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Разработка урока по английскому языку для 11 кл. "Интервью с работодателем"

Петрова Светлана Спиридоновна, заместитель директора по иностранным языкам, учитель высшей квалификационной категории
Место работы: 
МОУ «СОШ №11 с углубленным изучением иностранных языков» г. Ноябрьска ЯНАО Тюменской области




Разработка урока по английскому языку для 11 кл. "Интервью с работодателем"


Предмет: Английский язык.
Класс: 11.
Тема урока: «Job interview tips».
Учебник: Гроза О.Л. Английский язык «New Millennium English», 11 класс.
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.
Оборудование: проектор, экран, компьютер, лингафонное, аудиозапись.




  • образовательная: систематизировать знания учащихся о том, как правильно подготовиться к интервью с работодателем в форме рекомендаций;
  • развивающая: способствовать развитию умения анализировать, делать обобщения и выводы;
  • воспитательная: подвести учащихся к осознанию необходимости адаптации к социальной среде и взаимодействию с окружающими людьми.
  • практическая: совершенствовать навыки аудирования и чтения с целью выделения необходимой информации, говорения в форме подготовленного диалога-интервью, письма.


Ход урока


I блок – целевой


  • В целевой блок входят оргмомент, мотивация, целеполагание.


Организационный момент


  • Задача оргмомента – психологически подготовить учащихся к предстоящему занятию, снять напряжение и организовать внимание. Этому способствуют «Советы психолога», выполняя которые учащиеся повторяют лексику, необходимую в дальнейшем для аудирования, внутренне организуются и мобилизуются на урок.


Hello everybody! Glad to see you. You are quite well, aren’t you?
Let’s try to overcome nervousness. We need a little bit of help to look confident:


  • take a few deep breaths;
  • hold your back straight;
  • lift your chin slightly.


Smile I believe a humorous episode will help to release the tension too.




  • При введении в тему, а от этого зависит не просто настрой на урок, а мотивация, используется карикатурный мультимедийный рисунок, который также помогает снять напряжение, создает особый эмоциональный окрас и является логическим мостиком к материалу урока и выводит учащихся на тему.


Look at the cartoon.


What do you think it’s message is?
Guess what the lesson is going to be about?
That’s just the point. Job interview tips.
I hope you will never be in such awkward situation, because job interview tips will help you.




  • Цели урока формулируются вместе с учащимися, показывается их практическая значимость.


What is in your opinion the aim of our today’s activity?
You are right:

  • to make you aware of possible mistakes at a job interview;
  • to encourage you to think in advance about future job interview;
  • to provide you with some help on how to succeed in it.


You will write tips on how to prepare for a job interview, practice answering possible job interview questions, listening and reading for gist.
You will produce a list of tips summarizing all the information you have got.
These tips are very important for your successful participation in «Express yourself» lesson as well as for your future life experience.

II блок – процессуальный


  • Работа в малых группах по составлению письменных рекомендаций, как правильно подготовиться к интервью с работодателем, через такие виды деятельности как говорение в форме подготовительного диалога-интервью, аудирование и чтение (на уроке сбалансированы все виды речевой деятельности). Учитель работает в режиме управления самостоятельной работой групп над одним заданием. Учащиеся разрабатывают совместный продукт, осуществляя сложную мыслительную операцию по обобщению, систематизации и осмыслению пройденного материала.
  • Этапы работы над каждым пунктом задания:
  • групповая генерация идей;
  • структурирование идей методом «карты памяти»;
  • афиширование (обмен идеями);
  • самопроверка с контрольным вариантом учителя.


Make a list of tips according to the following plan.x.5 p.50.)


  • What you might need to do / find out before the interview.
  • How you say things (Speaking).
  • The way you behave (Listening «How to look confident»).
  • The way you look (Reading).
  • What to do and not to do on the day of the interview.


Work in small groups of three or four and follow the steps:


  • brain storm the ideas;
  • make a mind map writing your dos and don’ts;
  • express the ideas;
  • evaluate yourselves.


Don’t forget about rules of a team work. Use English at the lesson.


The first point is «What you might need to do / find out before the interview».
Three minutes are given to you.
Follow the steps.
Compare your tips with mine.





  • По второму пункту проверяется домашнее задание. Для учащихся со слабой нервной системой предлагаются вопросы первой группы (easy to answer). На сложные вопросы, которые иногда ставят претендентов на работу в неловкое положение, отвечают учащиеся с сильной нервной системой. Учащиеся некоммуникабельные, закомплексованные в речевом плане к доске не вызываются, они работают в парах в лингафонном кабинете. Учитель контролирует их, по очереди подключаясь к парам. Разумная дифференциация и индивидуальный подход позволяют каждому ученику испытать чувство успеха.
  • Взаимооценка по предложенной учителем схеме привлекает к активному слушанию ответов и помогает объективно оценить своих товарищей.



The second point «How you say things». Your homework was to practice answering interview questions (ex.4 p.49).
Listen to each other and evaluate your classmates using the criterion from the evaluation card for applicants.




Score (1-3)


Did he (she) sound positive?



Did he (she) prepare for the interview in advance?



Did he (she) cope well with all the questions?



Did he (she) show confidence?



Did he (she) give relevant information?


Total score:



Total score: 14-15 – «5»; 12-14 – «4»; 8-11 – «3».


Let’s listen to one pair starting from the most challenging questions (P1 – P2).
Don’t forget to evaluate “candidate” using evaluation card.
The questions which you find OK (P3 – P4).
In general which candidate is more likely to be accepted? Why? Did he seem to have prepared for the interview better? Was she fluent, accurate. Did she give relevant information? Did she sound positive?
So write your dos and don’ts.
Let’s listen to your ideas.
Compare them with mine.





  • Перед написанием рекомендаций как вести себя на интервью, учащиеся дважды прослушивают советы психолога (Приложение 1) из аудиокассеты для 10 класса. Слабо подготовленным учащимся даются опоры (Charts).



The next point is «The way you behave». Listen to a psychologist’s advice on how to convince others that you feel confident. Take notes while listening. The charts can help some of you. Discuss in groups. Listen to a lecture once again. Your versions?
Compare them with mine.





  • По четвертому пункту даются разноуровневые тексты (Приложение 2), в которых учащиеся находят нужную информацию, творчески перерабатывают и оформляют в виде рекомендаций.



The forth point is «The way you look».
You will find some information on the point in three different articles devoted to «Dressing for Business».
I have already distributed the texts between the group members. Look through, try to find relevant information and write tips.
Let’s check up.
Compare them with mine.





  • Пятый пункт задания учащиеся выполняют дома. В качестве опоры слабоуспевающим дается текст (Приложение 3). Анализ конечного продукта делается на следующем уроке.


The last point «What to do and not to do on the day of the interview».
These tips you will write at home.
Next lesson we shall analyze your final products.
Write down your homework.
Еx.5 (p.5) p.50 «Dos and Don’ts». The text «How not to die at your Job Interview» are sure to help some of you in doing this task.
Job Advertisement. Read and translate a Job advertisement from our local newspaper. «Administrator is required to Schlumberger».
Applying for this job write a CV or a letter of application.


III блок – аналитический


  • Блок направлен на осмысление учащимися сделанного на уроке, и о личном вкладе каждого в общее дело. Оценка учащимися собственных достижений (рефлексия) проводится по предложенной учителем схеме.


In conclusion it’s very important to reflect on our work.
I ask you to evaluate yourselves filling in self-evaluation cards.





Score (1-5)


Balance of contribution

Did I participate equally with the rest of the group when we created Job Interview Tips?




Did I bring any useful ideas?



Appropriateness of language

Did I use the language accurately and appropriately?



Task achievement

Did myself and my group achieve the task?


Total score:



It’s good to discuss the results of your evaluation but I do not insist, just tell me your total score if you want. If you score 19-20 – It’s great! 15-18 – Well done! 11-14 – Not bad.
OK, today you have had a little practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Let’s hope that job interview tips will help you to succeed in future life experience.
Do you think that applicants who know foreign languages have an advantage? Why?
To sum up I believe that knowledge of English will help you to get better jobs, more money. Finally I’d like to stress that the English language is extremely beneficial. If you know English well you seem more intelligent and people respect you more.
After all what counts is hard work! Thank you for your hard work.
Good bye.


Советы психолога из аудиокассеты для 10 класса




1. Read the text and make a list of do’s and don’ts.


Today, very few employers have time for long interviews. That is why first impressions about you are very important.
The way you dress is also very essential.
The most important consideration for an applicant is the underlying symbolism for clothing. If your clothes don’t convey the message you are competent, able, ambitious, self-confident, reliable, nothing you say will overcome the negative signals emanating from your suit.
A dress costume with a matching or contrasting jacket, gives a feeling of strength and control to woman’s appearance.
A woman must avoid any kind of dresses which portray her as weak or indecisive. There doesn’t seem to be any difference whether a woman chooses skirts or pants as long as the skirt is appropriate for her daily activities. If your skirt distracts attention from the business it is not acceptable as a work uniform.
Pants give absolute freedom, but they must fit perfectly, you should feel as comfortable in them as in a second skin. Choose clothing in which you’ll be comfortable.


2. Read the text and make a list of do’s and don’ts Jewellery. Perfume. Make-Up and Hairstyles.


There’s one cardinal rule: don’t wear anything that jingles, wiggles, clanks or glitters.
Dangling earrings, charm bracelets, chain collections that distract listeners from what you are saying will dilute any reliable image.
Women should avoid wearing junk and select with care whatever they put on.
Whether cheap or expensive perfumes is overpowering and headachy in a small office.
Remember that your make-up and hair do should be moderate.


3. Read the text and make a list of do’s and don’ts.


Today, very few employers have time for long interviews. That is why first impressions about you are very important.
The way you dress is also very essential.
The most important consideration for an applicant is the underlying symbolism for clothing. If your clothes don’t convey the message you are competent, able, ambitious, self-confident, reliable, nothing you say will overcome the negative signals emanating from your suit.
The first thing a man does when preparing for a business meeting or visiting his boss is to put on his suit jacket. No man could wear a red suit. He should wear a dark, conservative suit with a dark or white shirt and with a matching or contrasting tie. Men seldom have a wardrobe of decorations: they stick to one or two favourites that look (and are) expensive.
Men’s shoes should be well-cleaned and shined.


Приложение 3


Read the text and make a list of do's and don'ts.




Today, very few employers have time for long interviews. That is why first impressions about you are very important.
If you want to get the job, prepare for the interview.
Learn all you can about the company where you are seeking employment. You ran make a better impression if you are familiar with the company's plans and operations.
Arrive for the interview on time. When greeting the interviewer wait until he moves to shake hands. You should also wait until he offers you a seat.
The way you dress is also very important. Choose clothing in which you’ll be comfortable. Be neat. Your shoes should be well-cleaned and shined. If you are a woman try to be moderate in make-up and jewelry.
Try to be relaxed and confident during the interview.
Never interrupt the interviewers.
Don’t criticize your previous employers. No matter how bad they were. Speak about them with respect when you start explaining why you quit.



Приложение 1
Interview with a psychologist (extract)
Q: How can we look confident in difficult situations like job interviews?
A: Well, you can always fake it! For example, it’s a well-known fact that when breakfast TV presenters need a little bit of help to look confident, bright-eyed and full of energy first thing in the morning, they often wear bright clothes.
Q: But not everyone feels good in bright colours...
A: That’s right. It’s even more important to wear something you like ... something you feel you look good in. That way, you’re more likely to smile and be relaxed.
Q: People are often pretty tense when they arrive for an interview, especially in the moments just before it. Can you offer any advice on this?
A: Yes, sure. It’s always a good idea to take a few deep breaths and gently shake your arms and legs to release all the tension. This will stop you from looking embarrassed or awkward, too.
Q: And what about when you walk into the interview room?
A: A tip from modelling courses might help here! New models are taught to hold their backs straight and to lift their chins slightly.
This creates an impression of self-confidence and pride.






Look through the chart and find the items which you think may help you look confident

  • relaxing your muscles
  • smiling
  • crossing your arms
  • taking a few deep breaths
  • shaking your arms and legs gently
  • touching your face and hair
  • lifting your chin slightly
  • wearing bright colours
  • holding your back straight



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