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Урок по английскому языку «What Do You Think of Science?"

Submitted by Мария Евгеньевна Белозёрова on Wed, 26/08/2015 - 17:18
Данные об авторе
Добрунова Елена Александровна
Место работы, должность: 

МБОУ СОш №1, г.Геленджик, учитель английского языка

Краснодарский край
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
11 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 

Совершенствование коммуникативно-речевой компетенции по теме: выработка умений планировать речевое высказывание, самостоятельно применять знания, осуществлять их перенос в новые условия.

Тип урока: 
Урок комплексного применения ЗУН учащихся
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

учебник М.З. Биболетовой

Используемое оборудование: 

наглядность по теме, мультимедийная презентация, речевые клише

Краткое описание: 
<p>Ребята ведут разговор о преимуществах и недостатках новых изобретений в науке. Данный урок проводится на завершающем этапе изучения темы. Урок рассчитан на высокомотивированных детей по изучению иностранного языка. Мотивация урока осуществляется за счёт предложенных к обсуждению интересных проблемных ситуаций, активной самостоятельной поисковой работы, познавательной деятельности обучающихся. Форма урока - дискуссия. Результат: у ребят формируются навыки самостоятельного аргументированного связного высказывания монологической и диалогической речи, умения дискутировать.</p>

английского языка,
учебник М.З. Биболетовой , 11 класс.
“What Do You Think of Science?”

Тема : « Do Science and Technology Do More Good Than Harm,
More Harm Than Good, or About Equal? »
Цель урока:
Совершенствование коммуникативно-речевой компетенции по теме: выработка умений планировать речевое высказывание, самостоятельно применять знания, осуществлять их перенос в новые условия.
Образовательная задача: Научить обучающихся использовать соответствующие лексических единицы, необходимые для оперирования в коммуникативных целях (выделение главного, аргументированного доказательства и опровержения по факту высказывания, обобщения)
Развивающая задача: Способствовать развитию критического мышления и памяти. Совершенствовать умения и навыки говорения при обсуждении вопросов, связанных с предложенной тематикой. (участвовать в беседе, рассуждать)
Воспитательная задача: Развивать коммуникативную культуру, воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению других, работая в парах, группах.
Тип урока: Урок комплексного применения знаний.
Форма проведения урока: круглый стол.
Методы: словесные, наглядные, практические, репродуктивные, частично-поисковые, исследовательские.
Форма обучения: сочетание индивидуальной, парной и групповой работы.
Оборудование: наглядность по теме, мультимедийная презентация, речевые клише.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент. (1 мин) (слайд №2)
Good morning students! I am glad to see you. The topic of our lesson is « What Do You Think of Science» . We have been discussing the problem of different inventions, of using different appliances in our everyday life for some lessons. Today we are going to speak about your attitude to them. Can we live without these gargets or not?. In the other words which of them are really useless and which are extremely useful. So, the slogan of the lesson is: Science brings more good than harm, more harm than good or about equal? We shall try to answer this question.
2. Речевая разминка. (2 мин)
Задание №1. You know the development of science is important for a number of reasons. On the one hand, scientists help to develop many of modern tools of war. On the other hand, they also help to keep peace through researches which improve people’s life. What are the most important inventions of the 20th century can you name?
( Ребята называют основные изобретения. Ключевые слова записываются на доске.)
a computer
a TV set
a mobile phone
a microwave oven
a TV remote-control unit
a videophone
a roller blades
a washing machine
a vacuum cleaner
a sewing machine
a tickle machine
a dishwasher
a videotape
a type writer
a video player
the Internet
a CD
a video camera
a body building machine
a cordless phone
a solar powered calculator
a mower
a fax machine
Задание №2 (Слайд №№ 3,4) Look at the screen and choose the right answer (2 мин)
1. One can hardly imagine our present day life without
a) crime
b) traveling round the world
c) modern gadgets
d) family

2. Modern facilities make our life
a) boring
b) difficult
c) unhealthy
d) exciting

3. The PCs are used
a) only by researchers
b) in special labs
c) privately
d) in almost every field

4. Scientists predict
a) the end of the world
b) the star wars
c) virtual reality will soon be a part of life
d) the discovery of new worlds

5. Nowadays people tend
a) to grow cheap food
b) to use pesticides in agriculture
c) to grow ecologically clean food
d) to use synthetic minerals

6. Today people are getting more and more concern about
a) the relations between people
b) traveling to other planets
c) buying computers
d) the future of our planet

Задание 3.
1) Look at the screen. (слайд №5) (3 мин) There are two quotes.
The first is «Men love to wonder and that is the seed of science» R. W. Emerson
The second is «Knowledge is power». Francis Bacon
You have named different appliances. Do you want to have them at home? Do you want to try to make it youкselves? Is it easy to make it? What helps you to make it?
(Обучающиеся отвечают) …. Knowledge.
Is there any connection between science and knowledge? There is some information from the history of these two quotes. (Информацию читает ученик)
The famous quote, Knowledge is power, belongs to an Englishman who lived in the times of William Shakespeare. His name was Francis Bacon. In many ways, he is the father of modern scientific re¬search. If he had known what heights the science of today is trying to reach, he would probably just say, "Yes, knowledge has become even more powerful." Or, perhaps, he would say something en¬tirely different. We'll try to explore the problem of knowledge being power -creative or destructive.

Учитель:So you see, without knowledge we can not do anything, .we can not develop our science.
And what about your thoughts according to this point? (Высказывание детей)

Задание 4. Listen to the dialogue prepared by the children and then try to retell it. (4 мин)

You know, Ann, it's amazing how fast science and technology develops nowadays. Look at all these machines we have at home: computers, printers, food-processors... Our grandparents couldn't even dream about such inventions being used in everyday life.

-Yes, you're right. But it's not only in the house that we come into contact with technological advances. Technology affects nearly every area of our lives. Think of com¬munication. We can talk to other people in almost any part of the world by phone, satellite, or computer.

-Right Even yesterday I did some home shopping through the Internet

- And I took part in some online discussions. But that's not all. Some years ago we used cash in the shops and now we only use credit cards.

- Yes, I can't remember the last time I used banknotes or coins.
Computers, robots, and machines do most of the work in factories and banks. A lot of manufacturing processes and services are now fully automated. It is a little bit scary, don't you think? It can lead to greater unemployment as more jobs are done by machines.

-It's true. Personally, I don't like these machines everywhere. I prefer dealing with people rather than machines.
-Of course, technological advances have their good sides like for example in medicine. A lot of diseases can now be cured, but on the other hand some branches of science like genetic engineering may affect the balance of nature.
-Yes, I think it's cruel to breed genetically engineered animals. There may be some harmful effects of genetic engineering that we don't know about yet.
- I'm really scared now.
-You shouldn't be. We live in a very interesting world and we can be witnesses to incredible inventions and technological products. Our life is much easier than that of our grandfathers'. There are certain dangers of technology and science but remember that scientists are working in order to improve our life and not destroy it.

(Ребята высказываются по прослушанному диалогу)
Teacher: You see technology effects nearly every area of our life. The following problems we are going to discuss now. Look at the screen. We shall discuss pros and cons of the usage of new technologies. (слайд №6)
The problems
1. Modern technology is rapidly spreading all over the world.
2. One can easily imagine the life today without any home gargets.
3. The PCs have become a part of everyday life.
4. The negative effects of man's economic activity.
5. Science brings more good than harm, more harm than good, or about equal.

Задание 5. Дискуссия (Слайд №№ 7 – 11) (27 мин) (Ребята высказываются по предложенным темам Темы предлагаются ребятам заранее, как домашнее задание. Они могут выбрать любой пункт и готовить его в группе. Обязательное участие каждого по двум из предложенных пунктов на выбор. . Прослушав выступление ученика по определённому пункту, ребята обсуждают данную тему, дополняя высказывание, задавая вопросы, высказывая своё мнение. )

1. Modern technology is rapidly spreading all over the world.
- science is a step forward;
- the discoveries that shook the world;
- the inventors and their inventions;
2. One can easily imagine the life today without any home gadgets.
- house equipment;
- means of communications;
- the things that make our life easier;
3. The PCs have become a part of everyday life.
- computer ;
- telegraph;
- telephone;
- E-mail;
- Fax;
- electronic dictionaries;
- virtual reality;
4. The negative effects of man*s economic activity.
- the global disasters;
- the interference into the environment;
- unemployment;

5. Science brings more good than harm, more harm than good or about equal?

(harm – ущерб, harmful – вредный, harmless – безвредный)

(На доске даются выражения, диалогические клише, которые ребята могут использовать в своей речи при обсуждении.)
I must agree that…
You are quite right …
I couldn’t live without…
I think it is interesting to know tha t …
Bu t I want to tell you a bout …

I don't think so
On the one hand...., but on the other hand….
You don't seem to understand that…..
I object to it
Of course it has some drawbacks, but on the other hand...
Don't forget about the other side of the problem.
I don’t agree with you.
I’ m afraid, I can’t agree with you.

(Учитель, при необходимости, задаёт дополнительные вопросы по высказыванииям учащихся. Возможные варианты.)

- Do you think it's a useful tool?
- Does the Internet help you to do your homework?
- Can computers help us to learn foreign language?
- Do you play computer games?
- What are the advantages of on-line shopping?
- What are the advantages of e-mail?
- Do you think that computers are bad for health?
- Some people have made friends through the Internet. What about you?
- Some people say that computers make us less sociable. Do you agree?
- What will the next generation of computers be able to do?
- What do уou think of science?
- Do scientific researches bring much profit to a researcher?
- Was the discovery of the microwave a step forward?.
-. The PCs have become a part of everyday life, have not they?
(Последнему пункту уделяется особое внимание. Здесь ребята высказывают своё мнение, отвечая на поставленный вопрос. What arguments are you going to give for or against the problem?
Учитель обобщает высказывания детей.
(Science brings a lot of problems concerning our health, environment. But science brings more good than bad. With the help of them our life is easier. We have proved it.)
Задание 6. Group work. (4 мин) Now let’s gather some information about the things you can hardly live without (extremely useful) and the things you can sacrifice without reluctance (really useless).. (Какая техника наиболее используема дома, какая из них самая полезная, какая самая бесполезная, без которой можно обойтись. Класс делится на 4 группы.)
Call the things
student I student II student III
You can hardly live without (extremely useful)
The extremely useful things
Sacrifice without reluctance (really useless)
The really useless things
Compare your lists (which things were named more often):
• My classmates can hardly live without…
• The extremely useful things for my classmates are…
• My classmates can sacrifice without reluctance…
• The really useless things for my classmates are…
Учитель: (Слайд № 12) Who knows? Maybe… (С этими словами учитель обращается к ребятам. Возможно, и среди них в будущем будут изобретатели) … Remember about the problems we have discussed.
Учитель: (Слайд № 13 ) The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka" but "That's funny...' What can you say about it? Explain this expression. (Ребята высказывают свои мысли)
Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия деятельности обучающихся. (2мин.)
(на доске даны опоры для высказывания )
Before the lesson I could not - ( imagine/ realize / I did not think … )
During today’s lesson I have -( got acquainted / found out / learnt / understood…)
Учитель: . In conclusion I must say: you were active, attentive and bright today. Thank you for the lesson! I enjoyed your work! Your marks are…..

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