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IV метапредметная конференция «Этот удивительный термин»

IV метапредметная конференция «Этот удивительный термин»

Гришанова Юлия, учащаяся 10 класса МАОУ СОШ №26 г.Балаково

Grishanova Yuliya Balakovo, Saratov region. School №26

    "List all the words that came from Russian to English, it is impossible, if only because they constantly continue to replenish the Russian dictionary. Time do not stop, it does not stop objective processes of interaction and mutual influence of languages ​​"(Osipov).

    I said to the Russian-British parallels because they are more familiar with universal tongue from this side.

    Kinship Russian and English languages ​​for a long time and is rooted in hoary antiquity, in the era of the former linguistic community. It resembles a lot of harmonies among the most important words of a language ...

    It turns out that it's hard to believe, the English word "shop - shop" is derived from the Russian word "buy", the words "to call - call" and "o’clock - ... hours" from the "bell", "water" from "water "" the be "from the" have "," tree "from the" tree "," war - war "from the" warrior "," to store - store "from the" old "," dream - a dream "from the" nap "," root - a grandparent, ancestor, founder of the race; the root, the cause, the source "of the" race "(homeland, people, nature, parents, mother)," few - a bit "from the" fig "," many "by" a lot "," fleet - fleet "from the" float "," thief - a thief "from the" secret "," wrong - wrong "from the" enemy "," true - true "from the" one "," thaw - flood "of" melt "," view - landscape "and" witness - witness "from" seeing "," garden - garden "from the" city "," penny - a penny "from the" money "," radish "from" radish "," soil - soil "from" ash "," cold - cold "from the" cold "and so about 140 words Besides these two languages ​​belong to a common language-based (Indo-European language-base). It resembles a lot of harmonies among the most important words of a language ... For example, the Russian word for "water" and the English "water", Russian "will" - English "will of", "son" and "son is", "tree" and "tree", "night" and «night», «to recommend" and "recommend" and many other words. But we want to look at the specific English words, explains it with the Russian language.

    CLOCK (clock). "The English word" shred "is not any clock, but only the wall, desktop and tower. All these big clock inherited its name from the first hours of humanity - of solar, which are also on hand does not wear. The core of the rod is, casting a shadow, in other words, a peg, "peg," as they say in the old days. But from this, the word "peg" (literally: small number) and there is the English word "shred" - "clock." Arrows English and Russian hours move in the same direction. This refers to the circular motion from left to right, a hair's breadth as a moving shadow on the sundial, if the clock is set in the northern hemisphere. In the Southern hemisphere, the shadow moves in the opposite direction. For the unanimity with which the inhabitants of the planet have recognized the same direction as the "clockwise movement" is an obvious fact: the sundial inventor lived in the Northern Hemisphere "(window).. "Derived from the term" blow-out ". The fact that the role of the window in an ancient dwelling "in combination" performed hole in the roof ceiling. After it came out, and smoke of a hearth penetrated light. This "box-tube" above all blown out, ventilated place. Hence the name. Literally blowing the place. " The word "window" in Russian, is derived from the word "eye" as well as "home" (literally, "point", for "point" located under the "eye"). It is, indeed, "blown out." "Y" sound turned into "I", and "u" sound - in the "O" (the fire).. "Ancient people believed the fire heavenly gift. He was sure that God himself sends fiery darts of the sky - lightning. The Greeks called this god Zeus Thunderer, and Russian - Perun. "Perun" is derived from the word "Pyryat" (similar to "bully", "grouse", "horse") and it would be better to write "Pyrun". The promise of such a God we call the word "lightning", in which the same "shock" the root, that of the "grind", "hammer". Previously called lightning Perun, and before that - the word "Pyr" formed in the same way that "tyk" from the "stick", "growl" - from the "roar". This is the very word "Pyr" (from "pyryat") and formed the basis of many European names of fire. Among them, the Greek "feast" was incorporated into the word "fireworks", the French "fairy", the German "Feuer". In the same company comes the English word "faye (p)". (Year). "For an Englishman this" year "only. The soul of man is the same Russian seemingly foreign words awakened a whole bunch of memories, drawing from the depths of his memory the picture of the former worship of the almighty sun. "Yie (np)" - is just a modified "yar", "Jari", the name of the spring and the summer sun at the time of its greatest power, "Yar," when it is "play" in full, giving light and warmth to all living and non-living. And so every year. This is a clear rhythm of nature: one "Yar -" yie (p) ", one spring and summer," red "is time every year. That is why the "Yar" was the unit of the reference time interval length of 365 days, "yie (p)" in English has become a value of "year." Russian saying "five years" and not "five winters," preferring "the red-fly" (ie, "beautiful"), season lepota ( "beauty"). It's so natural: to start the countdown to the birth of the new sun, with the awakening of the pores, the rebirth of nature. Novoletie ancient people universally celebrated in the spring "(the shaft). "A common type of dwellings ancient man was semi-dugouts. Remove from the pit shaft bore down earth around, forming a kind of wall. "Ox" - "Wall" - from the "shaft", "blame". The English word has kept the memory of the construction of the walls in these buildings ".. Pronunciation of" O "instead of" A "due to the later" Okan "British. As for their writing "LL" on the spot "A" Russian primordial sound, it is - a characteristic feature of English spelling. (skates). "First on the planet model skates", of course, different from today's. It represents a cross between skates and skis. Those were the most snow-cats, short and wide skids, attached to shoes and used mainly for the descent from the slopes, hills. Strictly speaking, they were still not skating in the current sense of the word, but "rays" (from the "slide"), tools for rolling, not skating, riding on small kA-skating. The English word "skeyt" - "fad" comes from the "ramp" ( "what on what roll") is inherited from the name of the first models of skates "(Arena).. "This word has several meanings: arena scene, arena, scene of action. But they have the same origin as the Russian word from "co-current", "stock" and "Stogniy", which originate, in turn, literally, "co-flow". If "stёzhka" (the same root) is one of the tracks, one of the paths, collecting people, "Stogniy" ( "Square" means "common meeting place", that is, in essence, "the arena of action." It is . the value of the English "Stage" Arena is the site of action for the coming together of people, "strapped" together by a common purpose and a common gathering place "(red or" red "), -. the same root and origin, and the Russian word" glow " "ore", "rdyany." the word "red" in Ukrainian, "Rudy", included in the same leksichekoe socket, the word "rust", "rusty", "rye", "mug" (a skin disease, when the face appear red spots). Here "s" sounds or "U" Slavonic languages ​​have moved to the "E" in English, and "D" survived. (humor). "The word means" something very funny "This value came to him not immediately, but through a chain of reasoning and inference. Laughter brings people from a restful state, it is in a fun exciting and can bring to the extreme, to the point of exhaustion, to make laugh till you drop, so that people kill themselves laughing. Hence, the "scream" - "funny to death, to the pestilence." Note that the word is spoken, passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, has kept strong ties with different words of the Russian language. First of all, "kill" means "death." The root of the "sea" (the same as in the word "dead", "sea" - "epidemic"), from it manufactured "kill" - "to bring to the pestilence, death," and much of it and scream - "to bring to mora ". The very funny thing is that the word "scream" trying not to notice, arguing about the origin of the pan-European "sense of humor". The ancestor of the word referred to England, from where it is dispersed through the world At the same time, the pedigree of the English "Hume" is withdrawn from the French, then Latin, with rest on clearly far-fetched to "moisture liquid." And the reason for such an exercise in wit we have given, Russian, when you do not recognize their own words "kill" in the English dressed in a dress "Hume." (War). "Thief" - from the "Forest", "take". The thief - one who takes without permission, takes away. Initially, "Thief" meant the action itself, and the process was established by the type of "take" - "Forest", "tear" - "Dor", "eat" - "Jordania", "litter" - "rubbish". Then, in the Russian language, the name of the action switched to "figure", so called thief. In English preserved more ancient meaning, the name of the activity, a process, not a person. Moreover, the English word helps us to understand what kind of meaning they put in the word "va (p)" - "war". It turns out that is an elementary theft by the war. Its main purpose was considered bait: take, take, take away. "Wa (p)" from "Forest" take ", and that, in turn, the same root as the French" bra "-" hand "(" what is taken "). Once life is reduced mainly to two actions: taking and giving. Later, human relations have become more complex, and took new words-names. "Varyag" ( "warriors") from the "thief.

     "GARDEN (garden). "The fence around the garden or vegetable garden is absolutely necessary. In her defense against intruders (and from animals and from humans). Popular wisdom teaches "do not let the goat in the garden." She recalls: "turnip and peas do not sow along the roads" (where the harvest will be able to withdraw any counter -cross). Therefore they called vegetable garden, it is fenced. If we put on a part of the garden with fruit trees, the garden will become a garden-kitchen garden. That is why the enclosed grounds planted with vegetables and fruit trees, ancient times was also called garden. The word "garden" means literally "enclosure". Clarification of values ​​in the predominance of vegetable beds have happened later. In English the word "gadn" no such obvious signs of its origin, if you limit their horizons stone wall of English. Only by overcoming it and putting in one line with the Russian words "garden", "fence", "city", "city" (a settlement outside the fence), it is possible to see the formal features of the English "gadn" relationship with the Russian "vegetable garden." Among them consonance root "ha (r) e" - "garden" and the combination of values ​​"kitchen garden" and "garden". Never mind that the British "gadn" today "equal" to the concept of "garden", leaving the concept of "garden" in second place, and Russian "garden", "keeps alignment" solely on the concept of "garden", and only the old meaning of the word "garden "(meaning" garden ") is still reminiscent of the past mixed with garden vegetable garden. If you build the word "gadn" and "garden" in order of size, in the first place should stand on the right Russian word. It is like a mighty tree with deep roots and many branches. You can not say about the English "gadn".In these illustrative examples, it is possible not only to trace the edge of the Russian language to English, but also bring their own generalizations on the subject. So, Osipov writes: "The Russian language tends to preserve the logical relationships between words, to the historical continuity of meaning, keeps the word as a means of thinking." This is a special unit of the Russian language vocabulary. "As for the English, it is more concerned about the short-term convenience." Tooting! We do not just show the origins of English words of Russian, but associate the existence of these and other words with a certain historical environment in which they appeared. At the same time we try to show a certain degree of historical realities of a distant era.

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