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«Places of interest in London»

Submitted by Галина Васильевна Попова on чт, 18/04/2013 - 18:37
Данные об авторе
Попова Галина Васильевна
Место работы, должность: 
Учитель английского языка МБОУ Волчковская СОШ филиал в с. Шехмань
Тамбовская область
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
5 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 

Введение страноведческого материала по теме Лондон

Тип урока: 
Комбинированный урок
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 


1.Учебник английского языка автор Биболетова М.З. и др. «EnjoyEnglish 5-6 классы».

2. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику  английского языка автор Биболетова М.З. и др. «EnjoyEnglish 5-6 классы».

Используемая методическая литература: 


1. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка автор Биболетова М.З. и др. «EnjoyEnglish 5-6 классы».

2. Английский язык. 5 класс. Поурочные планы по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. I часть/ Сост. Дымченко Н.Ю.-Волгоград: Учитель – АСТ, 2005.

Используемое оборудование: 


Презентация к уроку, карточки, мультивидео проектор.


Краткое описание: 
1.На доске: - карта Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии + карта Лондона - ключевые слова по теме: названия основных достопримечательностей Лондона 2. Флаг Великобритании 3. Открытки с видами Лондона 4. Викторина



1.Приветствие. Организационный момент

Teacher: Goodmorning, children!

Pupils: Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning our teacher.

We are glad to see you!

Teacher: How are you today?

Pupils: Fine thank you?

2.Сообщение темы, целей и задачу рока:

Today we’ll  speak about London. Look at the map. London is the capital of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. This is the flag of the U.K. At your Geography lesson you’ll also speak about this country but today we’ll travel to the most famous sights of London. Be attentive and you’ll learn some interesting facts about the sights.

3.Проверка д/з Диалог

Выполнение упр. 1, с 60. 

Аудирование и разыгрывание  диалога учащимися(listenandactout)

 Read and listen to the text. Find out what Liza brought from the UK for Oleg and his friends.


Liza is a British student who has come to school No. 7 as part of her visit td Russia. She will only stay there for two days. Liza has some Information for the Russian students. She wants to teii them about their visit to England.


oleg:   Liza, how do you like Moscow?

liza:    Oh, it's beautiful. It is not like London at all.

oleg:   Really? It is so different from London?

liza:  yes, it is. Oleg, have you ever been to London?

oleg:   No. What is it like?

liza:    Oh, it's one of the most famous and interestingcities in Europe. There are lots of places to visitin London: museums, art galleries, theatres...

oleg:   There are also lots of cinemas, stadiums andparks in London, aren't there?

liza:   yes, sure. London is one of my favourite cities.As you probably know, it's the capital of the UK.It's a mixture of old and new buildings and thereis a lot to see and learn about.

oleg:   I can see that you really like it, don't you?Are you a Londoner?

liza:   No, I am not. But I live not far from London.And I like to go there at weekends.

oleg:   I would like to meet a real Londoner!

liza:   you will do soon! Take those letters from your English partners and givethem to your friends.

oleg:   Oh. You have letters for us! Look! Not only letters but postcards too.It's really good to learn a little more about London. I'll give them to myclassmates as soon as possible.


4.Аудирование +фонетическая зарядка

 Выполнение упр. 17 с 65 (listenandrepeat)


Listen to these words and compare them with the Russian words:


museum, gallery, theatre, cinema, stadium, park, parliament, history, square, taxi, radio, symbol, abbey, real, monument, tourist.


5. Знакомство с основными  достопримечательностями Лондона 

Чтение небольших текстов с наглядностью с.65 №16( просмотр слайдов).


Choose any of the postcards and find the matching text.


1. Tourists in London always want to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a beli. You hear it every hour. It is a big beli. It weighs (вecum) 13,720 kilograms. It has a deep tone (звук) and you can hear it on the radio: "This is the BBC. The time is six o'clock." And then you hear the deep boom of Big Ben six times.


2. You can see the Tower of London from the river Thames. The Tower is very old. It has a long and cruel history. It is not just one building. The tall building is the White Tower, the oldest part of the Tower of London. The Bloody Tower is near the river. You do not see blood there today. But the Bloody Tower has a history of blood — the blood of men, women and even children.

Now the King and the Queen of Britain do not live in the Tower. When the Queen is in London, she stays in Buckingham Palace.


3. Standing not far from the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. The legend says that Westmin­ster Abbey was founded by St Peter (cвятойПemp) himself. We know that Westminster Abey was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. Some famous English people are also buried (noxopoнены) here. The funeral service (поминальнаяслужба) for Diana, Princess of Wales, took place in Westminster Abbey in September 1997.


4.The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parlia­ment. The country's leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament. The men and women there are the voice of the British people. The Houses of Parliament stand beside the river Thames. You can go on a boat from Westminster and see London from the river. You can also see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from Westminster Bridge.


6 Отработка лексики

Выполнение упражнения 17, стр. 66 (аудирование и повторение за диктором).


Read about what's written on your postcard. Pronounce the names of the places carefully.


Trafalgar Square

The Tower of London

The Houses of Parliament

Big Ben

Westminster Abbey

The Bloody Tower

The White Tower

Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace



7. Контроль понимания учащимися текстов

 Выполнение упр № 18, стр.66.


Finish the sentences.

1) Big Ben is

-a palace


- a square

2) The Queen lives in

-  the Tower of London

-  Buckingham Palace

-  Windsor Palace    


3) The Bloody Tower is in

-theTower of London

-theHouses of Parliament

-Westmister Abbey

4) The country's leaders speak in

-  the Houses of Parliament

-  Big Ben

-  Buckingham Palace



8. Викторина «Достопримечательности Лондона".


Вариант I.


I. False  or true?

1) Tower Bridge is London’s most famous bridge in England.

2) This bridge was built in 1894 but it is not in use now.

3) Westminster was built between 1940-1960.

4) .  Nearly all the English Kings and Queens were crowned in the Westminster Abbey.

5) The Buckingham Palace is the centre of the Royal power.

6) There are nearly 6 millions rooms in the Palace.

7) Two men work full-time to look after the 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace.

8) St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by an architect whose name was Christopher Wren.


II. Choose the correct variant:

1) …. is famous as the home of British Monarchy.

a) London, b) Wales, c) Moscow

2) Nelson’s Column (52 m), with the statue of Admiral Nelson on top, rises in the center of ….

a) Piccadilly Circus, b) Trafalgar Square, c) Hyde Park

3) The symbol of Great Britain is ….

a) Tower of London, b) Trafalgar Square, c) Big Ben

4) …. is one of the most famous bridges in London.

a) Tower Bridge, b) Tower of London, c) Big Ben

III. What places of interest in London do you like best of all and why? Write down your answer.


Вариант II


I. Falseortrue?

1) Tower Bridge regulates a large part of the impressive traffic of the Port of London.

2) It takes just 24 hours  to raise and it opens so that big ships can enter the Pool of London.

3) On the right bank of the Thames is Westminster Palace, famous as The Houses of Parliament. 

4) The symbol of the UK – Big Ben – is situated in Westminster.

5) Everybody knows that the dove is the symbol of war.

6) Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, 2 post offices, a hospital, a cinema and 2 sport clubs.

7) About 700 people work for the Buckingham Palace.

8) Nobody  wants to see St. Paul’s Cathedral.


II. Choose the correct variant:

  1. Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park are situated in….
  2. Westminster, b) the West End, c) the City
  3. The …. is the center of the Royal power .

a) West End, b) Big Ben, c) Buckingham Palace

3) Hyde Park has the most attractive lake (самоекрасивоеозеро)….

a) Serpentine, b) Shira, c). Loch Ness

4) … consists of (состоитиз) many towers.

a) Tower Bridge, b) Tower of London, c) Buckingham Palace.




III. What places of interest in London do you like best of all and why? Write doen your answer.


Tower Bridge.(1 команда)


Tower Bridge is London’s most famous bridge in England. This bridge is the last one crossing the Thames [temz] before the river riches the sea.

This bridge was built in 1894 but it is still in daily use.


Tower Bridge.(2 команда)


Tower Bridge regulates [regjuleits] a large part of the impressive traffic of the Port of London. It takes just 3 minutes to raise and it opens so that big ships can enter the Pool of London.



Westminster(1 команда)


Westminster was built between 1840 -1860. The original Palace of Westminster was a home for the Royal family till the 16th century. Then it became the meeting place for the Parliament. The well-known Big Ben is a part of Westminster.


Westminster(2 команда)


Westminster is an important part of London. On the left bank of the Thames is Westminster Palace, famous as The Houses of Parliament.  It is the seat of the British Parliament. The great glory of Westminster is the Abby.  Nearly all the English Kings and Queens were crowned there. The symbol of the UK – Big Ben – is situated in Westminster.


Trafalgar Square(1 команда)


It was named Trafalgar Square to commemorate the naval victory won in 1805, by the British fleet under the command of Admiral Nelson. Nelson’s Column rises in the centre of Trafalgar Square.


Trafalgar Square(2 команда)


Very often the Square becomes the Location for meetings of people. There are many doves(=pigeons) on the Trafalgar Square and Londoners like to feed them. Everybody knows that the dove is the symbol of peace.


Tower of London(1 команда)


They say that the London is the key to England and the Tower is the key to London. The Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror. It has a long and cruel history. The tower was a fortress, a royal house, a church than a prison.


Tower of London(2 команда)


You can see the Tower of London from The River Thames. The Tower is very old.  It is not one building. The tall building is the White Tower. The Bloody Tower is near the river. It has a history of blood – the blood of different people.


The Buckingham Palace(1 команда)


The Buckingham Palace is the centre of the Royal power. It was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham. It is now the official home of Queen Elizabeth. There are nearly 6 hundred rooms in the Palace and three miles of red carpet.


The Buckingham Palace(2 команда)


Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, two post offices, a hospital, a cinema and two sport clubs. Two men work full-time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700 people work for the Palace.


St. Paul’s Cathedral (1 команда)


Everybody coming to London for the first time wants to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. From far away you can see the huge dome with a golden ball and a cross on the top. The inside of the Cathedral is very beautiful.


St. Paul’s Cathedral (2 команда)


St. Paul’s Cathedral was buil by an architect whose name was Christopher Wren. For 35 years the building went on and Wren was an old man before it was finished. There is a crypt ( [kript] – склеп) in the Cathedral where the famous people are buried.


9.Завершающий этап урока

— Well, children, do you want to go to the British capital now?

— Yes, we do.

— Can you recognize the sights of London?

— Yes, certainly!

— O.K. I want you to visit London some day and see all the sight with your own eyes! Thank you for the lesson and good-bye!

10.Выставление оценок, объяснение д/з.

11. Домашнее задание

Выполнение упр.№ 7,8; стр. 73, 74.




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