Хочу немного рассказать о себе. Меня зовут Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна. Я работаю в МБОУ " Новолядинская СОШ" учителем английского языка 6 лет.В данно мастер классе принимаю участие впервые,надеюсь узнать много нового.
Размещено пн, 16/09/2013 - 09:29 пользователем Елена Геннадьевна Тарасова.
Ольга Сергеевна, добрый день! Все работы Вы встраиваете на этой странице, или именно здесь даете ссылку на нее. Каст можно встроить, для этого необходимо: скопировать HTML код работы (эти вкладки найдете на сервисе под работой), и вставить его с поле комментария на этой странице через иконку "источник".
Автор плэйкаста: teplyakovsos Создан: 15 сентября 2013 13:58
Размещено вт, 17/09/2013 - 21:59 пользователем Надежда Александровна Сухорукова.
Ольга Сергеевна, несмотря на то, что вы новичок, у вас первый блин не получился комом, а очень даже креативненько У вас обязательно всё получится. Желаю вам новых открытий и вдохновения на создание прекрасных ресурсов с помощью сервисов веб 2.0, а также составить конкуренцию более маститым коллегам. Удачи!
С уважением, Надежда Александровна, учитель истории и обществознания МБОУ "Лиманская СОш №2"
Размещено сб, 05/10/2013 - 18:50 пользователем Ольга Сергеевна Теплякова.
Название ресурса : « Игра алфавит».
Сервис веб 2.0 : Photograph Puzzles
Предмет : английский язык
Класс: 2 класс
УМК : Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А.
Тема урока : Английский алфавит
Цель урока : Повторение изученного алфавита
Рекомендации по использованию ресурса : В качестве домашнего задания обучающимся предлагается повторить алфавит. Для этого обучающиеся переходят по ссылке и в игровой форме происходит повторение. После этого в начале урока учитель проводит буквенный диктант
provided by flash-gear.com
Комментарий был изменен с момента создания (teplyakovsos, сб, 05/10/2013 - 18:50).
Goodmorning, children. Let'sbeginour lesson. Today we have an unusual lesson. I’d like to call your attention to some information about Russian famous traditions. The aim of our lesson is to get to know more about famous Russian`s traditions and festivals .
2. Основная часть урока
I. Festivals in Russia .
First of all we shall speak about festivals which are celebrated in Russia. I have some questions for you. Please, answer them:
1. Do you know any interesting traditions and celebrations and festivals in Russia? 2. Do you think foreign visitors would like to see these festivals? Why? Why not?
These are two most important questions about Russian festivals. But it’s clear that you know more about it. Please tell us about festivals in Russia .
Пример рассказов учащихся. (Во время рассказов на экране через проектор идет показ презентации)
There are a lot of festivals in our country, such as Sabantui , Maslenitsa, Victory`sDay , “Old” New Year and so on.
It's June again and I've just finished taking part in Sabantui — the traditional Tatar festival that celebrates the end of spring ploughing.
I love Sabantui because it's noisy, colourful and exciting. The streets of Kazan are crowded with people wearing traditional costumes. This year I watched Udmurts, Chuvashes, Maries, Bashkirs and Russians in national dress sing and do traditional dances.
There are sackraces, wrestling and tug-of-war competitions, and lots of games with prizes. I tried my hand at a traditional one called "break the pot". With your eyes closed, you throw a ball at a pot. If you break the pot, you get a prize. I didn't this time, but I'll be back to try again next year.
The grand finale of the day is the horse racing. Anyone can take part. Last year my brother took part and came second. The celebrations end when the prizes are presented. The winners of the wrestling and horseracing get traditional prizes: six sheep and a car!
Then Sabantui is over for another year — and I'm looking forward to next year's Sabantui... and another chanceto break a pot!
I like very much Maslenitsa, when the whole week is planed. For example:
Monday — Sleigh-riding and tobogganing
Tuesday — Snowball fight
Wednesday — Visit friends and parents
Thursday — Horse-riding
Friday - Slide down the hill
Saturday — Folk dancing and singing
Sunday — Lady Maslenitsa Parade, when we burn the lady,
On the 9 of May we celebrated the Victory`s Day. In that day in 1945 our country won the World WarII. We congratulated the veterans of the war, see a beautiful parade and fireworks.
In Russia on the 13 of January we celebrated the “Old” New Year. This Holiday called old because many years ago according to the old calendar it was a New Year. Many families celebrated this holiday with delicious food and fireworks.
II. The popular festivals` celebrations.
And now I want you to listen to another festival.. It is rather short, but amusing. Youwilllistentoitandcompletethechart.
Jessica: Misha, which celebrations or festivals in your area do you like most?
Misha: My favourite is the Grushinsky Festival.
Jessica: The Grushinsky Festival?
Misha: Yes, it's a song festival called after Valery Grushin.
Jessica: When is it held?
Misha: In summer, June or July. It usually lasts for three days.
Jessica: Is it a new festival?
Misha: No, it has a long history, more than thirty years, I think.
Jessica: Is it popular?
Misha: Very popular. Lots of people, young and old, from all over Russia come to sing and listen to songs. Nowit has become international, because there are guests from other countries too. This year there were some people from Scotland.
Jessica: Oh, really? And what are the most interesting events at the festival?
Misha: Well, first of all, song competitions: you can see and hear people playing guitars and singing everywhere. You can go from one group to another and join the people, jt's great. And then there's a traditional football match between football fans. And there's a big gala concert near the lake at the end of the festival. It's really wonderful.
Jessica: Have you ever taken part in the concert?
Misha: Not yet. Maybe some day... I can play the guitar and I know lots of songs. Would you like to come to the Grushinsky Festival, Jessica?
Jessica: Oh, I'd love to!
Now complete the chart:
1 What festival is it?
2 How old is the tradition?
3 When is it held?
4 Who takes part in it?
5 What are the main events?
6 How does the festival end?
Your hometask will be to describe one of the local celebrations in your area to your English pen friend.
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
Ольга Сергеевна, добрый день! Все работы Вы встраиваете на этой странице, или именно здесь даете ссылку на нее. Каст можно встроить, для этого необходимо: скопировать HTML код работы (эти вкладки найдете на сервисе под работой), и вставить его с поле комментария на этой странице через иконку "источник".
Автор плэйкаста: teplyakovsos
Создан: 15 сентября 2013 13:58
С уважением Елена Тарасова
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
Ольга Сергеевна, несмотря на то, что вы новичок, у вас первый блин не получился комом, а очень даже креативненько
У вас обязательно всё получится. Желаю вам новых открытий и вдохновения на создание прекрасных ресурсов с помощью сервисов веб 2.0, а также составить конкуренцию более маститым коллегам. Удачи!
С уважением, Надежда Александровна, учитель истории и обществознания МБОУ "Лиманская СОш №2"
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
Спасибо большое.Надеюсь многому научиться здесь!
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
Сервис веб 2.0 : Photograph Puzzles
Предмет : английский язык
Класс: 2 класс
УМК : Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А.
Тема урока : Английский алфавит
Цель урока : Повторение изученного алфавита
Рекомендации по использованию ресурса : В качестве домашнего задания обучающимся предлагается повторить алфавит. Для этого обучающиеся переходят по ссылке и в игровой форме происходит повторение. После этого в начале урока учитель проводит буквенный диктант
provided by flash-gear.com
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
Дидактическая игра " Customs and festivals in Russia"
Урок английского языка с использованием ИКТ (7 класс) :"Traditionsandcelebrations”
Цельурока:To learn about traditional and new festivals in different parts of Russia.
Материалы, используемые при подготовке к уроку
. Материалы учебника "NewMilleniumEnglish" авторов Н.Н. Деревянко, С.В. Жаворонкова.
3. Материалы "Reader" автора А.П. Старков.
4. Презентация на тему " Русские праздники и традиции".
Запись на доске:
Keywords: chance, horse, pot, sack, sliding, tobogganing, tug-of-war.
I. Festivals in Russia.
2. Maslenitsa
3. Victory`sDay
4. “Old” New Year
II. The popular festivals` celebrations.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент.
Сообщение учащимся о целях и задачах урока
Goodmorning, children. Let'sbeginour lesson. Today we have an unusual lesson. I’d like to call your attention to some information about Russian famous traditions. The aim of our lesson is to get to know more about famous Russian`s traditions and festivals .
2. Основная часть урока
I. Festivals in Russia .
First of all we shall speak about festivals which are celebrated in Russia. I have some questions for you. Please, answer them:
1. Do you know any interesting traditions and celebrations and festivals in Russia? 2. Do you think foreign visitors would like to see these festivals? Why? Why not?
These are two most important questions about Russian festivals. But it’s clear that you know more about it. Please tell us about festivals in Russia .
Пример рассказов учащихся. (Во время рассказов на экране через проектор идет показ презентации)
There are a lot of festivals in our country, such as Sabantui , Maslenitsa, Victory`sDay , “Old” New Year and so on.
It's June again and I've just finished taking part in Sabantui — the traditional Tatar festival that celebrates the end of spring ploughing.
I love Sabantui because it's noisy, colourful and exciting. The streets of Kazan are crowded with people wearing traditional costumes. This year I watched Udmurts, Chuvashes, Maries, Bashkirs and Russians in national dress sing and do traditional dances.
There are sackraces, wrestling and tug-of-war competitions, and lots of games with prizes. I tried my hand at a traditional one called "break the pot". With your eyes closed, you throw a ball at a pot. If you break the pot, you get a prize. I didn't this time, but I'll be back to try again next year.
The grand finale of the day is the horse racing. Anyone can take part. Last year my brother took part and came second. The celebrations end when the prizes are presented. The winners of the wrestling and horseracing get traditional prizes: six sheep and a car!
Then Sabantui is over for another year — and I'm looking forward to next year's Sabantui... and another chanceto break a pot!
I like very much Maslenitsa, when the whole week is planed. For example:
Monday — Sleigh-riding and tobogganing
Tuesday — Snowball fight
Wednesday — Visit friends and parents
Thursday — Horse-riding
Friday - Slide down the hill
Saturday — Folk dancing and singing
Sunday — Lady Maslenitsa Parade, when we burn the lady,
On the 9 of May we celebrated the Victory`s Day. In that day in 1945 our country won the World WarII. We congratulated the veterans of the war, see a beautiful parade and fireworks.
In Russia on the 13 of January we celebrated the “Old” New Year. This Holiday called old because many years ago according to the old calendar it was a New Year. Many families celebrated this holiday with delicious food and fireworks.
II. The popular festivals` celebrations.
And now I want you to listen to another festival.. It is rather short, but amusing. Youwilllistentoitandcompletethechart.
Jessica: Misha, which celebrations or festivals in your area do you like most?
Misha: My favourite is the Grushinsky Festival.
Jessica: The Grushinsky Festival?
Misha: Yes, it's a song festival called after Valery Grushin.
Jessica: When is it held?
Misha: In summer, June or July. It usually lasts for three days.
Jessica: Is it a new festival?
Misha: No, it has a long history, more than thirty years, I think.
Jessica: Is it popular?
Misha: Very popular. Lots of people, young and old, from all over Russia come to sing and listen to songs. Nowit has become international, because there are guests from other countries too. This year there were some people from Scotland.
Jessica: Oh, really? And what are the most interesting events at the festival?
Misha: Well, first of all, song competitions: you can see and hear people playing guitars and singing everywhere. You can go from one group to another and join the people, jt's great. And then there's a traditional football match between football fans. And there's a big gala concert near the lake at the end of the festival. It's really wonderful.
Jessica: Have you ever taken part in the concert?
Misha: Not yet. Maybe some day... I can play the guitar and I know lots of songs. Would you like to come to the Grushinsky Festival, Jessica?
Jessica: Oh, I'd love to!
Now complete the chart:
1 What festival is it?
2 How old is the tradition?
3 When is it held?
4 Who takes part in it?
5 What are the main events?
6 How does the festival end?
Your hometask will be to describe one of the local celebrations in your area to your English pen friend.
Подведение итогов урока.
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
Автор плэйкаста: teplyakovsos
Создан: 27 сентября 2013 19:52
На: Участник мастер-класса Теплякова Ольга Сергеевна
Ольга Сергеевна, в таблицу самозаписи мы ставим ссылку на конкретный комментарий, как это сделать показано на скриншоте:
С уважением Елена Тарасова