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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме «Роль женщины в политике»

Submitted by Елена Борисовна Дурасова on Sat, 14/01/2012 - 17:16

Цели урока:

1.      Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического овладения английским языком по данной теме в монологической и диалогической форме.

2.      Учит учащихся размышлять по теме, выражать свою точку зрения и обмениваться мнениями, используя речевой  этикет.

3.      Воспитывать у учащихся  критическое отношение к вопросам общественной жизни.

4.      Приобщать учащихся к публичным выступлениям.

Педагогические технологии:

1.      Технология «дебаты»

2.      ИКТ

3.      Сочетание элементов проблемного, личностно-ориентированного обучения.

Критерии  успешности:

1.      Умение   видеть проблему, находить аргументы и их обосновывать.

2.      Использовать речевые клише согласно этикету.


Ø  Карточки-определители роли участников

Ø  Компьютер, проектор

Ø  Раздаточный дидактический материал

Ø  Оценочные листы

Ø  Слайды: «Политика и политики»

План  урока.


1.      Организация урока.

Ø  Цели и задачи урока

Ø  Организация работы на уроке

Ø  Установка на успех

2. Тренировочные упражнения для проведения дебатов:

Ø  Фонетические задания

Ø  Лексико-грамматический  материал

3. Проведение дебатов

4. Рефлексия

5. Подведение итогов урока






















Stages of the lesson



Kinds of the work of the pupils

1 Introduction


Teacher: Well, friends. You are fine today. We are gathering together to say each other some nice words. I do hope that you will learn a lot of interesting things in our English lesson. It is devoted to the theme “Women in Politics”. We can exchange the opinions about women’s role in political life. We’ll hold our lesson as politic debate. Our two teams present two points of view: “Women in politics” and “Politics without women”. We’ll invite pupils to be a Time-keeper who followed after the time. We’ll organize the Jury to make conclusion according the discussion. They are the Head of Jury, her assistant- secretary and  Observer. Somebody help me with a computer. We are glad to see our guests. I’m sure you’ll get some more useful information today as well.


2 Warming up












Lexical activities
















I want you to listen to the poem “Pretty woman”. What is this poem about? Whom is it  devoted to?

We are talking about serious things. It determines the participation woman and men in politics. They take part in public life and decide the main questions in the country. More than they are colleagues and are responsible for  our country. They have power and use it for people’s problems.

Do you know some words?

Let’s make some tasks.

Task 1

It is about love between man and woman.





Task 2



3 Main part


Let’s begin debate. Put dawn your places/ be ready for the discussion.

Time-keeper:It is real pleasure that I welcome you here this afternoon. I feel sure we are going to have the most interesting meeting today. Let’s open the debate. It is proposed by the first team. So the floor is given to them. Time is 3 min.

Proposer 1

Time-keeper:your time is over/ thank you. Now the floor is given to the second team. Would you like to ask question to the speaker?

Opposer: ask 2 questions.

Time-keeper:Time is over. Thank you. The motion is oppsed  by the second team.Time is 3 min.

Opposer 1

Time-keeper:Time is over. The floor is given to the proposer. Would you like to ask questions? Welcome with your questions , please.

Proposer:  ask 2 questions.

Time-keeper:Time is over. Thank you. The words are for the Jury.

 Chair of Jury: 1 min

Time-keeper:It is the next round. Every team has opportunity to ask 2 questions to each other. Would you have time out? You can use 1 min to consult .

Time- keeper: Welcome with questions please.

The proposer  begins.

Time –keeper: Time is over. Thank you. The debates are over too. Word for the Jury.


The Jury:








Show the slides.









Show the slides.



4 Fixing











Teacher: To the ending of the discussion, you make a portrait of woman-politician. You may use these words:

Attractive, principle, honest, mild, intelligence, decent. Professional.




Pro and Con put the words according the order.

5 Conclusion




1. Make marks in list-evaluation

What are your marks?

2.Make a compliment for your opponent. Give a present

Teacher: Thanks a lot to every one for taking part in our game. I am happy with your answers. You really demonstrate your perfect knowledge in politics. I hope you’ve had a nice time together and learned something new. Thank you once again and good- bye.

Thanks to all of you to coming

Foe taking part and learning something

And I hope that  game like this

You will never ever miss!







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