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Урок английского языка. 6 класс. "Животные в нашей жизни"

Submitted by Зульфия Эмируловна Гайфулина on Sat, 15/11/2014 - 14:51
Данные об авторе
Гайфулина З.Э.
Место работы, должность: 

ГБОУ СОШ с.Надеждино м.р. Кошкинский Самарской области

Самарская область
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
основное общее образование
Уровни образования: 
школы-интернаты, детские дома
6 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Административный работник
Целевая аудитория: 
Классный руководитель
Целевая аудитория: 
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
методическая разработка
Краткое описание ресурса: 
<p>ЭОР: Конспект урока + презентация, слайд шоу к &nbsp;уроку английского языка в 6 классе.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Цель урока:&nbsp;</strong><span style="line-height:1.6">Активизация и совершенствование навыков &nbsp;аудирования, устной речи, чтения и письма в контексте темы &laquo;Животные в нашей жизни&raquo;.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку «Животные в нашей жизни»

6 класс

автор:  Гайфулина Зульфия Эмируловна

Цель урока:

Активизация и совершенствование навыков  аудирования, устной речи, чтения и письма в контексте темы «Животные в нашей жизни».

Задачи урока:


- тренировать лексику по теме, совершенствовать навыки аудирования, устной речи, чтения и письма.


- развивать навыки всех видов речевой деятельности;

- развивать память, мышление, внимание.


- воспитывать чувство любви и заботливого отношения к животным.

Средства обучения:

  • ноутбук учительский;
  • мультимедийный проектор BENQ MP610;
  • экран; 
  • слайдовая презентация в программе PowerPoint;
  • рабочая тетрадь
  • тексты с заданиями


Формы организации учебной деятельности: фронтальная, индивидуальная,  диалог, монолог, работа с текстом, с материалом презентации; самостоятельная работа.

Форма урока: комбинированный

Ход урока:

I.Организационный момент.  Введение в тему урока. - 2 min. (1-2 слайд)

Т: - Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? 

The theme of our lesson is «Animals in our life». We live in a world that is full of the beauty of nature. Animals are the part of that natural world.  Today we continue to speak and read about animals. You are going to read some texts and do different tasks.

II.Фонетическая разминка - 2 min. (3-4 й слайд)

Т: - Let’s practice the English sounds and words on the topic “Animals in our life”.  I will show you the English sounds and you will name the words with thеsе sounds.

         [ m ], [ e ], [ w ], [ d ], [ s ], [ ai ], [ l ], [ ʤ ] 

T: - Let’s revise the animals’ names. (слайд-шоу)

III. Речевая разминка.  4 min (5-7 слайд)

T: Children, answer my questions, please.

- Do you like animals?

- Where can animals live?

- What do you think is better for animals:

to live in zoos? 

to live in wild animal’s parks?

to live in the wild?

- Have you ever been to the Zoo?

- What animals can you see in the Zoo?

- What can you say about people who work in the zoo?

- What do they do in the zoo?

- Would you like to visit London Zoo? Why?

- What species of endangered animals do live there?

- Who wants to tell us about London Zoo?

IV. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся.  5 min (8-9 й слайд)


T: To make our lesson more successful let's revise the words on our theme. Look at the screen and answer the questions.

- What categories of animals do you know?
- What species of animals do you know?



T: - Look how beautiful, strong, quick, graceful animals are. They have always lived side by side with humans. Can you classify these animals?
Lizard, turtle, dog, camel, hamster, pigeon, duck, tiger, cockroach, frog, snake, fly, penguin, dolphin, eagle, ostrich, butterfly, bee, crocodile, gnat.







Зарядка для глаз 1,5 min (10-й слайд)


V. Развитие навыков аудирования: 3 min (11-13-й слайд)

T: - Boys and girls, listen to the riddles and guess the names of animals. 

1. I live in Africa and Asia. I don’t eat meat. I only eat fruit, leaves and grass.  I live for about 60 years. I am grey and very big. I am an … .

2. I live in water. I have got four legs and sharp teeth. I eat fish, meat and sometimes people. I am green and very dangerous. I am a … .

3.  I am big and fast. I live in Asia. I eat meat. I sleep during the day and hunt at night like a cat. I can run, jump, climb and swim. I am a … .

4. I live in the woods. I am very big. I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs. I like to eat fish and berries. I like to sleep in winter. Sometimes I am very aggressive. I am a … .

5. I have four legs and a tail. I have no teeth. I can swim and dive. I carry my house around with me. I am a … .

6. I have a very nice tail. I can fly. I can talk. I am very funny. I am a … .


T: - Well done! I see that you know the names of animals very well. 

VI .Физминутка 1,5 min (14-15 слайд)

 T: - Now we have a rest. I’d like to see how well you know the animals’ habits.      

     Can you fly like a bird?

     Can you walk like a bear?

     Can you swim like a fish?

     Can you hop like a hare?

     Can you climb like a monkey?

     Can you run like a dog?

     Can you go like a penguin?

     Can you jump like a frog?

    VII. Развитие навыков поискового чтения (Reading practice) 7 min (16-17 слайд)

  • Read the text and find out what animal is described.
  • Fill in the appropriate boxes on the chart.
  • Take turns, reporting your «research findings» to the class.

There are 29 species of this animal. It lives in the forests of Asia, Europe, North and South America. The length of its body is from 20 to 30 cm. Its weight is from 200 g to 1 kg. It has a long magnificent tail; its ears are decorated with tassels. This animal is fast and very beautiful, especially in winter. It is funny to watch when it easily jumps from tree to tree. They are active in summer. Some animals gather about 2000 mushrooms (грибы) during one season. They eat berries, mushrooms, nuts, birds' eggs. We can see them in the city parks.


There are about 40 kinds of these animals. They live in seas and oceans, and even in rivers. Their weight varies from 25 to 450 kilos. These animals have stream-lined form of the body and very smooth skin. They can dive 300 meters deep. Playful and curious animals like to follow ships in the sea. They hunt at night. Their food is fish and krills. The animals are very intelligent. They can do many wonderful tricks: play basketball, take food from people's hands. There  were  cases  when  they  saved  people  in  seas.


It is a large animal. Its weight is about 4 tons. Wild animals live in African and Indian jungles. Their tusks can be 3 meters long. They need a lot of water. After they have had enough to drink, they fill their trunks and spray their bodies. Leaving the water animals join small family groups resting under the trees. They rest only during the hottest part of the time. They have the biggest appetite. In fact they spend about 16 hours a day eating. Their diet consists of leaves, grass, and fruits. They are wonderful, intelligent animals. They can help people. On a cold night at the zoo they shut the door after they go into their house.






















Interesting facts





VIII. Развитие навыков устной речи (диалогической, монологической речи) - 12 min (18-19 слайд)

T: - Children, ask each other questions about your favourite animals. 

P1 →P2: - What is your favourite animal?

P2:  –My favourite animal is … . (P3 →P4) etc.

T: - Do you have pets ?  (ответы учащихся)

T: P2, I know that you have an unusual pet. Could you tell us about it?

(рассказ ученика)

T: My dear friends answer my question, please. What is the sign of this year?

P: It’s a dragon.

T: Can you characterize this animal?

P: -…………

T:- Children, I have forgotten about my magic box. There is something interesting and wonderful in it?  Can you guess, what there is in my box? (Children: Is it …? etc.)

T: Yes, it’s a snake. As you know, a snake will be a  sign of the next year. Give characteristics of this reptile, please. (дети дают характеристику змеи)

IX. Подведение итогов урока 2 min

T: - So, our lesson is almost over. I hope, you are real friends of animals and nature. Be kind to nature!
You worked very hard.  Thank you for the lesson. Your home task: WB p. 56, ex. 32, SB: p.115, ex. 37 (a)



Задание 7






Jump from tree to tree

Like to follow ships in the sea.

Spray their bodies with water


20-30 cm

25-450 kilos

weight 4 tons


Fast, beautiful

Playful, curious, intelligent

Wonderful, intelligent


Mushrooms, nuts, birds' eggs

Fish and krills

leaves, grass, and fruits

Interesting facts

gather about 2000 mushrooms during the season

They can do many wonderful tricks: play basketball, take food from people's hands.  They  saved  people  in  seas.

They can shut the door after they go into their house


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