Используемые учебники и учебные пособия:
Сценарий праздника «Веселый английский» для учащихся начальных классов.
Цель: Воспитание любви к школьным предметам и к английскому языку.
Оборудование: Учебники, иллюстраций к стихам, цветные карандаши.
Ведущий: Good morning, dear friends! Today we shall have unusual lessons, They are Maths, Art, Physical Education, Reading and Music.
T1: The first lesson is Mathematics. Hello, children! How are you?
Do you like Maths?
P: Yes. We all like to count and to do sums.
T: OK, let’s do sums,
One plus one is….
Two minus one is….
Three plus three is…..
You are very nice. Do you know poems with numbers?
P: One, two ,three, four
Nick is standing at the door
Five. Six ,seven ,eight
He is speaking with Kate.
T: OK, children. You were very nice .Your marks are five.
T2: The second lesson is Art. Do you like to draw funny pictures?
P: Yes.
T: Name the colors.
P; I like blue, I like red, I like green. ( Дети говорят и показывают свои любимые цвета.) Поют песню I see green I see yellow .
I see that fanny fellow .I see white I see black.
I see this and that and that.
T; The third lesson is Physical Education. Let’s do exercises .
Let us go to the Zoo.
I can jump like kangaroo
I can swim like polar bear
I can run like little hear.
P1: Frogcanjump(показывает движениями)
P2: Hearcanrun (показывает движениями)
P3: Duckcanswim (показывает движениями)
P4,5,6: We can dance (танцуюттанецподмузыку ‘Dance with me”)
T4: The fourth lesson is Reading. Name the letters of the alphabet .
( Ученики называют буквы английского алфавита ).
Recitepoemsbyheart. (Ученики рассказывают стихи и показывают иллюстраций к ним).
P1: Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?
P2: I love my dog
She loves me ,too .
T: Thanks, children. Our fifth lesson is Music. Let’s sing songs.
The first song is “What is your name?”
The second song is “That’s my mother”
The fourth song is “Chickens”
The next song is “Happy birthday to you”
OK, children. You were very nice. Our unusual lesson is over. Goodbye.