Речь и действия учителя
Речь и действия учащихся
Элементы здоровьесберегающей среды
IОрганизационный момент
Good afternoon!
What day is today? What data is today?
What is the weather like today?
II Постановкацелейурока
- Today we will have a very interesting lesson. Let’s start with the poem and then be ready to tell me what is it about? (Ex.6, p. 35)
Today we’ll continue speaking about the places where we live. And at the end of our lesson we can tell about the place we live.
OK, let’s start our work.
I think, it’s about the country.
It’s about the city.
Обучениеучащихсяврежиме динамических поз (конторка). Одна группа учеников занимает место за партой – конторкой, а вторая группа сидит за партами.
II Фонетическая зарядка
- Children, do you remember all English sounds? Stand up! I’ll pronounce you the sounds and you must turn your head there where do you see these sounds: [e], [a:], [au], [ ], [i], [ei].
- All together, without me!
- Dear children, our crosses help us to remember the words.
- Girls, go to the first cross. Boys, you are welcome to the second one. Look at the crosses! Find the words with the sounds [e], [a:], [au], [ ], [i], [ei]. .
- What words have you found?
-Well, and now let’s read all the words all together. Verygood, children.
Ex. 2, p.34
Pupils listen to the speaker and turn their heads there where they see these sounds. [e], [a:], [au], [ ], [i], [ei].
Pupils come to the crosses and find the words with these sounds: [e], [a:], [au], [ ], [i], [ei].
В качестве элемента здоровьесберегающей среды в этой игре используется система меняющихся зрительно-сигнальных сюжетов, с помощью которых проводится сенсорно-координаторный тренаж для профилактики нарушений зрения и опорно-двигательногоаппарата.
В качестве элемента здоровьесберегающей среды используется движущийся демонстрационный крест, который предназначен для разминки глаз, тренировки глазных мышц.
III Речеваязарядка
- Today the weather is … Come to the window!
- Tell me please what is there near our school? You can tell me as positive as negative sentences. Try to make your sentences long. (There is a house near my school. But there is a tall house near my school.)
- There is a big house near my school.
- There are a lot of trees near my school.
- There is no green field near my school.
- There aren’t hills near my school.
В этой игре происходит формирование умений наблюдения, размышления. В данной игре реализуется такой приём как расширение зрительных горизонтов. Основным средством здесь выступает окно учебного кабинета, которое помогает глазу ребенка работать в наилучшем режиме дальнего зрения.
Развитие навыков диалогичеcкой речи
Thankyou. Now please ask your classmates about the place they live.
What is there near your house?
Pupils make up a dialogue.
-Is there a green garden near your house?
-Yes, there is. No there isn’t.
Активизация навыков чтения
- We know our town quite well. Let’s read the letter from Alex. He is from Great Britain. After reading be ready to answer the question what is there in GB? And don’t forget to complete the sentences with the verbs am/is/are.
Ex. 9, p. 36
- P1, P2, P3.
- There is a green garden.
- There are a lot of cars in the streets.
- There are many new and old houses and bridges.
Обучение учащихся в режиме динамических поз (конторка). Смена позиций. Учащиеся, которые стояли за партами - конторками садятся за парты. А учащиеся, которые сидели за партами становятся за парты - конторки.
To see well, to be in fit
We should walk a little bit.
Stare, please, at dark green line
Walk, please, left
And walk, please, right.
Not to be sick and not to be tired
Have a look at dark blue line
Up and down, up and down
Left and right, left and right.
Walk around the last red line,
Please go left, and then go right
Do it twice and don’t forget
It will help us to feel great.
Pupils repeat after the teacher or the pupils and move their eyes, then move their heads, then move their body.
В качестве элемента здоровьесберегающей среды на данном этапе используется зрительно-координатный тренажер (на потолке).
Активизациянавыков аудирования
- OK, Take your places. You know our friend Alex from GB sent us a letter. We’ll listen to it, not read. It’s a riddle. We should find his granny’s house. Open your AB p. 68, ex.3(4)
The second picture.
There are 4 windows in the house. There is a tall tree and a cat.
Обучениеучащихсяврежимединамическихпоз(конторка). Сменапозиций.
Совершенствование лексическихнавыковговорения
- We’ve done a lot. You know a lot. Look at that blackboard you can see different word expressions. Let’s complete our table.
What is suitable for the country and for the city?
Girls,city is for you.
Boys,country is for you.
Do you agree?
green fields
green hills
long rivers
nice gardens
apple trees
a lot of cows and sheep
dirty streets
clean streets
tall houses
a lot of people
В качестве элемента здоровьесберегающей среды здесь используется экологическое панно. На экологическом панно заранее приклеены карточки со словосочетаниями. И учащиеся должны подойти к панно, взять карточку и прикрепить на доску в соответствии с тем, где это находится в городе или в сельской местности.
Now please look at the picture and tell me please what is there in the picture?
Do you like it or not? 3-4 sentences.
Look at this picture. There is a …. There are ….. I like this picture.
VЗаключительный этап
Информация о домашнем задании
- Write down your homework. Your home task is to write down the letter to Alex and tell him about your city. Ex 5, p. 22
Pupils write down their homework.
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