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Music is a magic land

Размещено: Ольга Емелина - пт, 17/12/2010 - 11:53
Данные об авторе
Ольга Емелина
Место работы, должность: 
учитель английского языка
Оренбургская область
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
9 класс
Английский язык
Тип урока: 
Урок комплексного применения ЗУН учащихся
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемая методическая литература: 

учебник, индивидуальные карты урока для учащихся, компьютерная презентация заданий урока для самоконтроля учащихся. 

Используемое оборудование: 

ТСО: компьютер с медиа – проектором, . 

Краткое описание: 
Урок английского языка


Ход yрока

1.      Организационный момент.  Установка к уроку.

Good-morning, dear boys and girls! Good-morning, dear guests!

    “The company Soundtrack”    presents.  Only today and only here – “Music is a magic land”.  (a  song)

Today   at the lesson we ‘re  going to speak with you about different kinds of  music, famous composers, singers, groups. We’ll read, listen to interesting stories and do a lot of   different tasks.



2.      Warm up activities: read the following words and find the word that is different. Explain why it is different. ( a slide)


1.      Musician, orchestra, author, conductor

2.      Piano, violin, tube, novel

3.      Rubbish, unforgettable, foolish, dreadful

4.      Destroy, jazz, country, dance


3.      Основная часть:  Речевая зарядка


 А) Teacher:  Can   you  think of a day without music? There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in parks, in the car, at the seaside.

1.  Why  do  people listen to music?  (a   slide)


                                                                  to relax

                                                                                         to dance

                for pleasure






                                                                                                                                 to have fun

to learn to play musical




to express feeling

                                                                to know culture                 to learn language



2. Do you have a  good  ear  for music?

3. Do you play any musical instrument?

4. What is your favorite musical  instrument?

5. You often sing, don’t you?

6. How often do you go to concerts?

7. Who is a lover of folk music?

8. Do you  like   Russian romance?

9. What sort of music do you know?

10. What do you usually do when you hear music   you like?

11. What are your   favourite  activities when you have free time? (a  slide)


Индивидуальная работа для слабых учеников: Карточки по грамматике:


1.      Из приведённого ниже списка глаголов отметьте те, которые употребляются только с герундием:

1)      enjoy;  2) like; 3) give up; 4) go on; 5) hate;


2.      Допишите предложения, добавляя личные местоимения и вставляя инфинитив или герундий: to (Infinitive)  or ing form (Gerund)?


She hates (watch) watching football games.

She   hates (watch to ) watch football games.

1)      … enjoys…(watch) TV.

2)       … likes…(listen) to classical music.

3)        am fond of…(read).

4)      …is interested in … (learn) languages.




1.Из приведённого ниже списка глаголов отметьте те, которые употребляются только с герундием:

2)      enjoy;  2) like; 3) give up; 4) go on; 5) hate;


2.      Допишите предложения, добавляя личные местоимения и вставляя инфинитив или герундий: to (Infinitive)  or ing form (Gerund)?


She hates (watch) watching football games.

She   hates (watch to ) watch football games.

1)      … enjoys…(watch) TV.

       2) …likes…(listen) to classical music.

3)       am fond of…(read).

4)      …is interested in … (learn) languages.







Children are talking about their everyday life

Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму:


a)      – Are you doing anything special today?

        -  Yes, I (look forward/listen) to a new CD.


b)   - What about going to the concert?

       -  No, I (feel like/do)  my homework.


c)  - Did you start your diet?

      - I did, but I (can’t help/eat) six chocolate bars. 


d)  –What’s up? You look upset?

   - My mother won’t allow me to go to our music club. But I can’t (give up/play the drums).




Children are talking about their everyday life

Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму:


a)      – Are you doing anything special today?

        -  Yes, I (look forward/listen) to a new CD.


b)   - What about going to the concert?

       -  No, I (feel like/do)  my homework.


c)  - Did you start your diet?

      - I did, but I (can’t help/eat) six chocolate bars. 


d)  –What’s up? You look upset?

   - My mother won’t allow me to go to our music club. But I can’t (give up/play the drums).









В)  Развитие навыков диалогической  речи:

Music can leave us indifferent or it can provoke powerful and complex feelings. (p.40)

Ask your partner to express his/her point of view about music:   Pair  work  P1---P2

С) Отработка страноведческих знаний:

Teacher: So, you see there is a world of music around us. Is it large or small? It often depends on how much you know: the more we know the larger the world is. What outstanding composers do know? (T---Cl) (a slide) – ученики соотносят портреты знаменитых  композиторов с их портретами. Tell a few words about them.

1.      Benjamin  Britten

2.      Ludwig van Beethoven

3.      S. Rachmaninoff

4.      P. Tchaikovsky

5.      L. Webber



4.      Актуализация навыков аудирования:

Аудирование:   a song by     Julie Andrews - My Favorite Things :

Listen to the song and fill in missing words.


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on …
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen …
… paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite ….!

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
… and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my … things!




5. Актуализация навыков  монологической речи.


Монологическая речь – Tell us about your favorite composer. 

P1: Webber was born in1948. As a child he was fond of music. He composed his own music and at the same time he was interested in history. He studied at Westminster school and composed music for his school plays. In 1964 Webber entered Oxford University. In 1968 he met the poet Time Rice, left the University and they composed their first rock - opera  “J. Christ – superstar”. This musical was a masterpiece. He created many successful musicals, but the best are “Cats”, “The Phantom of the Opera’ and “The Sunset Boulevard”. These musicals made Webber one of the famous and rich composers of the world.



6.      Контроль диалогической речи по теме «Мои музыкальные предпочтения»

Your home task was to prepare a dialogue about your musical preferences.


Проверка домашнего задания:  диалог P1 –P2


-Almost all young people are fond of music.  And  what  about you?  Do you like music?

- I can’t imagine my life without music. Music reflects our mood and emotions. It is the soundtrack of our life, isn’t it?

- Yes, you are quite right. But different people like different  kinds of music.

-Exactly! Tastes differ. For example, my mother is fond of classical music. She likes quite lyrical piano pieces  by Chopin and S. Prokofiev.

-And what about your father?

-He enjoys rock music. His favorite groups are “Deep Purple” and “Led Zeppelin”. He says their music is passionate  and  breathtaking.

- And what are your musical preferences?

- I wouldn’t mind listening to classical music, especially I am fond of ballets. My favorite one is “Swan Lake” by P. Tchaikovsky. Thanks to amazing music, this ballet leaves an unforgettable impression. But I don’t like hard rock.  I find it too noisy and dreadful. Do you agree with me?

- I ‘m sorry, but I can’t  agree with you. Not all rock songs are noisy, they are full of energy. As for classical music, it’s too boring for me. I don’t understand it and it makes me sleep.

- And what kind of music do you prefer?

- I prefer catchy tunes. I don’t have favourites,    but I enjoy such groups as…. Their music helps me to  relax and escape from everyday problems.

- Have you ever been to the concert of pop group?

-No, I haven’t but I’d love to.



7.       Musical Marathon “Songs about Love”

Teacher: they say: don’t speak about love, everything has been said. But people compose beautiful songs about love. Listen to the songs and tell us their names and names of singers who perform them. (a  slide and tunes)

1.      Justin Timberlake  “My Love”;

2.      Alsu “He loves Me”;

3.      Elton John “True Love”.

4.   Whitney Hiuston  “I’llalways love you”.



4.      Контроль монологической речи

            Who can tell about your favorite group or a singer? Any wishes?   You can use a plan:          (a slide)



Star Sign…




Favorite food…





Teacher: If you ask me, my favorite group is “The Beatles”. They were inspired y many things over the years. They wrote personal songs, for example, about memories of loved or lost ones. So, there were four members of the Beatles who came from Liverpool, England.

(Photo of the Beatles)


8.      Развитие навыков поискового чтения:

Read the text and match the titles of the songs (1-6) with the information about these songs (A –F)

Behind the Beatles’ Lyrics

   The Beatles were  inspired  by  many things over the years. They wrote personal songs, for example, about memories of loved and lost ones. So, there were four members of the Beatles who came from Liverpool, England.  John Winston Lennon was born on October the 9th 1940 at Oxford Street   Maternity Hospital. His father was a sailor called Alfred and his mother was named Julia. John wrote song Julia as a tribute to her.  He  was  raised  by  his Aunt Mimi and Uncle George. He died on December 8th 1980 after being short  by  Mark  Champan outside his home in new York, the USA.  One  of  John’s  most  famous compositions  is  All You need is Love. This song was written in 1967 after the Beatles were approached by  the BBC to write a song for a global television project. The Beatles knew the one thing that could be understood in any language was love. In was John Lennon who came up with the  idea  and lyrics.

   James Paul McCartney was born on June the 18th, 1942 at Walton hospital. Paul’s father, Jim was a factory worker and his mother Mary was a nurse.  His father played in a band. Two of the songs that Paul wrote for the Beatles were about his family,  When  I’m 64   for Jim and  Let  It Be  for Mary.  One morning   McCartney  woke up with the tune for Yesterday in his head. He jumped out of bed and played it instantly on his piano. Because of the way that Paul dreamt up the song he was very concerned that  it may have been a tune that he had heard previously.  Paul spent the next month driving people mad by asking them if they had heard the tune to Yesterday before.  The original title of the song was going to be “scrambled eggs” and contained the lyrics “Scrambled eggs, oh you’ve got such lovely legs”

  Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) was  born  at  9 Madryn  street on the 7th of July 1940. His father was also called Richard and his mother was named Elsie. Ringo wrote two songs for the Beatles: Don’t Pass Me  By  and  Octopus’s Garden.

  Octopus’s  Garden  was inspired by a holiday in Sardinia. Ringo was on a boat trip in which octopus was served for lunch.  Ringo didn’t like the idea of eating it. Then the captain of the boat told him all good things about octopuses and how they live. He mentioned that the animals would act a bit like magpies and horde anything shiny, and  thus  make  Octopus’s Garden. Ringo loved the idea, and the thought of being under the sea and away from everything.

   George Harrison   was   born  at  12 Arnold grove on the 25th of February 1943.  His  father  was  a bus driver called Harold and his mother was called Louise.  His died of cancer on the 29th of November 2001. Of all the Beatles George was the one with the biggest history of philosophy and religion. George enjoyed  writing   songs  but was held back by the quality of the Lennon McCartney compositions. Nevertheless, he still managed to record great songs such as  Something   and While My Guitar Gently Weeps.

Match the titles of the songs (1-5) with the information about these songs (A-E).

1.       All You need is Love

2.       Let  It Be  

3.       Yesterday

4.       Octopus’s Garden 

5.       While My Guitar Gently Weeps.

A.      First, this song had a different title.

B.      This song is about one thing which is common for all people in the world.

C.      The  author of this song was impressed by Chinese philosophy.

D.      This song was inspired by a story which was told at lunch.

E.       This song was devoted to Mary.



Keys:  1-B;  2-E; 3-A; 4-D; 5-C


Teacher: Thank you for your work. You have worked hard  and  now  it’s a  surprise for you. Meet “The Beatles”. You have a good opportunity  to  ask  them about  what you like. They are witty, merry and play jokes.

9.      Ролевая Игра: вымышленная группа «Битлз» приезжает в Россию и встречается с учениками  нашей школы.

 (Role Play)

-          Could tell me how long will you perform together?

John: About 5 years.

-Have you got wigs on?

John: If that’s so they are the most natural wigs that have ever been made.  They are even with dandruff.

-What kind of guitar have you got, Paul?

Paul: This is Hoffman’s bass guitar.

-Is it expensive?

Paul: 56 guineas  I could have bought a more expensive one but I’m a miser.

-          Ringo,   why have you got so many rings on your fingers?

       Ringo:  Because I can’t   have them all in my nose.

      -What would you like to say to Russian youth?

     Ringo:  I’d like them to buy more “The Beatles” records.

-          What do think of Beethoven?

     Ringo : I like him very much, especially his poems.

-          Could you tell me, George, why you haven’t got a tie?

   George: And why haven’t you got a hat on?

-          Have you ever cut your hair?

   George:  I did it yesterday.

-           What would you like to bring home from Russia?

George: Central Bank of Russia.


Teacher: And could you perform one of my favourite  song not only for me, but for all of us.

 Yesterday”  (The Beatles)

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, I yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


10.  Результаты урока: You have done a lot of work today. Thank you for your work. Your homework for the next lesson is to write a composition on the theme “The world of music.

Your marks for the lesson are…

See you next time. Good-bye, dear girls and boys.




















11.    Match the sort of music with its definition (a slide)


Sort of music




Light classical music


Is any music played softly as a background for conversation.


Pop music


Is music used for dancing including jazz and pop music.




Is used for short classical works that are easy to listen to, because the composer’s aim was simply to entertain.




Is a modern music of an uncomplicated character, played mainly on electronic guitars and drums often with a singer.




Afro-American religious songs


Dance music


Is music characterized by improvisation and strong rhythms.


Back ground music


Is characterized by melancholy lyrics. The guitar is a dominant instrument.


Keys: a-3; b-4; c-6; d-7; e-5; f-2; g-1.


Teacher: And could you perform one of my favorite  song not only for me, but for all of us.


Imagine  there’s  no heaven

It’s easy if you try

No hell  below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today…

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace…

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world…

You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope someday you’ll join us

And the world will be as one.



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