patrick was quite successful at winning converts. And this fact rightfully upset the Celtic Druids, who had their own native religion. Patrick was arrested several times, but escaped each time. He traveled throughout Ireland, establishing monasteries across the country. He also set up schools and churches which would aid him in his indoctrination of the Irish country into Christianity.

His mission in Ireland lasted for thirty years. After that time, Patrick retired to County Down. He died on March 17 in AD 461. That day has been commemorated as St. Patrick's Day ever since.

Maewyn Myths.Much Irish folklore surrounds St. Patrick's Day. Not much of it is actually substantiated.Some of this lore includes the belief that Patrick raised people from the dead. He also is said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland. Of course, no snakes were ever native to Ireland, and some people think this is a metaphor for the conversion of the pagans. Though originally a Catholic holy day, St. Patrick's Day has evolved into more of a secular holiday.


One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock. And this stems from a more bona fide Irish tale that tells how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.The St. Patrick's Day custom came to America in 1737. That was the first year St. Patrick's Day was publicly celebrated in this country, in Boston.

 What is the history of St Patrick’s Day?(Activity №2)

St Patrick’s Day is more of a  religious  holiday in Ireland.

 The first recorded St. Patrick's Day parade was held not in Ireland but in New York City in 1762, and with the dramatic increase of Irish immigrants to the United States in the mid-19th century, the March 17th celebration became widespread

 The parade in  Boston and New York  attracts over a million spectators every year and began

in a few days before the first day of spring.

 Dublin hosts the grandest parades. In the U.S. however, you'll find the best parades in Boston and New York. The parades are featured with marching bands, on road theatres and several dance programs arranged, the as main flavor of the day.
 Another very important aspect of this auspicious day is, especially for this occasion, the Chicago River is transformed from its usual murky green color into a bright green color ever can be seen. This whole activity marks as a respect to the true Irish spirit. Thousands of people gather around the Chicago River to witness their river being dyed with the color of Irish

 It should be noted St. Patrick's Day would be incomplete without a good drink of beer and whisky. Almost every pub and restaurant will be brimming with adequate quantity of whisky and beer. In fact almost every pub will serve you with glasses of the famous Irish Guinness or with some great Irish whisky. But amongst all the available forms of alcohol, Green Beer is considered to be the most perfect form of drink, for the occasion. Almost every Irish soul quenches their patriotic fervours with drops of this famous Green Beer.

St. Patrick's Day celebration without some hearty meals just cannot be possible. Irish foods like Irish Beef Stew, Shepherd's Pie and Irish Soda Bread enhances the mood of celebration further. Moreover it is noteworthy; no celebration would be complete without at least one good round of limericks, rhymes and blessings being said. Years of drinking have led the friendly Irish to create some of the best toasts you can find, ones that make you think then laugh out loud in agreement. Two most common phrases you're sure to come across are: Erin go Braugh (Free Ireland) and Sláinte (Cheers).

 A St Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt. Celebrations around the World( Activity №3)

In the United Kingdom
The largest Saint Patrick's Day parade in the UK is held in Birmingham over a two mile route through the city centre. The organisers describe it as the third biggest parade in the world after Dublin and New York. Other Saint Patrick's Day parades take place around the country including in London where the largest minority community is Irish. The Lanarkshire town of Coatbridge where the majority of the town's population are of Irish descent also has a day of celebration and parades in the town centre. In Birmingham, St. Patrick's Festival is one of the city's premier community events, with the Irish community numbering around 140,000 people. In Ireland

The biggest celebrations on the island of Ireland outside Dublin are in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland, where Saint Patrick was buried following his death on 17 March, 461. In 2004, according to Down District Council, the week-long St. Patrick's Festival had over 2000 participants and 82 floats, bands, and performers, and was watched by over 30,000 people
In  Germany
Munich is the only German city holding a St. Patrick's Day parade owing to the considerably large Irish community. The parade is organized by the German-Irish Society of Bavaria and has been held every year since 1996. Meanwhile it has evolved into the largest in continental Europe and features not only Irish/Scots/English, but also German clubs and societies. Following the 2 km-parade, which usually takes place the Sunday preceding 17 March, is an open air party with live music and dance performances.
In the United States
In the US, Americans celebrate the holiday by wearing green clothing. Many people, regardless of ethnic background, wear green-colored clothing and items. Traditionally, those who are caught not wearing green are pinched. Alcohol is the center of many American celebrations.
Some cities paint the traffic stripe of their parade routes green. Chicago even dyes its river green. Savannah dyes its downtown city fountains green. Indianapolis dyes its Central Canal green. University of Missouri Rolla - St. Pat's Board Alumni paint 12 city blocks Kelly green with mops before the annual parade.In the United States, many people have also made the holiday a celebration of the color green. These people, besides wearing green on that day, may also stage dinner parties featuring all green foods. An example of such a menu would be chicken with rice and lima beans with sliced green maraschino cherries in coconut sauce colored with green food coloring, a green salad including greens, avocados and sliced green apples, split pea soup, green tinted bread spiced with sage, Lime Jell-O, iced limeade and/or a green-beer, and lime pudding, key lime pie, or lime sherbet for dessert. Corned beef and cabbage is the most common meal eaten in the United States for St. Patrick's Day, even though historically, corned beef and cabbage is an American (rather than a traditionally Irish) meal.
Perhaps the smallest notable parade, World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade is said to take place in Hot Springs, Arkansas in the United States. Annually held on the historic Bridge Street the parade became famous in the 1940s when Ripley’s Believe It or Not designated it “The Shortest Street in the World.”
 Irish Culture(Activity№4)

There are many traditions connected with St Patrick’s Day

The Shamrock

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, a shamrock is "any of several similar-appearing trifoliate plants (plants whose leaves are divided into three leaflets). Common shamrocks include the wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) of the family Oxalidaceae, or any of various plants of the pea family (Fabaceae), including white clover (Trifolium repens) and suckling clover Trifolium dubium." According to Irish legend, St. Patrick chose the shamrock as a symbol of the church's Holy Trinity because of its three leaflets bound by a common stalk. Wood sorrel is shipped in large quantities from Ireland to other countries for St. Patrick's Day.

Three is Ireland's magic number. Hence the Shamrock. Crone, Mother and Virgin. Love, Valour and Wit.. Faith, Hope and Charity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Numbers played an important role in Celtic symbolism. Three was the most sacred and magical number. It multiplies to nine, which is sacred to Brigit. Three may have signified totality: past, present and future OR behind, before and here OR sky, earth and underworld.  Everything good in Ireland comes in threes. The rhythm of story telling in the Irish tradition is based on threefold repetition. This achieves both intensification and exaggeration. Even today in quality pub talk, a raconteur can rarely resist a third adjective, especially if it means stretching a point. "Three accomplishments well regarded in Ireland: a clever verse, music on the harp, the art of shaving faces."  

The Legend of the Blarney Stone

There is a stone there, That whoever kisses, Oh, he never misses To grow eloquent. 'Tis he may clamber To a lady's chamber, Or become a member Of Parliament.

Just northwest of the Irish village of Cork is the village of Blarney. The name Blarney is derived from the Irish An blarna, "the plain." Blarney is home to the 90-foot-tall (27.4-meter) Blarney Castle. The castle visited today is the third one built at the site and was erected in 1446.

Built on a rock, above several caves, the tower originally had three stories. On the top story, just below the battlements on the parapet, is the world famous Blarney Stone. While its origins are unknown, the Blarney Stone is said to give the gift of eloquence (beautiful speaking ability) to all who kiss it. Today, "Blarney" means "the ability to influence and coax with fair words and soft speech without offending."

Kissing the stone is quite a physical feat. You have to sit with your back to the stone, and a local guide or friend sits on your legs or firmly holds your feet. Then you lean back and down into the darkness between the castle's 18-foot-thick (5.5-meter) walls and, grasping the iron rails, lower yourself until your head is even with the stone.

One local legend claims that an old woman, saved from drowning by a king of Munster, rewarded him with a spell that if he would kiss a stone on the castle's top, he would gain a speech that would win all to him. It is not known, however, when and how the word Blarney entered the English language and the dictionary.

 The leprechaut

The Leprechaun is an Irish fairy. He looks like a small, old man (about 2 feet tall), often dressed like a shoemaker, with a cocked hat and a leather apron. According to legend, leprechauns are aloof and unfriendly, live alone, and pass the time making shoes. They also possess a hidden pot of gold.  Treasure hunters can often track down a leprechaun by the sound of his shoemaker's hammer. If caught, he can be forced (with the threat of bodily violence) to reveal the whereabouts of his treasure, but the captor must keep their eyes on him every second. If the captor's eyes leave the leprechaun (and he often tricks them into looking away), he vanishes and all hopes of finding the treasure are lost.

What is “Nauruz”(Activity№1)

To understand the nature of a nation you should know its festivals, holidays, celebrations. Tatarstan is a multicultural republic. There are many various festivals and holidays. Some of them are specific to this or that nation. Many of them have become very popular, common and loved by all.

«Nauruz» means the «New Year Day».It is a very old festival.

This festival takes place on the 21st of March. On this day the daytime is as long as night. Days become longer and nights become shorter. This holiday symbolizes the end of darkness and the victory of the light over the evil. It is a  bright and unforgettable festival. People choose the most beautiful girl. She is called «Nauruz-bikeh». She drives throughout the town in a coach, decorated with flowers, bright ribbons and bells. Everywhere people greet her cheerfully. People sing songs and dance.

It is an ancient festival, now called Muslim. Although he has no relation to the actual Muslim calendar. Rooted in the tradition of ancient farmers in the Middle East and Central Asia, the festival is not only survived the Arab conquest, but also become an integral part of the culture of many peoples professing Islam. And now it is celebrated as a national Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kirghiz, Uzbek, and many other nations. How could celebrate  Nowruz? Long before the holiday, in about two weeks, the dishes were seeded wheat or lentils. The holiday of green shoots should reach 5-7 inches and a decoration for the table, the symbol of the birth of new life, new year. But in this preparation does not end. Closer to the holiday germinated grain once again - to become the basis for a festive meal.

 What is the history of “Nauruz”? (Activity№2)

History of the origin Nouruz as described in the "Navruznoma" ("The Book of Navruz") by Omar Khayyam,  care during one of the oldest in the world and the history of the kingdom of the Persians - Peshdodien. The "origin of the holiday is associated with the legendary King Jamshed. As you know, on March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox, and the length of day and night is the same - for 12 hours. When Jamshed had built himself  the gold  throne (according to legend, it was the first throne in the history of man), and raised it to the highest mountain at sunrise, gold glittered under the sun light and there was light, like the sun. This day is called Navruz and started celebrating it as the beginning of the new year.

The "Navruzname" says: "When Jamshed grasped that day, he called it Navruz and introduced it  as a holiday. Kings and other people followed him. "During the celebration of Nouruz  organize various activities. In the spirit of folk traditions are organized horse racing, goat (buzhkashi), fighting athletes, buchulbozi, argamchinbozi (skipping rope) lankabozi, tuhmzanak, idgardak

Considered that this festival is more than three thousand years old.  It officially became an international holiday only in 2009, when UNESCO included it in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Nauruz is an ancient agricultural festival, its origin is due to the onset of the agricultural calendar.

Nauruz is  Treasure Hunt . Celebrations around the World (Activity №3)

On September 30, 2009 UNESCO included the Nouruz into the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. So today Nouruz is celebrated as the International Day.

The UN General Assembly also recognized 21 March as the International Day of Nouruz.

Although Nouruz in different countries, due to the national characteristics, carried out in different ways, all of them characterized by one thing in common. This - a special ritual of preparing food, which consists of seven items, mostly from plant foods. However, these products must be different. Also observed a difference in the title of this food. So, if this food Uzbeks called "sumalak" that Kazakhs - "Nouruz skin."

Nouruz has received the status of national and state holiday in Kazakhstan. The recognition of this holiday Muslim or non-Muslim is a personal right of every individual.

Nouruz reported mostly in the vast majority of the population are Muslims. It is celebrated in the regions of Central Asia to the Middle East, the Caucasus, and even in the south-east of Europe. People these days are preparing, food, sing songs, dance, concerts. In some rituals of the tradition of Zoroastrianism can see symbols of the four elements of life: water, fire, earth and wind.

Azerbaijan during festivals symbolically marks the ritual fire worship. Dancers jump over the fire and ask that it burned all their experiences and problems.

In Afghanistan, such rituals are forbidden, because they contradict Islam. During Nouruz is often sung the song "Mullah Mohammad Jan, traveled to Mazar"

Women cook "sumalak" traditional dish during the celebrations of Nouruz in Uzbekistan.

which tells of the fate of couples, their hopes for a new life with the arrival of spring. Afghans celebrate Nouruz in Mazar-i-Sharif, and remembers as a respected Muslim Haziret Ali became the ruler of the caliphate. In Afghanistan, Nouruz is a public holiday.

He is also recognized as an official holiday and in Central Asia. In Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, the tradition of celebrating Nouruz similar.

 In Kazakhstan prepare "Nouruz-skin", the Uzbeks and Tajiks cook "sumalak." In all the countries of Central Asia organized holiday concerts. People invite each other to visit, to forgive and forget their past offenses - says Uzbek journalist Shukhrat Babacan.

On this day to plant trees, clean up the house, to buy and wear new clothes. It is believed that the generous Nouruz celebration will bring the house abundance and success for the whole year.

In Kazakhstan Nouruz as Muslim religious festival was banned in 1926. Celebrating Nouruz only resumed in 1988. This happened during the Soviet era, when the head of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan was Gennady Kolbin. The authorities have tried to instill in society optimism after the suppression of riots youth during the events of December 1986.

February 23, 2010, at the initiative of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, United Nations General Assembly recognized March 21st as the International Day of Nouruz.

 TatarCulture(Activity №4)

The significance of this period of the year for the life of the people from the earliest times has created many customs and rituals associated with the magic, the cult of nature and fertility, beliefs in the nature of the dying and resurrected.
Long before the holiday, in about two weeks, the dishes were seeded wheat or lentils. The holiday of green shoots should reach 5-7 inches and a decoration for the table, the symbol of the birth of new life, new year. But in this preparation does not end. Closer to the holiday germinated grain once again - to become the basis for a festive meal.
Before Navruz need to repent of our sins, to reconcile with enemies, to forgive debts. During Nowruz good angels Farishta bring wealth and prosperity to those who have pure intentions, who is bright soul who has to clean the house, because it was believed the purity of space around the person reflects the clarity of its internal state. In addition, the vindictive and harmful slut good angels will not even look.
Therefore, before Navruz owners try to fix the house, repair and whiten it. Well before the holiday decorated home, pick up trash in the streets. Be sure to wash the clothes, especially children - because children are considered most susceptible to bad luck, but the water should be washed off. Even before Islam, the week before was considered Navruz dedicated souls of ancestors. Ancestors commemorated by making offerings to them and asking them for help in the coming year, protection from harm.
Advent of the year preceding the symbolic rites of purification. In the "Wednesday of joy" (the last Wednesday before the Navruz) in the streets of towns and villages lit bonfires, and people need seven  times to jump over one fire or one at a time through the seven fires. On the last night of the old year passed spray each other with water and jump over the running water to clear from last year's sins.
Nowruz  is the  time of predictions. Especially fond of this  zanevestivshiesya  girls who drop out of this evening through the head in the direction of shoes and socks to determine - they will remain in the family home for a year or move to a house destined one.
In addition, the gala evening with the onset of Nowruz taken eavesdrop on conversations neighbors through the window or door, and depending on what he heard pleasant or unpleasant conversation to determine how success or failure will be the coming year for listeners and for the hosts.
National food completely reflects our history, traditions, customs and the whole spirit of the nation. Meat is widely used in Tatar national dishes: beef, lamb, and horseflesh. As a rule, the Tatars don't  cook  pork.

The Tatars like the pastries of all kinds very much. One of their favourite ones is, perhaps, «ishpishmak». It is a triangle-shaped pie with chopped peppered meat, potatoes and some onion. It is baked in the oven and served hot. It's very tasty and, of course, it's worth trying.

«Peremyach» is also  meat pie, but it is round, filled with peppered meat and little bits of onions, and it is usually fried. It is served hot, usually with a cup of broth. It's very tasty!


                             IV. Conclusion(Activity 5)


The aim of our study was to compare the first spring holiday in an English speaking country in Ireland (St. Patrick's Day) and  in my country (Nauruz). Comparing these holidays we wanted to show that people of different nationalities, religions, people living on different continents, have the same joy for coming  the new life on the Earth, for  awakening the  nature. With the nature  something awakes  in ourselves. We want to walk   through meadows,  forests, we  want to sing, dance and have fun. The mood of the people is intertwined with the mood of nature. All people meet a new life with a song, dance, delicious food, cleaning the house. The peoples living in the UK, and in my country are equally celebrated the coming of spring.

Thought the roots of these holidays are very different, their origin is also not the same, but the ways of  celebration, in our opinion, are very common.

The Irish, like the Tatars, use every opportunity to make a feast. In fact, March - is the beginning of spring, awakening of the nature, the approach of warm and sunny days. Is not that the reason to have fun? The most important thing - forgetting about the problems in this day and have fun  with the heart!
















Activity 1

 Who was St Patrick?

 Look for the answers  to these questions.

1. Where and when was St Patrick born?

2. What happened to him when he was 16?

3. When did he become a Christian?

4. How long was he a slave?

5. Where did he study and who was his teacher?

6. What did he want to do with his life?

7. Where did he want to go?

8. Who was sent there in his place and how long did he stay there?

9. What experiences did Patrick have in Ireland?

10. Where did he go when he retired?

11. What legends developed about St Patrick?

12. What is the traditional icon of the day and what does it symbolize?

 What is “Nauruz”

1.                  What does “Nauruz” mean?

2. When is Nauruz celebrated? Why?

3. Do people of all ages take part in Nauruz?

4. What does Nauruz symbolize?

5.  Can we say that  “Nauruz” is a spring holiday?

6.  Who is “Nauruz –bikeh”?

7. What do people usually do on  Nauruz?

Activity 2:

 What is the history of St Patrick’s Day?

Then complete the following sentences.

1. St Patrick’s Day is more of a ___________ holiday in Ireland.

2. The first US celebration was in ____________ in ___________.


3. The parade in ___________ attracts over a million spectators every year and began

in ___________.

4. The city of ___________ colors its river ___________.

5. St Patrick’s Day celebrates being ___________ with pictures of ___________ and

___________. We ___________ Irish food and tell Irish ___________.

What is the history of Nauruz?

1.      History of the origin Nouruz as described in the   ___________   by Omar Khayyam care during one of the oldest in the world and the history of the kingdom of the Persians  Peshdodien.

2.      When Jamshed had built himself  the gold  throne   and raised____________ at sunrise, gold glittered under the sun light and there was light, like the sun.

3     .It officially became an international holiday only in___________, when UNESCO included it in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

4.Nauruz is an__________   festival, its origin is due to the onset of the agricultural calendar.

Activity 3:

 A St Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt . Celebrations around the World

St Patrick’s Day is celebrated all over the world. You can  visit sites and

answer the questions about various international celebrations.

In which city...

1. ...is there an Irish Sports day?

2. ...will there be a lecture about Tolkein?

3. ...will have cartoon character balloons in the parade?

4. ...is there an exhibition of paintings about Ireland?

5. ...is the river colored green?

6. ...is the Grand Marshall Miss World?

7. ...is the parade on Fifth Avenue?

8. ...is the water in the fountains colored green?

9. ...will there be four nightly processions of different vehicles?

10. ...is there a fundraiser at an Irish pub on February 29th?

Now, summarize for the class how St Patrick’s Day is celebrated.

Nauruz is Treasure Hunt .

1.      In what countries people celebrate this holiday?


Activity 4: Irish Culture

There are many traditions connected with St Patrick’s Day.


1. Why is the shamrock related to St Patrick?

2. When was the first reference to the shamrock and what was it used for?

3. Why is three the Irish magic number?

1. Where is the Blarney Stone?

2. What legend is told about the Blarney Stone?

3. What gift does the stone give?

4. What does "blarney" now mean?

1. What is a leprechaun and what does it look like?

2. What kind of treasure do leprechauns hide from people?

3. How can you get their treasure?

 Tatar Culture

There are many traditions connected with Nauruz.

1. What is  the sumalak?

2. Is it the symbol of the birth of new life?

3. How long  it must grow?

4.Who is Farishta?

5. What legend is told about  Farishta ?

6.What does” Before Navruz need to repent of our sins”  mean?

7..  What kind of predictions dozanevestivshiesya  girls ?

8.What kind of food is popular during Nauruz? Why?


1. What are blessings? How can you tell which of the texts are blessings? What

word do they begin with?


Activity 5:  III.Conclusion


St Patrick’s Day


Celebrations around the World

In the United States, In Germany, In the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan


Tatarsan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey

National costume

celebrate the holiday by wearing green clothing



National food


St. Patrick's Day celebration without some hearty meals just cannot be possible. Irish foods like Irish Beef Stew, Shepherd's Pie and Irish Soda Bread enhances the mood of celebration further

National food completely reflects our history, traditions, customs and the whole spirit of the nation. Meat is widely used in Tatar national dishes: beef, lamb, and horseflesh. As a rule, the Tatars don't  cook pork.


Symbols and legends associated with the holiday

The Shamrock, The Legend of the Blarney Stone,





Nowruz  is the  time of predictions, "Wednesday of joy", “ Sumalak” «Nauruz-bikeh».

an open air party with live music and dance performances.




The green color is a symbol of   new life





limericks, rhymes and blessings

Erin go Braugh (Free Ireland) and Sláinte (Cheers).




" Happy Nouruz holiday! "Let there be a lot of white (milk)"

















   IV. List of reference books

1. Welcome to Tatarstan . Student’s book. Kazan, 2007

2. Internet:

Visit this site: http://wilstar.com/holidays/patrick.htm  http://www.theholidayspot.com/patrick/celebration.htm  http://www.stpatricksday.ie/cms/events.html/






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