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Submitted by Елена Колмыченко on пн, 23/11/2015 - 05:11
Данные об авторе
Колмыченко Елена Павловна
Место работы, должность: 

МАОУ "Средняя школа №28 имени Г.Ф. Кирдищева", учитель английского языка

Камчатская область
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
7 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 

Цель урока: повторить с учащимися лексический материал по теме "Sleepovers" 

Краткое описание: 
<p><strong>Ход урока</strong></p> <p><strong><em>1. Вводный этап.</em></strong>&nbsp;Задача этапа: психологически настроить детей на продуктивную деятельность.</p> <p>T: Good afternoon, children, sit down, please. I&#39;m very glad to see you again. Today we&#39;ll repeat the topic &quot;A sleepover at the museum&quot;. Are you ready for the lesson? How are you, Sasha? Are you fine, Nastya? Are you OK, Dima? Fine, let&#39;s begin!</p> <p><strong><em>2. Всесторонняя проверка знаний</em></strong>. Задача этапа: проверить уровень знаний учащихся.</p> <p>T: And now open your exercise-books and look through your home work. Any problems? OK. Imagine that one of you is Robin. You know a lot about the British museums. But we want to learn more information about them. So, Sasha you are Robin. We&#39;ll ask you questions and you &#39;ll answer them.</p> <p>S1: When do museums organize sleepovers?</p> <p>S2: Museums organise sleepovers at Halloween time.</p> <p>S3: What is a sleepover?</p> <p>S2: A sleepover is a night excursion.</p> <p>S4: Who organises sleepovers?</p> <p>S2: Museums organise sleepovers.</p> <p>S5: Do children come to the sleepovers alone?</p> <p>S2: Children come alone.</p> <p>S6: What do children do in the evening?</p> <p>S2: They make costumes and masks and play games.</p> <p>S7: Who comes at night?</p> <p>S2: Witches, ghosts and monsters come at night.</p> <p>S8: what do monsters and witches do?</p> <p>S2: They tell children scary stories and play with them.</p> <p>T: Thank you. Now we know so much about the British museums. I&#39;m so sorry that our Russians museums have no sleepovers! Maybe people who work there don&#39;t know about it. Let&#39;s send them a fax and tell them about it. What can we tell about the sleepovers at the British museums? Who wants to send this fax? (ученик читает текст домашнего задания)</p> <p><strong><em>3. Введение новой лексики</em></strong>. Задача этапа: познакомить учащихся с новыми словами и тренировать в их употреблении.</p> <p>T: Now we&#39;ll learn more information about the museums in Britain and we need to learn some new words to understand it. Listen and read these words, please. Do ex. 1 on page 34.</p> <p>T: And these words are easy to understand, aren&#39;t they? Let&#39;s read them and guess the meaning of the underlined words (учащиеся читают и переводят предложения из рубрики &quot;friends&quot;).</p> <p><strong><em>4. Закрепление и обобщение полученных знаний.</em></strong>&nbsp;Задача этапа: закрепить с учащимися полученные знания.</p> <p>T: There are a lot of other museums in London: the Natural History Museum, the Tower, and Theatre Museum. (Если есть картинки, то можно показать их учащимся). Let&#39;s read about them in Ex. 3 on Page 34. Who wants to visit the Natural History Museum? (Ученик читает вслух информацию об этом музее).</p> <p>T: I think that it is the best museum for pupils, who are interested in Biology. And whose favorite subject is History?</p> <p>S: My favourite subject is History.</p> <p>T: Then read about the Tower of London. Very good. And who likes Literature?</p> <p>S: I like Literature.</p> <p>T: Ok, read about Theatre Museum, please.</p> <p>T: Very good. Imagine that you are journalists and you must write some information about the British museum to your newspaper. Take your exercise- books and write it down. Use the words in ex. 8 on page 36 and ex. 3 as a model.</p> <p>Are you ready? Read your information, please.</p> <p>5<strong><em>. Инструктаж по д\з</em></strong>. Задача этапа: проинформировать детей о выполнении д\з.</p> <p>T: Thank you. You worked hard at the lesson. your marks are: Please put down your home work: Do ex. A,B on page 36 in your textbooks. The lesson is over. Good-bye.</p>
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