Submitted by Наталья Михайловна Черных on вс, 09/02/2014 - 14:54
Урок английского языка в 8-ом классе «Books are meant to read»
Тема урока: Любимые книги.
Цель урока: Совершенствование навыков монологической речи по теме.
Задачи урока:
1. Практика учащихся в аудировании и говорении (монологическое и диалогическое высказывания).
2. Расширение знаний учащихся по литературному краеведению.. 3. Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.
Оборудование: УМК под ред. М.З.Биболетовой для 8 класса, презентация, аудиозапись, раздаточный материал.
It has no mouth, but speaks. It is not alive, but it can be a good friend. It is not a tree, but it has leaves. What is it?
I.Организационный момент 1. Постановка целей и задач урока .
Обсуждение плана предстоящей работы, видов деятельности на уроке для того, чтобы научиться грамотно, свободно, предметно высказываться по теме данного урока .
II.Основная часть
1. Речевая зарядка.
Контроль лексических единиц (ЛЕ) по теме).
Беседаврежиме: T -P1, P2,P3…: -Do you like to read books? -What books are you keen on? -Are you interested in poetry?, science fiction?...
There is an English proverb that says, "Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book!" I totally agree with it. Any book is a wonderful thing, the moment you start reading a book the whole new world opens to you! New characters, scenes, lives, events. It’s like real life in miniature. So, a book is truly one of the greatest inventions of man. We learn so many things by reading books.
What do you think books can do? (possible answers of the pupils)-
Books teach us to live.
A book can be a faithful friend and a teacher.
Reading a book you open new horizons for yourself.
A book can form our values and our characters.
It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future and to look into the past.
One can learn a lot by reading books.
And I am sure that the time spent on a good book is never wasted. And it’s really a pity that people started to read less. But it, of course, depends on the author greatly too and on his or her talent.
2.Фонетическая зарядка.
Аудирование, хоровое, индивидуальное чтение стихотворения «Books» (на мультимедиа экране) с ЛЕ по теме урока:
I love to read books. Books will never let down,
It’s my cup of tea. Books will never mislead,
Books are full of ideas, When you make a new friend
Don’t you agree?.... Ask him ”What do you read?”
И названий жанров литературы (слайд)
3. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания. Рассказы о любимых книгах по заданиям упр.111 стр.84
You will hear British teenagers answering the question: What book do you think all kids should read?
Which genres do they prefer? Listen to the recording. Mark (√ ) the appropriate box in the table. The genres may be chosen more than once. You will hear the recording twice.
Historical novel
Detective story
(Auto) biography
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
5. Физпауза.
My hands upon my head I place,
On my shoulders, on my face.
Then I raise them up on high
And make my fingers quickly fly.
Then I put them in front of me
And gently clap: one, two, three.
6. Чтение текста о В. Я. Ерошенко и письменное выполнение заданий к тексту.
Вступительное слово о писателях родного края: We've read a lot about English writer? Such as W. Shakespear, Jack London, Mark Twain, R. Kipling, Robert Burns. We also know many Russian writers but can you name any belgorodian writes or poets? ( Students can call V. Molchanov, B. Osykov, Phillip Nasedkin, V. Mikhalev, Igor Chernukhin and others) . Today you’ll read the text about one more our famous countryman V.Y. Eroshenko.
Vasily Yakovlevich Yeroshenko.
Destiny of V.Y. Yeroshenko is very interesting. He visited many countries: England, France, Japan, China and many others. In all these countries he left a good memory about himself.
He was born in 1889 on the 31st of December in the village of Obukhovka not far from Stary Oskol in the family of timber merchant. When he was at the age of 4 he caught measles and became blind. At the age of 7 he acquired a passion for music. He was skilled and talented violinist. He joined Moscow boarding school for blind children. He visited Caucasus and other places with the orchestra of blind musicians. Yeroshenko studied Esperanto - the international language and in 1912 he left Moscow for England where he entered the Royal College for blind musicians and continued to study English.
In 1914 he went to Tokyo and taught Esperanto in Japanese University.. Blind writer, he became the master of Japanese language and published his first novels in Tokyo's magazine "Kibo".
In 1923 he returned to Russia and became very busy in Communist University. In 1929-1931 he was a teacher of Math's and Russian in Nizegorodsky vocational school for blind children. Then he was a teacher of English in Moscow and Tashkent schools for blind.
He died in the village Obukhovka in 1952.
He was not known as a writer in our country for a long time.
In 1962 the first poem of Yeroshenko was published in Russia. It was the famous book "The eagle's heart".
1. Найти английские эквиваленты.
оставил о себе хорошую намять
заболел корью и ослеп
охвачен страстью к музыке
интернат для слепых детей
поступил в королевский колледж для слепых музыкантов
- преподавал эсперанто
известная книга " Сердце орла"
2. Выбратьправильныйответ.
- What memory about himself did he leave in all countries?
a) bad memory b) good memory c) no memory
- What happened with him at the age of 4?
a) he got a cough b) he got measles c) he got a pain
- When did he acquired a passion for music?
a) at 5 b) at 7 c) at 8
- What language did he teach in Japanese University?
a) Russian b) English c) Esperanto
- What his book was first published in Russia?
a) “The man’s heart” b) “ The Eagle’s heart” c) “ The Lion’s heart”
7. Подведение итогов урока.
8.Домашнее задание. В ходе урока пришли к выводу, что книги надо читать, т. е. вернулись к теме урока «Books are meant to read». А какие книги порекомендовали бы для прочтения своим товарищам, учителю?- для этого дома необходимо подготовить рекламу понравившейся книги, после такой рекламы несложно дома подготовить и представить в классе проект о своей любимой книге.