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PEOPLE по учебнику New Opportunities Intermediate

Фото пользователя Надежда Валентиновна Рукавишникова
Размещено: Надежда Валентиновна Рукавишникова - чт, 16/04/2009 - 00:23
Данные об авторе
Рукавишникова Надежда Валентиновна
Место работы, должность: 
ГОУ РМЭ "Многопрофильный лицей-интернат"
Республика Марий Эл
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
8 класс
9 класс
10 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 
Практические задачи: • обеспечить выход в речь изученного материала • закрепить лексику по теме “Appearance”, “Personality” • закрепить грамматический материал Modals in speculating • совершенствовать навыки говорения, аудирования, чтения Образовательные задачи: • ознакомить с идиомами, содержащими слова, обозначающими части тела • представить краткую информацию о Земфире Воспитательные задачи: • пропагандировать взаимопонимание между старшим и младшим поколениями
Тип урока: 
Комбинированный урок
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

УМК New Opportunities Intermediate

Кауфман Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Happy English

УМК "Cutting Edge" Intermediate


Используемая методическая литература: 

Толкиен "Хоббит"


Используемое оборудование: 

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Используемые ЦОР: 

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Краткое описание: 
Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний по двум подтемам: "Внешность" и "Личность", где большое внимание уделяется работе с лексикой. Дополнительный материал идиомы.

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Ход урока.
На экране слайд 1 (тема урока)
     1) Приветствие
     2) How are you feeling?
     3) Планурока:
We are going to revise the vocabulary and grammar of the module 6 People and have some speaking, reading and listening practice and learn some interesting idioms.
     4) Загадка. На экране слайд 2.
What are we all doing all the time? (growingolder)
2. Повторение лексического материала
     1)Повторение лексики по теме «Возраст» На экране слайд 3.
Look at this photos and try to define the age of this people.
     2) Повторение лексики по теме «Строение тела» Слайд 4.
Think of some famous people and say who is (has)
a)     well-built                                g) a long nose
b)    slim, skinny                                     h) bushy eyebrows
c)     fat, overweight                       i) luxurious hair
d)    tall                                          j) lots of freckles
e)     short                                       k) a long beard
f)      broad-shouldered                   l) a long moustache
3) Повторение лексики по теме «Характер»
Letsturntoliterature. Give examples of
a)     a shy person
b)    a cheerfulperson
c)     a moody person
d)    a sociable person
e)     a materialistic person
f)      a selfish person
g)     a romantic person
h)    a hard-working person
i)       a dishonest person
j)       a sympathetic person
4) Отрывокизкниги.
Read a passage from the book of the famous English writer and guess who is it about.
         I suppose Xes need some descriptions nowadays, since they have become rare and shy of the Big People, as they call us. They are (or were) a little people, about half of our height, and smaller than bearded dwarves. Xes have no beards. There is little or no magic about them, except the ordinary everyday sort which helps them to disappear quietly and quickly when large stupid folk like you and me come blundering along, making a noise like an elephant which they can hear a mile off. They are inclined to be fat in stomach; they dress in bright colors (chiefly green and yellow); wear no shoes, because their feet grow natural leathery soles and thick brown long hair like the stuff on their heads (which is curly); have long clever brown fingers, good-natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs (especially after dinner, which they have twice a day when they can get it).
5) Отрывок из фильма. Слайд 5.
         You have seen the film. Whose book was it based on and who are the main characters?
                   6) Повторение тематической лексики
ABCQuiz. Слайд 6.
Work in pairs, look through the definitions and give the meanings of the words.
A = The way that someone or something looks. (noun)
B = It is your head, arms, chest, waist, legs, feet and all the other physical parts of you. (noun)
C = When a person is good at thinking of new ideas. (adjective)
Someone who is not brave enough to do something dangerous and unpleasant that they ought to. (noun)
D = To talk or write about a person, place, event etc, saying what they are like and giving details about them. (verb)
E = the line of short hairs above your eye. (noun)
F = small brown spots on someone’s face that are made darker by the sun. (noun, plural)
G = a movement of your hand, eye, etc. to show what you feel or think. (noun)
Feeling angry and unhappy because you want something someone has. (adjective)
H = Something that you do regularly or usually, often without thinking about it because you have done it so many times before. (noun)
I = The way someone looks and behaves or the idea that people have about well-known person, company, or product- use this especially about an idea that is deliberately created through newspaper stories, advertising. (noun)
J = The lower part of your face. (noun)
K = The middle part of your leg. (noun)
L = One of the two edges of your mouth. (noun)
M = Hair above someone’s top lip. (noun)
N = We describe someone who tries to find out about other people’s private life. (adjective)
O = We describe someone who is too fat. (adjective)
P = A set of long hair twisted into a design as one piece. (noun)
Q = When we argue about something angrily and may stop being friends with each other. (verb)
R = Someone who refuses to obey, behaves in a way that their parents or teachers disapprove of – use this about older children or young adults. (adjective)
S = We describe long hair that touches someone’s shoulder. (adjective)
T = a picture permanently marked on someone’s skin with a needle and ink.
U = That describes a person that you cannot rely on, the opposite of unreliable. (adjective)
W = lines in the skin that people get when they get older. (noun, plural)
3. Введение нового материала
1) Чтение. Работасидиомами.
Read the text and match the expressions in bald with the Russian equivalents. Work in groups.
A       English has many colloquial expressions to do with the body – from head to toe! Here are some of the commonest ones.
         To keep your head is to remain calm, but to lose it to panic and do something foolish. If something is above or over your head, it is too difficult for you to understand.
         If you have something on the brain, you can’t forget it, and if you pick someone’s brains, you talk a problem over with them to see if they have any good ideas.
B       To pay through the nose is to pay a very high price for something, but if you turn up your nose at something you despise it. If you’re all ears, you listen very attentively, and if you keep your ear to the ground you listen and watch out for signs of future events. To see eye to eye with someone is to agree with them.
         To keep stiff upper lip is the traditionally British quality of not showing any emotions in times of trouble. To have your tongue in your cheek is to say one thing and mean something else. To have a sweet tooth is to have a taste for sweet food, and to do something by the skin of your teeth is to just manage to do it.
C       To stick your neck out is to do something risky or dangerous, and to keep someone at arm’s length is to avoid getting too friendly with them. If you have a finger in every pie, you are involved in a lot of different projects. To be under someone’s thumb is to be under their influence.
D       To be thick-skinned is to be insensitive to criticism, but to be thin-skinned is to be oversensitive. If your blood boils, you are furious about something, and if it freezes in your veins, you are terrified.
         If you pull someone’s leg, you tease them. To fall on your feet is to be very fortunate. To find your feet is to become used to a new situation, but to get cold feet is to become frightened or nervous about something.
2) Работаскартинками. Слайд 7.
Match the pictures and the idioms/
3) Translate the following expressions:
·        приложитьруку
·        держаться на расстоянии
·        быть сладкоежкой
·        сохранять присутствие духа
·        слушать очень внимательно
·        не терять голову
·        воспользоваться чьими-то идеями
·        еле-еле, с большим трудом
·        рисковать
·        быть в курсе событий (держать ухо востро)
·        паниковать
·        разделять чьи-то взгляды
·        быть постоянно в голове
·        быть высокомерным
·        быть выше понимания
·        заплатить огромную сумму
·        быть неискренним
·        испугаться, струсить
·        быть под влиянием
·        выйти из затруднительного положения
·        быть толстокожим
·        морочить голову
·        встать на ноги
·        быть чувствительным
·        кровь стынет в жилах
2) Домашнее задание: выучить идиомы, составить ситуации с использованием данной лексики.
We are short of time at the lesson. Learn these expressions at home and we will continue work with them at the next lesson
4.Актуализация изученного материала
1) Проверкадомашнегозадания.
Your homework was to prepare a short presentation about the person you love or respect. Check. (Монологическая речь с электронной презентацией.) Youmayaskhim/herquestions. Слайд 8, 9
2) Работасучебником. Аудирование.
I would like you to open your textbooks p.79 Culture Corner 6 ex. 2. Read the task.
Who is the mystery star? Give some information about her. Слайд 10.
3) Песня Земфиры.
Could you tell us in a few words what it is about.   Are there any problems raised in the song? Is there the problem of the generation gap?
         4) Повторениеграмматики. Слайд 11.
Look at the picture. Discuss it in pairs. Use the modals in speculating.
5. Заключение.
1) Подвести итог
2) Прокомментировать оценки
3) Конец урока


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