план-конспект урока по теме "Граффити. За и против"
Цели: развитие коммуникативной способностии, развитие навыков монологической речи.
закрепление активной лексики, разговорных клише и речевых образцов
закрепление грамматических навыков
закрепление навыков чтения
закрепление навыков письменной речи
развитие логического мышления, активности, внимания;
расширение кругозора
развитие умений вычленять главное и высказывать свое мнение по запрошенной информации
Формирование системы нравственных оценок,
формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка
воспитание культуры общения, обучение общению в группах.
Формы работы:
- фронтальная работа (ответы на вопросы)
- групповая работа (обсуждение мнений, дискуссия, ответы на вопросы)
- индивидуальная работа (высказывание мнения по заданной теме)
Ход урока:
- Good morning, students! I’m very glad to see you! Take your seats, please! What date is it today? Who is absent?
2) Cooбщениетемы, целейизадачурока:
- Today we have an unusual lesson, we shall have a discussion. The topic of our lesson is “Crime and punishment”, today we should decide whether Graffiti is a crime no not? How should the society react to this problem.
We have guests today, that’s why lets do our best!
II. Основная часть урока.
3) Речевая зарядка
- Look at the pictures, please. How do you find them? Before we discuss our serious topic I would like to vote. I would like to know your opinion: if you are for graffiti take a blue card, if you are against take a red card.
Now we shall have a social survey, we have correspondents in each group who will ask you questions why you are for or against.
4) Фронтальный опрос
Is graffiti an actual problem? Why?
Is it a crime or not?
Why do you think that it is vandalism?
How should police deal with such petty offence?
Thank you for your opinions!
Now we are going to read a text about gaffers who cover walls of London underground with graffiti, read the text and be ready to decide if the writer is for against people who draw graffiti. Read the text one more time and do some exercises after it.
Let’s discuss the text. Do you share the opinion written in the text? Why?
Thank you for your opinions!
6)Активизация знаний грамматики
Now imagine what would have happened to these teenagers :
if they had been caught by the police,
if their parents had known about their occupation
if the headmaster of their had known about their occupation
if they had been caught by the private owner of the building they spoil
7) Физкультминутка
I think that you are tired a little bit, let’s have a small break: You will listen to the music and see beautiful pictures of nature. Your task will be draw a graffiti for our school. Let’s see what you will get.
Explain why did you choose this picture?
Where would you draw this picture?
You know that every occupation has its own code of rules. Let’s write Code of conduct and code of Punishment for graffers.
How do you find them? What would you add?
III. Заключительный этап урока
Today we learnt a lot of information about graffiti, know got to know how dangerous it can be and that it can be a street art.
Did you change your opinion? Are you still for or against graffiti?
Why? Let’s vote again and see new results.
10)Домашнее задание
Your home task will be to prepare to test work
11) Выставление оценок
Thank you for your great work, I give you excellent marks for today.