Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, записи на доске, слайд демонстрация
План урока:
IОрганизационный момент. 2мин
Goodmorning!Today we’re going to talk about our great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin and his well-known fairy-tale about a goldfish. You know it, don’t you? Look at the blackboard, please. Here we ‘ve got information about A.S. Pushkin. Let’s talk about him a little, OK? But first repeat please after me!
IIФонетическая зарядка2 мин
_____________ caught
_____________ took
_____________ returned
_____________ became
See ______________
Send ______________
Make ______________
Find ______________
IIIРечевая зарядка 7 мин
-to be born- in Moscow in 1799 the 6th of June
-to live in Moscow
-to go to St.Petersburg- High School for boys
-to study at High School in 1811
-to learn maths,history, astronomy, physics, Latin, foreign languages
-to graduate in 1826
-to meet his future wife
-to get married in 1831
-to have 4 children
-to die in 1837 the 29th of January.
IVСовершенствование приобретенных ЗУН 10 мин
We’ve just talked about A.S.Pushkin and have already read and translated the tale The Fisherman and the goldfish!And now look at the screen. Here you can see the illustrations to the most famous Russian tales. Your task is to comment upon each illustration. (слайды)
Good job, and let’s now try to retell the story using the verbs in past simple tense. Listen to each other attentively; you will continue the retelling of each other!!!
V Игровой момент 13 мин ( Сначала слова + крестики- нолики +карточки со словами)
Now I let’s have fun, relax and play. Please change your places. Today we are going to play tick-tack-toe. I am sure you remember the rules of this game! (Крестикинолики) But before our game starts lets once again remember irregular verbs. You have to write down the missing verb form.
Goodwork!Now let’s remember the word order in sentences. Take these words and put them in correct order to get a sentence.(Карточки со словами)
Now open please your copy books and write down them there.
VIДомашнеезадание 3мин
I. Think and write down how many new words you can get from the words fisherman and washtub
II. Try making a crossword or chain word or any other puzzle using the information from the fairy tale The Golden Fish.
VII. Текущий контроль в форме тестового задания 8 мин
Няня рассказала Джонни сказку о золотой рыбке, но она не совсем хорошо помнила ее и перепутала кое - что и немного переделала ее.
a) Расставь предложения в логическом порядке
b) Подчеркни глаголы написанные в прошедшем времени
Thank you for your work today. The lesson is over. You may go. Good-bye.