Экологический проект
"Это наша с тобою Земля"

Конкурс методических разработок
для учащихя 9-11 класов
Участники учителя английского языка
МАОУ Гимназия № 1 г. Балаково
Бодрова Инна Виктровна
Ляпина Лариса Рахимовна
Пояснительная записка
Авторы материала
Бодрова Инна Викторовна, учитель английского языка
Ляпина Лариса Рахимовна, учитель английского языка
Образовательное учреждение
МАОУ Гимназия № 1 г. Балаково Саратовской области
Название материала
Мероприятие «Man – the Child of Nature»
10 класс
Учебный предмет
Английский язык
Образовательная программа, используемая для преподавания данного предмета
УМК Английский язык Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. Учебник английского языка (X), Москва, Просвещение, 2014 г.
1. компьютер;
2. колонки;
3. экран;
4. камера;
Используемые приложения и веб-сервисы для проведения урока.
1.Презентация по шаблону Комаровского (чтобы тест работал корректно, в настройках нужно включить все макросы, и в конце не сохранять изменения)
2. Презентации в Power Point
3. мр3 плейер
1.Совершенствование умений применять изученный лексический и фактологический материал по теме в варьируемых ситуациях общения.
2. Развитие умений работать в группах, выполняя различные функции (руководителя, исполнителя, критика и т.д.) .
3. Формирование и развитие экологической культуры, бережного отношения к родной земле.
1. Совершенствование лексических навыков, умений использовать языковую догадку, языковую интуицию.
2. Развитие коммуникативных умений.
3. Развитие познавательного интереса и творческого потенциала обучающихся.
Методические рекомендации по проведению урока
Для проведения данного мероприятия необходима тщательная предварительная подготовка. Обучающиеся делятся на группы, каждая из которых работает над одним из проектов: “Nature of Our Region in Works of Art”, “The Red Book of Our Region”, “Parks and Green Zones of Our Region”. Творческий продукт каждой из групп представляется в процессе проведения мероприятия.
В начале урока следует разделить учащихся на три или четыре группы в зависимости от количества участников. Вся работа на уроке строится в режиме групповой работы. Разделение на группы производится произвольно с использованием либо значков, либо карточек разного цвета. Кроме того, организуется редакционная коллегия, которая на протяжении урока работает над созданием газеты, отражающей наиболее важные моменты проводимого мероприятия.
Работу на уроке организуют ведущие, которые приглашают участников мероприятия принять участие в дискуссии, выполнить те или иные задания, направленные на активизацию лексического материала, необходимого для работы по теме урока, а также принять участие в викторине.
Важные этапы в проведении урока - представление творческих проектов и их обсуждение.
Завершающим этапом мероприятия является составление рекомендаций, правил, которым нужно следовать, чтобы сохранить окружающий нас мир, сберечь его для будущих поколений. Эта работа также проводится в группах, каждая из которых предлагает свой проект рекомендаций, на основе которых вырабатываются общие правила.
Редакционная коллегия представляет составленную ими газету, обучающиеся оценивают работу, которую все они провели на данном уроке.
Man – the Child of Nature
Show Host 1: Good afternoon. Our Gymnasium TV greets you. We are in Gymnasium № 1. Let me introduce our Media Group – …………… and ………………. Our cameraman is …………… and our photographer is …………. And we - Show Hostesses - ………………… and ……………….
Show Host 2: And we begin our Talk Show. They say “Man is the Child of Nature” Do you agree with it? Take consoles for voting and let’s vote.
Show Host 1 Question 1: “Man is the Child of Nature” Do you agree with it? A. Yes B. No
Show Host 1: _____ students agree with it. / ______students think so.
_____ students don’t agree with it. / ______ students don’t think so.
Show Host 2: Nature…….. What do people mean when they use this word?
Pupil 1:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pupil 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pupil 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pupil 4: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Show Host 1 So, nature is closely connected with us in all its aspects. Strictly speaking we are all a part of nature. It is essential for us what is going on Earth.
Weather, weather conditions, weather forecasts … These words are often used in our everyday language.
Let’s try to define some natural phenomena. We’ll work in groups. (Приложение 1)
All the words in each of the groups 1-7 below can be used with one of the nouns in the box to form strong collocations. For each group of words write the noun which can be used in the appropriate space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Sunshine, showers, sky, sea, storm, clouds, rain, wind
- overcast clear stormy (sky).
1) violent severe electric - storm
2) fine heavy torrential- rain
3) strong gale-force light- wind
4) warm brilliant glorious - sunshine
5) rough calm choppy - sea
6) thick storm angry-looking - clouds
7) light scattered snow - showers
Show Host 1 Ready? Let’s look through your word combinations. OK, well done. And now some more questions for you. Try to use these phrases to give more details.
1. What types of weather do you prefer? What weather conditions do you least like?
2. What are the worst weather conditions you have had to endure?
Show Host 2: Do you love nature? What do you think about the relations with it?
Pupil 1:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pupil 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pupil 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pupil 4: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Show Host 2: So, we can conclude that we work for an evolution in our relationship with Earth. It means that we move from dominance to partnership; from fragmentation to connection; from insecurity to independence.
Show Host 1: We live in a beautiful place on the banks of the Volga River. Many of our artists painted the nature of our native land. Our reporters have prepared a special report.
Project “Nature of Our Region in Works of Art” (Приложение 2)
Show Host 2 Question 2: Have you ever seen any pictures of nature of our region?
A. Yes B. No
Show Host 2: _____ students agree with it. / ______students think so.
_____ students don’t agree with it. / ______ students don’t think so.
Show Host 1: What do you feel looking at these paintings? What attracts you in them?
Pupil 1: ________________________________
Pupil 2: ________________________________ etc.
The beauty of nature inspires not only artists but composers as well. Our great composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky created charming piano plays “Seasons of the year”. His music is full of deep emotions and admiration.
Let’s listen to the play called “April”.
Show Host 2 We are the earth through the plants and animals that nourish us. We humans are but one of thirty million species weaving the thin layer of life enveloping the world. The stability of communities depends upon this diversity. But a lot of species nowadays are in danger. Our reporters are ready to tell you about endangered species of plants and animals in our region.
Project “The Red Book of Our Region” (Приложение 3)
Show Host 1 Question 3: Can we really protect these endangered species?
A. Yes B. No
Show Host 1: _____ students agree with it. / ______students think so.
_____ students don’t agree with it. / ______ students don’t think so.
Show Host 2 Are there any wildlands, national parks in our region? Have you ever been there?
Is it important for a person to take part in various projects connected with environmental protection?
Thank you. And now I’d like you to imagine yourselves walking in the forest. Listen to its sounds and enjoy them.
Релаксация (Звуки леса) (Приложение 4)
Show Host 1: I think everybody likes to walk in the beautiful green parks. Our reporters are ready to tell us about them.
Project “Parks and Green Zones of Our Region” (Recreation Area) (Приложение 5)
Show Host 2: What are the most important ecological problems in our town?
A. We have few parks and green zones.
B. There are few beaches and places for bathing in summer.
C. There is a lot of industry air pollution, water pollution, etc.
D. There is a lot of garbage in our parks, streets…………………..
Show Host: 2 Oh, yes, it’s an urgent problem. It is necessary to find the proper way of solving the problem. By the way, do you know how long litter lasts?
Работа в группах (опрос) (Приложение 6)
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
traffic ticket
up to 2 months
up to 4 months
up to 6 months
up to 8 months
banana peel
up to 6 months
4 years
2 years
3 years
1 year
wool sock
1 year
3 years
2 years
4 years
6 years
wooden stake
4 years
5 years
3 years
4 years
1 year
wax paper cup
5 years
10 years
13 years
15 years
18 years
painted wooden stake
13 years
100 years
130 years
150 years
200 years
tin can
100 years
up to 200 years
up to 300 years
up to 400 years
up to 500 years
aluminum can
plastic bottle
up to 500 years
10 years
500 years
1000 years
glass container
Show Host 1 Our home, planet Earth, is finite; all life shares its resources and its energy from the sun, and therefore has limits to growth.
Ecology suggests activity. What can we, ordinary people, do to protect our environment to save it for future generations?
Работа в группах
Ecology suggests activity!
- Recycle aluminium cans.
Making aluminium from recycled aluminium uses 90% less energy than making aluminium from scratch.
- Use paper, not plastic.
It takes a whole tree to make about 500 paper grocery bags. But plastic bags are worse because they can’t be recycled, and the plastic will never decompose.
- Recycle newspapers.
Recycled paper could easily be substituted for virgin paper in many cases without any loss of quality.
Making newspaper from “old" paper uses 30% to 55% less energy than making paper from trees; and it reduces air pollution by 95%.
- Reuse old newspapers.
It takes thousands of trees to supply people with newspapers every week.
- Use less paper.
Most paper thrown away in the office just has printing on one side. Ask your parents to bring home some of this paper so you can use the blank side for writing or drawing, or cut it into smaller sizes and staple it together to make note pads.
- Don't throw your old batteries in the trash.
Toxic chemicals in batteries can be released into the environment, especially if they are burned. Save your old batteries and take them to a recycling centre.
- Pick up litter.
Litter is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wildlife. Small animals can get hurt on sharp cans or broken bottles.
Pick up litter you see as you are walking. Throw away trash. Recycle bottles and cans.
- Save water.
Find the Leaky Toilets in Your House.
A leaky toilet can waste 20,000 gallons of water a year. That’s enough to fill up a swimming pool. Find the leaky faucets in your house
A leaky faucet can waste 3,000 gallons of water a year.
Check all the faucets in your house.
Check the ones outside, too, where the garden hose is. Make sure that it is turned off, then watch for a minute to make sure that there are no drips. If there are, get someone to fix it.
- Turn out the lights and appliances when you are not using them.
The electric company burns coal to produce the energy that keep your lights on. That burning coal gives off gases that cause the greenhouse effect and acid rain.
Turn off the lights when you leave the room, and turn off the lights in the room that you really don’t need. In the daytime, sit closer the window to read instead of turning on a light. Turn off the TV or the stereo when you aren’t watching or listening.
Media Group представляет результат своей работы – газета. (Приложение 7)
Show Host 1: It goes without saying that we are all responsible for our fragile planet. We must do everything in order to save it for the future generations.
Show Host 2: Thank you for spending the time with our programme.