Встреча победителей международного языкового конкурса школьников.
Submitted by Людмила Борисовна Харламова on пн, 13/02/2017 - 23:04
Ход урока.
П. За 1-2 мин до звонка, на перемене, раздаются бейджики и визитные карточки. Дети пока не занимают места в классе.
(Here are your roles for the lesson. Read and fasten your new names.)
Начало урока. (1 мин.)
П: Don’tworry! Кеерyourbravery!Behappy!Youarethebest! Жестом побуждает повторить фразу и обратиться с ней к рядом стоящим ребятам. (Мотивационный тренинг «Волна»)
( можно вразбивку/одновременно, туда и обратно, задача – разогреть группу до начала урока, а можно и со звонком!).
П.: Dear winners of the International Language Competition! Welcome to London!
I’m Ms. Brundon. I am here to help you to be adapted in my country. You are from different countries and don’t know each other, do you?
Ситуация « Знакомство». (6 мин.)
1/ 1). П.: In our group there is an
(5мин) English boy. This is Patrick Grey.
Are you Patrick Grey?
П.: Pleased to meet you, Patrick.
Pleased to meet you, Patrick!
2). П. : And what is your name?
Oh, Olga from Russia! Glad
to meet you, Olga!
Glad to meet you! - все.
3). П. : Are there any other people from Asia?( from China? and Japan?)
How nice to see you here!
4) And who is the Canadian? And the American?
5). Winners from Europe! Who are you?
2/. П. : Happy to meet you all!
You, Amilia (Sam) Breath. And you Na Ting (вежливо называет участников по именам). There are a lot of participants
from different countries - from Japan and Germany, from China and France.
So, we have just a minute to know each other better. Introduce yourself to other participants. Visiting cards will help you. Exchange your visiting cards! Get as many cards as you can! (П. дает свой образец. Английская вежливость! Let me introduce myself. I am Liza Brundon. I like traveling and studying languages.) (Walk free! Only a minute! Visiting cards! More contacts! –./ Слушает детей, направляет, помогает).
3/. П.: I invite you to take your own places marked with state flags. Could you introduce your new friends now? Let’s start with you, Patrick. Please!
Учитель реагирует на информацию эмоционально:
Super! Four languages! A clever head!
Brilliant! Cycling is for strong people!
Writing stories! There is nothing better! I like writing too/. Good for you! It does your credit!/.
(= 7 мин.)
Активизация речевого материала в ситуации «Моя страна». (8мин)
1/ 1. П: You have won the World Language Competition and your prize is visiting three countries.
You are in England now. I hope you know some facts about it – read and choose the right statements about my country, the UK. Green is for «right». Red is for «wrong». (сигнальные карточки)
П Озвучивает факт со слайда.
So, Britain is …
And more difficult?
2. П: What would you like to see in London? (учащиеся отвечают по инициативе) Can you tell, why?
3. П: Guess what are other two countries to visit?
Yes! Absolutely right! Germany and France!
П: I hope you will admire these exciting tours to Germany and France! (= 15 мин.)
IV. Обмен мнениями с аргументацией своего взгляда на проблему. ( 12мин)
1/ 1. (5 мин) П: You understand how important is to know foreign languages! You can visit any country and communicate freely and easily.
But what does it mean for you to know languages? Why do you study them?
Discuss the problem in pairs (раздаю карточки-опоры). On these cards are different reasons. Choose three most important reasons and add your own ones into empty cards.(2 minutes for discussing in pairs.)
2). П: I see, you are going to present the reasons of studying languages.
(П: Do you agree? Can you add? And your point? The same view?)
2/1. ( 7 мин) П: They say that the best way to learn a language is to live abroad. Do you agree with this point of view? These are arguments for and against. The first group is for studying languages abroad. The second group believes that it’s possible to learn them in the native country. Read and mark the arguments you need. Work in groups. ( дается время на чтение - 1-мин)
2).So, they say that the best way to learn a language is to live in the country. Do you agree or not? Give arguments
П.: (по ситуации делает реплики)
Let him/her have his/her say!
Thanks a million! Thanks a bunch!
Cheer up! ( Неунывайте)
You look your best today.
Keep it up! ( Продолжайтевтомжедухе)
It’s a good idea.
There is nothing like it.
OK! Do you agree?
3. П.: (подводит итог) Good for you. No doubt, living in the country betters your language. But only if you have the great wish to speak it well and if you work hard. Nothing will help you if you are lazy. I wish you good luck by studying languages abroad and in your native countries!
V.Заключительныйэтап. ( 2мин)
П.:(благодарит детей и дарит закладки для книг с песней-памяткой / собственного сочинения)
Thanks a lot! I have never met such bright students! You are really the winners! Let me present you these book-marks as keepsakes. Here is my song; you know writing poems and a short story is my hobby! Let’s sing together!