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Our planet is in danger

Размещено: Ольга Былим - чт, 18/06/2009 - 10:00
Данные об авторе
Былим Ольга Петровна
Место работы, должность: 
МОУ гимназия №40, заместитель директора по УВР, учитель английского языка
Свердловская область
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Уровень образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
9 класс
10 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 
To provide cross-curricula links with vital environmental problems; To give practice in listening for specific information; To practise vocabulary on the topic of the environment; To practise group interaction in reading and discussing; To practise students in expressing opinion and giving reasons, suggesting and recommending
Тип урока: 
Урок закрепления знаний
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

English VI, O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva; a “Longman” poster “You can help your world”

Используемое оборудование: 


Используемые ЦОР: 


























Краткое описание: 
Наша планета Земля - в опасности. Мы, люди планеты Земля, отвечаем за все, что на ней происходит. Во время урока предлагается уделить внимание разным видам деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению по насущным проблемам защиты окружающей среды.


The lesson map
Date:   Length of class: 40 minutes Level: basic
Book: English VI, O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva; a “Longman” poster “You can help your world”
Recent topic work:
Man and natural world. Ecology.
Recent language work: (for brushing up)
If and when clauses
Reported Speech
Present perfect
To provide cross-curricula links with vital environmental problems;
To give practice in listening for specific information;
To practise vocabulary on the topic of the environment;
To practise group interaction in reading and discussing;
To practise students in expressing opinion and giving reasons, suggesting and recommending
Students are expected to understand the main points without extra explaining;
                                    to use words and expressions on the topic of the environment easily;
                                    to practise in reading and speaking (expressing opinion and giving reasons, suggesting and recommending)
Class profile:
There are 18 pupils in the class. Most of them are interested in discussing the environmental problems. It is the topic to be discussed not only in English, that is why students apply additional material to extend their statements on the topic
Anticipated problems and solutions:
1. P: Students might have a hard time defining a specific environmental problem on the sticker.
    S: Circulate a lot during the activity and check if students are on the right track.
2. P: Students might make mistakes during the practice.
    S: Encourage students to correct mistakes themselves.
3. P: Students might not understand the instructions properly.
    S: Repeat them again using some other words and phrases, be sure the students understand everything
Each pair of students gets a part of a puzzle for different tasks to make up a picture at the end of the lesson with the motto written on it.
Teacher activity
(T –teacher)
Student activity
(Ss – students)
Success indicators
2 min.
To welcome Ss
T greets Ss
Ss say hello
Good beginning is half the battle
T x ssss
4 min.
Warm up
To involve Ss into the process of the English lesson;
To revise the vocabulary of the topic
1. T divides Ss into two teams and asks them in a minute to write a list of ten words on the topic “Environment” on the sheets of paper.
2. T keeps the time
1. Ss sit at two different tables in a team, think of ten words and write them down.
2. Ss in turn name one word a time trying to guess the words of the opposite team. If the other team has got this word in their list they cross it out. The winner is the team with more words left.
The spirit of competition.
Motivation for further work
Group work
Two pieces of paper, felt-tip pens.
A part of a puzzle for a winner
2 min.
To introduce the idea of a time line
1. T puts a draft of a time line on the blackboard
2. T explains the idea of a time line and encourages Ss to ask questions
Ss listen and try to understand
They can ask the questions if something is not clear
Visual aid
T x ssss
A draft of a time line
8 min.
To give practice in listening for specific information
1. T distributes charts.
2. T asks Ss to fill in the chart.
3. T reads slowly and clearly
1. Ss listen to very attentively and fill in the chart.
2. Ss compare their answers in pairs
3. Ss compare their answers with a model
The ability to put everything in the correct order and realize the idea of a time line
T x ssss
A chart
A model chart for comparison
A part of a puzzle for the best pair
5 min.
To focus on personal knowledge
1. T gives a pair of Ss one of the stickers and asks them to decide what the sticker is trying to say.
2. T encourages Ss to add some extra information they know on what the sticker presents
1. Ss think for a while, discuss the ideas and report back to the class.
The way the Ss present their ideas using speech patterns
Pair work
Individual work
Stickers describing
a dolphin,
a tiger, the planet earth, a desert, a forest, a sea turtle, air pollution, waste/rubbish, a person smoking
7 min.
Reading Communicative task
To scan for specific information
1. T gives one photocopied box to each pair (making sure Ss do not have the box that corresponds to the sticker they already have)
2. T tells Ss to read their boxes to the other group until they find the correct picture.
1. Ss get the texts
2. Ss read their box for the other groups and try to find the correct picture
3. Ss give the box to the group that has the corresponding picture.
The process of reading and discussing in progress
The result of the joint work
Pair work
Boxes with short texts
A part of a puzzle for the best pairs
6 min.
To practice speaking;
To express personal opinion and give reasons;
To help Ss aware that behaviour can vary according to individuals as well as cultures
1. T asks Ss to choose a subject which concerns them.
2. T encourages Ss to speak and give their own opinion on the topic
1. Ss choose the topic to give his/her attitude towards it.
2. Ss use the visual aid to make up their statements
The ability to focus on the main idea and prove it.
Individual work
On the board:
I don’t like …
I’m worried about …
There are too much/ too many …
There isn’t/aren’t enough …
I think it’s a good idea to …
Why don’t we …
I think we should …
2 min.
To master writing skills
T asks Ss to write about the subject which worries him or her, using the information already given or any other information they can find, in two sections:
I’m worried about …
I think we should …
Ss put their ideas into the written form
Successful writing
Individual work
2 min.
To summarize the lesson ideas
T asks Ss to put the parts of a puzzle together so that to get the answer to the question “What should we do to help the world?”
Ss answer the question putting together the parts of a puzzle.
Ss sing a song “Have you heard the news…”
A cassette
If the Ss put the parts of a puzzle correctly the answer is “Do not pollute”
1.     Student’s paper for listening practice + the answers
2.     Tapescript for listening activity
3.     Short texts for reading and matching
4.     The words of the song “Have you heard the news?”
5.     Scanning pictures of the stickers and a puzzle.
The students’ paper
Task 1
No information
Simple life began in the oceans, and came onto the land
Dinosaurs and great reptiles appeared
Mammals appeared
Ape-like humans arrived
Last ice age happened
Modem human beings arrived
We discovered agriculture
The industrial revolution started
Serious pollution on earth began
Task 1
1.             0 – 7.
2.             7 – 42.
3.             a year ago , 45
4.             eight months ago
5.             in the middle of last week
6.             last weekend
7.             four hours ago
8.             an hour ago
9.             half a minute ago
10.         only 30 seconds ago
Task 1
You may need to pre-teach some vocabulary.
Ø             Your students have got this chart.
No information
Simple life began in the oceans, and came onto the land
Dinosaurs and great reptiles appeared
Mammals appeared
Ape-like humans arrived
Last ice age happened
Modern human beings arrived
We discovered agriculture
The industrial revolution started
Serious pollution on earth began
Explain to your students that the world is commonly thought to be 4,600 million years old, but as that's a difficult number to imagine, they should think of the earth as a 46 year old person. Explain that you are going to go through the story of the earth's life and that from the time she was born to the age of seven, we know nothing about her at all.
Ø             Write 0-7 years in the top left hand box.
Ø             Ask your students to try and fill in the other boxes. You may want to fill in another box for your students, as sometimes the answers will be expressions of time, e.g., eight months ago.
Ø             Read this passage slowly and ask them to complete the answers:
Most people think the earth is 4,600 million years old, but that's a difficult number to imagine. Think of the earth as a person who is 46.
We know nothing about the earth's early life, from the time she was born until she was seven.
We know a little bit about the next part of her life. Between the age of seven and 42, simple life began in the oceans. After a while it came onto the land.
A year ago, when the earth was 45, the dinosaurs and great reptiles appeared. We know this from archaeological studies.
Eight months ago, the mammals appeared. They survived when the dinosaurs died.
In the middle of last week, our species started to arrive. Ape-like humans arrived on the earth.
Last weekend, the earth had its last ice age. The mammals survived by moving towards the tropical zones.
Modern humans arrived on the earth four hours ago. And we've been very busy.
An hour ago, we discovered agriculture. We started farming.
One minute ago, the industrial revolution started. We invented machines and started using them.
Half a minute ago, we started seriously polluting the earth. The pollution that is covering our towns and oceans started, in the earth's lifetime, only 30 seconds ago.
Have you heard the news (a song)
Corus :Have you heard the news?
Have you heard the news?
Some people win, but others lose,
Have you heard, have you heard the news?
Have you heard about the man
Who’s been to outer space?
Have you heard about the runner
Who’s run every single race?
Have you heard about the girl
Who’s gone to Hollywood?
Have you heard about the children
Who haven’t got any food?
Have you heard about the whales?
They’ve killed them nearly all.
Have you heard about the men
Who were shot against the wall?
Have you heard about the trees
That give us the air we need?
Have you heard about the parents
With hungry mouths to feed?
Texts for reading and matching activity
1. This animal lives in family groups and feeds milk to its young It can communicate over long distances with other animals and is very intelligent.
6. This animal carries its home with it everywhere it goes. It is a fantastic swimmer, and can swim 5,000 km to return to the place where it lays its eggs. It lays about 100 to 150 eggs – but only two or tree of these will survive.
2. This animal is a hunter and can eat 30 kg of meat a night. It is 3 metres long and weighs 260 kg. In 1900 there were 40,000 of these animals in India, but in 1972 there were only 1,800. There are now about 4,000.
7. This is a problem in all the big factories, power stations and cars. It kills forests and lakes, and can make people ill. Some countries are starting to reduce this problem, but it is still happening worldwide.
3. This is the third planet from the sun/ It is about 12,750 km across its middle and is approximately 4,600 million years old. 71% of the surface is water and 5 billion people live on it.
8. The world’s people produce 1 billion tones of this a year. Most of it is dumped into the earth or the sea. In the UK, an average family throws away 60 kg of plastic a year, and 15 kg of glass.
4. Every year about 6 million hectares of land become this. The cause might be global warming – five of the world’s hottest years were in the 1980s and 1990s – but it might be the way we use the land. One-third of the world’s land area is at risk from this increasing problem.
9. This was discovered by Europeans 400 years ago. It’s a dangerous habit. Of 1,000 young people who do this, 250 will die because of the habit. This activity kills 1 million people a year.
5. 40% of all the world’s plants and animals live here. Every year an area the size of England disappears. Half of this in the tropical areas of the world has already gone, and the other half might disappear by 2050.















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На: Our planet is in danger

Данный урок на мой взгляд является очень плодотворным по многим причинам: уделено внимание различным видам деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению; парная работа носит соревновательный характер, что подстегивает, стимулирует активность учеников, кроме того, разнообразие лексики по данной теме придает уроку еще и познавательный характер. Очень интересно, а главное, есть, чему поучиться.



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