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Группа № 3

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The Wolf and the Sheep!

A Wolf saw a Sheep by a small river and wanted to eat him.He shouted,"I can t drink this dirty water!It is very dirty!Tou have made the water dirty.You put your dirty feet into the water!"
"No, I didnt make it dirty,"the Sheep answered."I didnt put my feet into the water.I drink with my mouth and not with my feet.Look!My feet are not in the water."
"OK.Then it was last year.You put your feet into the water last year!"the Woif shouted."And you made the water dirty."
"But I am only foyr months old the Sheep said.
"How could I put my feet into the river a year ago?
If it was not you,then it was your brother or your father, the Wolf shouted and jumped on the poor Sheep. But the Sheep ran away.And the Wolf Fell into the water.

Фото пользователя Илья Голубь

На: Группа № 3

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