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Урок в 5 классе Free Time

Фото пользователя Ирина Анатольевна Романчук
Submitted by Ирина Анатольевна Романчук on Sat, 09/01/2010 - 09:57
Данные об авторе
Романчук Ирина Анатольевна
Место работы, должность: 
МОУ лицей №6 г. Уфа
Республика Башкортостан
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
5 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 
Цели: Обучающая – обучение монологическому высказыванию, аудированию, чтению; Развивающая – навыка употребления does и doesn’t, can, can't в речи и навыка reading for info; Воспитательная – воспитание интереса к различным видам хобби и играм.
Тип урока: 
Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

УМК Opportunities

Используемое оборудование: 

Видеофильм Real Lives, CD

Краткое описание: 
навык диалога, монолога, закрепоение лексики, чтение


Ход урока:

Слова приветствия. Мотивация к уроку. Объявление темы.

 The topic of our today’ s lesson is “Free Time” . We are going to speak about how we spend our free time and to listen to the tape. We are going to have some grammar, read the text and work in pairs.

Well, have you got free time? What do you usually do when you are free? (Дети отвечают на вопросы).

 You know that there are other interesting hobbies. Look at the picture on page 22. You can see different things there. Let’s read the names of the things together. (stamps, table tennis, cards, computer games, puzzles, photos, coins) So, what can we do when we have free time? Please use the new words. As for me I usually read books and go for a walk with my family. And what about you? (Дети дают полные ответы).

 You have just said that you collect coins and stamps. I know a girl, her name is Miriam. When she’s got free time she collects something, too. Do you want to know what her hobby is? Look at ex. C p. 22. Here is a photo of Miriam. Look at it and try to guess the correct the answers on the questions given bellow. Now we are going to listen to the story about this girl. Do you think it’s interesting  to collect national dolls? Why?

 There is one more exercise on the tape. But before listening let’s read the words above the sentences. You’ll here them and put them in the right places. Are you ready? Let’s check the sentences.

I, You, They, We

She, He, It










 Do you remember the rule which is given on the board? OK.

I, You, They, We

She, He, It









  So, use this table to make up your sentences about your hobbies and about your family. Your answers were great.

It’s time to work in pairs. Please, ask your partners about their hobby. Use the following: Do you like...? What is your hobby? Why do you like it? That’s good of you.

 There is one more thing that we can collect. Look at ex. A. There is a letter from Damian. Please read it and put the words in brackets in the correct form. Great! Now can you say what his hobby is? Yes, that’s it. He collects ships.

We have spoken about things that we can do. Now let’s speak about things that we can’t do. Here is a puzzle. Please, make up as many negative sentences as you can. (We can't jump as a kangaroos. We can't swim like a fish. We can't run like a rabbit). That’s very good of you.

 Our lesson is coming to an end. We’ve done a lot of work. Your marks. Your home task. Good bye.   






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