Submitted by Елена Сидорова on чт, 21/01/2016 - 15:06
Формируемые УУД:
Личностные – способность оценивать содержание (исходя из социальных и личностных ценностей), обеспечивающая личностный выбор при решении проблемной ситуации.
Регулятивные – волевая саморегуляция (способность к мобилизации сил и энергии мыслительной деятельности при необходимости выбора в проблемной ситуации).
Коммуникативные УУД - инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации, разрешение проблемной ситуации (выявление, идентификация проблемы, поиск и оценка альтернативных способов разрешения проблемной ситуации, принятие решения), умение оформлять свои мысли в устной форме.
Познавательные УУД – поиск и выделение необходимой информации, построение логической цепи речевого высказывания в устной форме.
Речевойматериал: продуктивный– imaginative, well-educated, professional, well-organised, knowledgeable, able to work to tight deadlines, computer literate, creative, able to work in a team, interpersonal skills, telephone skills, able to make decisions, able to solve problems, able to do research, negotiation skills, initiative, competent, enthusiastic, responsible, competitive, persistent, inspirational, able to cope with stress, able to take risks, motivated, committed, In my view, In my opinion, We are convinced that, We know for sure, We feel, There is something in what you are saying but still, I understand your idea but, I see what you mean but.
(Цель – актуализировать личный опыт и знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка, подготовить к восприятию информации урока)
Teacher: (Слайд1) Hello, friends! How are you? I hope you are OK! Fine! (Привет, друзья! Как дела? Надеюсь, хорошо!)
(Слайд2) Now look at this slide and these words and guess what we are going to discuss today (Приём«Опорныеслова»). I’m sure you sometimes think about your future education and your future career. I’d like to know what you are going to be. Will you take these pieces of paper and write down the name of your future profession? (Посмотрите на этот слайд и эти слова и догадайтесь, что мы собираемся обсуждать сегодня. Я уверена, что иногда вы задумываетесь о будущем образовании и своей будущей карьере. Мне бы хотелось знать, кем вы собираетесь стать. Возьмите, пожалуйста, листочки бумаги и напишите название своей будущей профессии.)
(Слайд3) All professions and occupations are divided into 5 types according to the character of work: man-man, man-machines, man-symbols, man-objects of art and man-nature.
Take a card with your profession. Think which group it belongs to and put the card on the right place (Приём«Кластер»).
Can you name any other professions of this group? (Все профессии делятся на 5 типов по характеру работы: человек-человек, человек-техника, человек-знаковая система, человек-художественный образ, человек-природа. Возьмите карточку со своей профессией. Подумайте, к какой группе она относится и прикрепите карточку на нужное место. Назовите другие профессии из этой группы.)
(Слайд4) Group work (работавгруппах): In your group make a list of qualities (personal and professional) a person should have to achieve professional success in this field. (В своей группе составьте список качеств (личных и профессиональных), которыми человек должен обладать, чтобы достичь профессионального успеха в этой области.)
фаза урока – фаза осмысления содержания:
(Цель - сопоставить новую информацию с уже имеющимися знаниями и опытом; акцентировать внимание на поиск ответов на возникшие вопросы и затруднения)
Teacher: (Слайд5) Do you need higher education for your profession or it’ll be enough to study in the vocational college? Where are you going to continue your education? (Нужно ли вам высшее образование для вашей профессии или будет достаточно поучиться в профессиональном училище? Где вы собираетесь продолжить своё образование?)
(Слайд 6) Прием «Таблица аргументов»
Vocational colleges…
You can never make a successful career unless you graduate from a university?
Do you agree with the opinion that you can never make a successful career unless you graduate from a university? (Согласны ли вы с мнением, что вы никогда не сделаете успешную карьеру, не закончив университет?) A difficult question.
To find the answer let’s read about the main difference between vocational colleges and universities. The 1st group will read about the advantages of studying in vocational colleges and the 2d – about the advantages of studying in the university. Put the arguments down on the sheets of paper.
(Чтобы найти ответ, давайте прочитаем об основных различиях между колледжами и университетами. 1 группа прочитает о преимуществах обучения в колледжах, а 2 – в университетах. Запишите аргументы на листах бумаги.) Groupwork(работа в группах).
Group 1: Vocational Colleges.
Group 2: Universities.
Ознакомительное чтение (понять текст в целом, выделить основные факты, отделить их от второстепенных)
Vocational Colleges
Of course, it is easier to enter colleges than universities. But vocational colleges aren’t just for students who couldn’t get into university. In universities the education concentrates more on theory and abstract knowledge. In vocational colleges the education usually prepares learners for non-academic careers. Students attend vocational colleges to get some practical skills or experience before going to university. For many people it is important that colleges have shorter courses.
There are many people, who believe, that higher education is not always important in life. There are many examples to prove this fact.
Any university cannot help, if you are not ambitious and don’t work hard. Higher education is not urgently required to become successful in life. Some successful people have never studied at universities. For example, Henry Ford, who is the founder of Ford Motor Company, didn’t study at a college or high school. He decided to skip. This fact did not prevent him to establish one of the Largest Automobile Corporations.
To be successful you need good education and professional skills. It is true, that a university which is not very famous, is easier to enter, but the quality of the education is better in prestigious universities.
Institutions of higher education provide useful links with people who may help you in your future.
Graduates of prestigious universities have many job opportunities. Huge effect is reputation. A name-brand diploma will help you get better job at big companies and provide you with more respect from your colleagues. Big companies will offer you more favorable starting positions and higher salaries. People at big companies will have a better impression of you even if they haven’t yet seen your work. Your managers think that you are valuable, and in response you actually make yourself worthy of their praise.
You will get better opportunities to work on more challenging projects. Of course, you deserve a lot of the credit. You are smart, ambitious, and diligent. When you carry a name-brand diploma, many doors are open for you; it’s just a matter of working hard to find your way in.
(Слайд 7)
Vocational colleges…
You can never make a successful career unless you graduate from a university?
1. - give good education
1. - prepare for non-academic career
2. - provide useful links with people
2. - give some practical skills
3.- give many job opportunities (help you get better job, open many doors)
3. - have shorter courses
4.- provide you with respect (give a lot of credit)
5. - provide favorable starting positions and higher salaries.
(Слайд8) Summary:
Nowadays a lot of people are sure that you can never make a successful career unless you graduate from a university. Others disagree because they think it’ll be enough to study in the vocational college to get a profession.
I believe that the idea of university education is worth consideration. Firstly, universities…Secondly, they…Finally, they…
However, there are opponents of this idea. They believe that vocational colleges…
But in my opinion,…
To conclude, I would like to stress that…
Have you chosen the institute or university for your further education?
Would you like to get education abroad? Why? Why not?
By the way do you know the most famous and prestigious universities in Russia and abroad, for example, in Great Britain?
What do you know about Oxford University? Cambridge University?
(Слайд 9) Приём «Конструктивная таблица»
Аудирование с полным пониманием содержания
Now I’d like to suggest you a short film about the most famous universities in Great Britain: Oxford University and Cambridge University. Work in groups. One group should listen to the information about Oxford, the second group tries to understand the information about Cambridge University. You should watch video very attentively, make notes and then we’ll decide what is Britain's greatest university? Oxford, or Cambridge? (Предлагаю вам короткое видео о самых знаменитых университетах Великобритании: Оксфордском и Кембриджском. Работайте в группах. 1 группа слушает информацию об Оксфорде, а 2 – о Кембридже. Делайте записи, а затем мы решим, какой самый лучший университет в Вритании.)
(Слайды10-12) Teacher: What university would you like to enter and why?
фаза урока – фаза рефлексии:
(Цель – обобщить материал, подвести итоги).
Стратегия «РАФТ»
- Роль (абитуриент)
- Аудитория (приёмная комиссия)
- Форма (официальное письмо)
- Тема (резюме при поступлении в университет)
Teacher: Your home task will be to write a motivation or cover letter for the university you are going to enter. Mind the rules of official letter writing. Let’s do this task orally together now. (Ваше домашнее задание будет написать резюме о себе в университет, который вы хотите поступить. Соблюдайте правила написания официального письма. Давайте сделаем это задание устно все вместе.)
Well, I hope universities will take all of you with pleasure. Thank you for your work. Have a nice day.
Домашнеезадание: Write a motivation or cover letter for university (Guided Writing).
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to be a__________________________________________________.
I chose it for my future profession as I have always been interested in_____________________________.
At this time in my life, I desire more of a challenge and would very much appreciate the opportunity to study at______________________________________________________________________University.
I realized that I would like to gain new knowledge and new life experience. Also, I was delighted to discover that your university _____________________________________________________________
I believe the program provided by the university is an excellent one for me to consider for the furtherance of my education. I would like very much to be able to learn new things, experience new educational methods and programs, and to grow as a student and as a person.
Concerning my personality, I believe I am __________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________. I would very much like to have an opportunity to study at _______________________________________ University and to demonstrate my skills, experience, and ideas.