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Открытый урок по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса

Фото пользователя Алие Мидатовна Суфиянова
Submitted by Алие Мидатовна Суфиянова on Wed, 20/11/2013 - 14:27
Данные об авторе
Суфиянова А.М.
Место работы, должность: 

ГБОУ СОШ "ОЦ" пгт. Рощинский

Самарская область
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
8 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
конспект урока (занятия)
Краткое описание ресурса: 
<p> Открытый урок английского языка &nbsp;для учащихся 8 класса &quot;Деньги&quot;</p>

Тема: "Мир денег "


·        совершенствование навыков аудирования

·        развитие устной речи учащихся с использованием новых выражений,

·        формирование культурно-страноведческой компетенции учащихся.

Познавательный аспект: ознакомление с историей становления денежных единиц англоязычных стран, с “крылатыми” выражениями по предложенной теме.

Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к переключению внимания в упражнениях комплексного характера, к логическому изложению, смысловой догадке.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание у школьников уважительного отношения к истории языковых реалий разных стран.

Оборудование урока: аудиозапись песни “Money, money” звучит в начале и в конце урока в исполнении группы “ABBA”; карточки с “крылатыми” выражениями; символы доллара и фунта стерлингов; карточки для учащихся: приложение 1, приложение 2.

(Звучит запись песни “Money, money”)

Teacher:I’m sure that you know this song. Do you like it? I think, it’s the eternal problem: money, or, to be exact, the shortage of money. If only we had enough money!
Today we’re going to speak about money again. But not about our “wooden” roubles, but about dollars and pounds.
Everything in the world has its history. On your desks you have sheets of paper with the texts from which you may learn much interesting about the history of dollars and pounds. Be sure that you pronounce all the words in a right way.
Look through the texts and ask questions to each other (РаботасПриложением1).
So, you’ve just learned many facts from the history of the dollar and the pound and can share this information with your friends.
But we continue to speak about money. You’ve got some materials with word – combinations. You can see that all of them have the word “money” in them.
Try to explain what they mean (РаботасПриложением2).
There is a great number of interesting proverbs and sayings about money. In your cards find the right variants of translating them. (Приложение2)
May be, you know any other proverbs? In the list there is one saying which became very popular, but I think, that not all of you know the origin of it. Let me tell you.

Money has no smell.

People say that these words belong to Vespasian, an emperor of Rome. Suetonius, a Roman historian, writes that the words were used by Vespasian on the following occasion. Once the emperor’s son Titus reproached his father that he had introduced a tax on public lavatories. Vespasian told him to smell the money he was holding in his palm and to see if the smell was not foul. Titus said that the smell was not foul. Vespasian remarked that the money was of the urine, because it had been just paid as the tax on lavatories.
Dear friends! In your cards you have the Russian variant of this story. Try to retell it in English. (Приложение2)

Today we speak about things connected with money. We have already remembered some facts from the history. Money is closely connected with the economy. In many books by English and American writers we can meet the words you’ve learned at our lesson. And now a question which may seem surprising.
Do you like poetry? Do you know many poems? Can you compose poems yourselves? Do you think it’s difficult to write poems? Let’s do it together.
If the weather isn’t sunny,

So you’ve got too little...(money).
When you travel England around,
Then you need not rouble, but...(pound).
If you fly to system solar,
You will surely need...(a dollar).

Of course, it’s a joke. This poem is not serious at all. But the topic of our today’s conversation is, on the contrary, rather serious. I wish you to be healthy and wealthy!


The dollar.

The dollar is the basic unit of United States money. It is worth 100 cents.
The dollar is also the main currency unit of: Australia, Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Singapore, Zimbabwe and some other countries.
The dollar was adopted in the USA in 1792. The first US dollars were issued in silver and gold. After 1934, however, all gold coins were taken out of circulation. A silver dollar was issued at various times from 1794 until 1935.
The dollar was adopted in Canada in 1878. Australia adopted the dollar in 1966, and New Zealand in 1967.

The pound.

The basic unit of money of the United Kingdom is the pound, also called the pound sterling. Today the pound is equal to 100 pence. the British adopted the decimal system in 1971.
Things were far more complicated in the past. The pound was subdivided into 20 shillings. The shilling was subdivided into 12 pennies. The guinea was equal to one pound one shilling. It was a gold coin used in fixing prices of valuable goods. There also were crowns, 5 – shilling silver coins; halfcrowns worth 2 shillings and 6 pence; florins, 2 – shilling silver coins; bobs worth 12 pence. a sixpence was a 6 – penny coin and a 3 – penny coin was called a “threepence”. There also were “ha’pennies”, copper coins, worth half a penny, and farthings, or quarter – penny coins.


  • adopt– принимать
  • basic- основной
  • bob- шиллинг
  • circulation– обращение
  • coin– монета
  • copper- медный
  • crown– корона
  • currency– валюта
  • decimal– десятичный
  • equal– равный
  • farthing– фартинг
  • florin– флорин
  • guinea– гинея
  • halfpenny- полпенса
  • ha’penny - полпенса
  • issue– выпускать
  • shilling– шиллинг
  • sixpence– монета в 6 пенсов
  • the (pound) sterling– (фунт) стерлингов
  • threepence– монета в 3 пенса
  • worth– стоимость
  • various- разный


1.     What is the basic unit of money in the USA?

2.     How much is dollar worth?

3.     Where does the dollar circulate?

4.     When was the dollar adopted in the United States?

5.     Were the first dollars issued in copper?

6.     Do gold coins circulate now?

7.     When was the dollar adopted in Canada?

8.     When did Australia and New Zealand adopt the dollar?

9.     What is the basic unit of money in the UK?

10.                       When was the decimal system adopted in Great Britain?

11.                       How many shillings were there in the pound before 1971?

12.                       Was the guinea equal to one pound sterling?

13.                       What was the crown equal to?

14.                       Were there any copper coins in circulation?

Приложение 2.

Explain the meaning of the expressions:

To be bad money
To be in the money
To coin the money
Easy money
For my money
Hard money
Soft money
To sink money
Dirty money
To put one’s money on  a scratched horse

To have a lot of money
To invest money in a wrong way
The matter not advantageous for investing money
To make much money
Gold, silver, copper money
To invest money into a bad job
Money which somebody got without hard work
Paper money
In my opinion
Salary of workers, making dirty job

Translate from Russian into English:

1.     Я думаю, что это невыгодное дело.

2.     Не беспокойся, у меня достаточно денег.

3.     Мне кажется, что он “кует деньги”.

4.     Старайся не привыкать (get used to) к “легким деньгам”.

5.     По моему мнению, вы должны туда поехать.

6.     Что ты предпочитаешь – металлические или бумажные деньги?

7.     Начать это строительство означает “утопить деньги”.

8.     Я думаю, ты ставишь деньги не на ту лошадку.

Find the right variants:

Деньги на улице не валяются.
Деньги могут сделать все.
Человек должен распоряжаться деньгами, а не деньги человеком.
Деньги, потраченные на образование, никогда не пропадут зря.
Деньги не пахнут.

Money has no smell.
Money is a good servant but a bad master.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Money answers all things.
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.


Retell the text in English:

Люди говорят, что слова “Деньги не пахнут” принадлежат Веспасиану, императору Рима. Светоний, римский историк, пишет, что эти слова были использованы Веспасианом по следующему поводу. Однажды сын императора Титус упрекнул отца, что он ввел плату на общественные туалеты. Веспасиан сказал ему понюхать деньги, которые он держал на своей ладони, и посмотреть, был ли запах неприятным. Титус сказал, что запах не был неприятным. Веспасиан заметил, что деньги были получены в качестве платы за туалет.

Vespasian– Веспасиан
Titus – Титус
Suetonius – Светоний
emperor - император
lavatory - туалет
foul - неприятный



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