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Упражнения для развития коммуникативных умений по теме "My working day"

Фото пользователя Наталья Борисовна Калугина
Submitted by Наталья Борисовна Калугина on пн, 01/06/2009 - 13:56
Данные об авторе
Калугина Наталья Борисовна
Место работы, должность: 
учитель английского и французского языков МОУ СОШ № 3 г.Бикина
Хабаровский край
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
начальное общее образование
Уровни образования: 
основное общее образование
5 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
дидактический материал
Краткое описание ресурса: 
Серия упражнений по теме "My working day" направлена на развития умения строить утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Present Simple в третьем лице единственного числа и множественного числа.

Упражнения для развития коммуникативных умений по теме:


My working day.



I .  Read and translate the text:

1.  Alan is a lorry driver.

2.  He is twenty – five years old.

3.  He works five days a week.

4.  He gets up at six o’ clock every day.

5.  He drinks two cups of tea.

6.  He eats an enormous breakfast.

7.  Then he kisses his wife.

8.  He leaves for work at half past six.

9.  He has lunch in a transport cafe.

10. He comes home at five o’clock.

11. In the evening he goes to the pub.

12. He goes to bed at ten o’clock.



A lorry driver – водитель грузовика

Get up – вставать

An enormous breakfast – огромный завтрак

Kiss – целовать

Leave for work – отправляться на работу

Half past six – 6.30

Have lunch – обедать

A transport cafe – кафе для водителей

Pub – трактир

Go to bed – ложиться спать


II. Answer the questions:

  1. What does Alan do?
  2. How old is Alan?
  3. How many days a week does he work?
  4. What time does he get up?
  5. What does he eat for breakfast?
  6. What does he drink?
  7. What does he do after breakfast?
  8. What time does he leave for work?
  9. Where does he have lunch?
  10. What time does he come home?
  11. Where does he go in the evening?
  12. What time does he go to bed?


III. Ask and answer questions about these people.



  1. secretary
  2. 18
  3. the office/ 5 day a week
  4. 7.30
  5. nothing
  6. orange juice
  7. parents
  8. the office / 8.15
  9. in the canteen
  10. home /5.30
  11. evening class
  12. eleven o’clock


Peter and Paul

  1. schoolboys
  2. 12
  3. school / 6 days a week
  4. eight o’clock
  5. cornflakes
  6. milk
  7. mother
  8. school /8.45
  9. at school
  10. home / four o’ clock
  11. television
  12. nine o’clock

IV. Tell about Natalie using the expressions:

1.      a school teacher

2.      27

3.      school / 5 days a week

4.      seven o’clock

5.      cheese sandwiches

6.      coffee

7.      husband

8.      work / 7. 50

9.      at school

10.  home / 5 o’clock

11.  check students copybooks

12.  12 o’clock


V. Put the words

 has, like, breakfast, goes, works, bus, gets up, opens, stops, plays, starts, goes in the text:


      Stan Dixon is a shop assistant. He sells men’s clothes in a small shop . It is a tiring job.

      Stan … at seven o’clock. After … he … to work by… . He… work at a quarter past nine. The shop … at half past nine. Stan … lunch at twelve, and then … from 12.45 till 5.45.

      On Saturdays Stan … work at one o ‘ clock. On Sundays he … cycling or … tennis.

      Stan does not … his job much.



V. Bob Wilson interviews a famous person  every week for the radio programme “The British at home”. Write down information about his guest Simon Stone.


Simon Stone

  1. guitarist for “Cool Boys”
  2. live / flat in central London
  3. get up / 11.15
  4. read “The Daily Mirror”
  5. arrive at the studio / 3.30
  6. leave the studio / midnight
  7. have dinner / 12.30
  8. go to bed / three o ‘ clock




  1. Simon Stone is a guitarist for “Cool boys”.
  2. He lives in a flat in Central London.






VI. Write questions about Stanley Walsh.

  1. Footballer for Liverpool Football team
  2. Live  / new house near Liverpool
  3. Get up   / 6.30
  4. Read  “The Daily Mail”
  5. Arrive at the stadium  / eight o ‘clock
  6. leave the stadium  / 2.30
  7. have dinner / 5.30
  8. go to bed / 9.30


  1. What does Stanley Walsh do?
  2. Where doe he live?






VII. Ask your classroom questions  about

  1. what he does (Example: What do you do?)
  2. how old is he
  3. how many days a week he goes to school
  4. what time he gets up
  5. what he has for breakfast
  6. what he drinks
  7. what he does after breakfast
  8. what time he goes to school
  9. where he has lunch
  10. what time he comes home
  11. what he does in the evening
  12. what time he goes to bed.



VIII. Tell about your classmate working day.


      IX.  Write about your father / your mother working day.


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