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План-конспект открытого урока в 7 классе по теме “Hobbies”

Submitted by Елена Мокина on Tue, 27/11/2012 - 03:34
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Мокина Елена
Республика Чувашия
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
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Уровень образования: 
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Целевая аудитория: 
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6 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 

1.         Повторение и закрепление активной лексики по теме “Hobbies: Sports”.

Тип урока: 
Урок закрепления знаний
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

Учебник английского языка для 6 класса Enjoy English. Биболетова М. З.

Краткое описание: 
План-конспект открытого урока в 7 классе по теме “Hobbies” Цели и задачи: 1. Повторение и закрепление активной лексики по теме “Hobbies: Sports”. 2. Развитие навыка орфографии. 3. Развитие навыков устной речи. 4. Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме “Free Time. Radio and TV”. 5. Актуализация навыков устной речи по теме “Radio and TV”)

План-конспект открытого урока в 7 классе

по теме  “Hobbies”



Цели и задачи:

1.         Повторение и закрепление активной лексики по теме “Hobbies: Sports”.

2.         Развитие навыка  орфографии.

3.         Развитие навыков устной речи.

4.         Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме “FreeTime. Radio and TV”.

5.         Актуализация навыков устной речи по  теме “RadioandTV”)



Ход урока


I.           Организационный момент.

     Вступительное слово учителя.

Today we continue to talk about our free time and our hobbies. I know you are fond of sports  that’s why we’ll talk more about sports.


II.      Фонетическая зарядка.

Look at the screen (Slide 2) and repeat after me:

[ a:] - gardening, cartoons, dancing, postcard, drama, basketball

[ Λ ]  -  club, rugby, culture, puppy, pub

[ o: ]  -  ball, horseracing, for, author, sport, volleyball,

[ o ] - jogging, fond, hobby, popular, common, model, hockey

[ i: ]  -  reading, weekend, people, see, keep, ski

[ I ]  -  rugby, comedy, library, detective, story, tennis, listen

[ з:]  -  advert, world, first, work, word

[ ju:]  -  new, news, musical, beautiful, future


III.                Речеваяразминка

1.                     We know that people all over the world have a lot in common. We can have the same hobbies. We are fond of gardening, dancing, sport, music and so on. Now we’ll read a text about English sports and games which are more popular among the students in England.


Some sports and games the English are fond of

The English is a sport nation. Lots of English people go in for different kinds of sports and are fond of playing sport games.

You know, of course, that English boys like to play football and hockey.

But do you know what games English girls like to play?

In Britain girls usually play netball. It is basketball for girls. They play hockey, too!

Do you know that there are also such games in Great Britain as rugby and cricket?

English people like to watch games and sports, too. They come to watch games even if the weather is bad.



Answer the questions(Slide 3):

1.      What sports are more popular among English boys?

2.      What sports are more popular among English girls?

3.      What is netball?

4.      Do you go in for sports?

5.                  What do you go in for?

6.      Can you skate (ski)?

7.                  When and where do you skate (ski)?

8.                  Do you go in for figure skating?

9.      Do you like to watch a football game?

10.   How many players are there in a football team?

11.   Are you a football fan?

12.   Do you go in for swimming?

13.   Are you a good swimmer?

14.   Where do you swim?

15.   Is there a swimming-pool in your school? 

16.               Have you a bicycle (a bike)?

17.               Do you often go cycling?

18.               Are you fond of roller-skating?

19.   Do you have roller-skates?

20.   Are you fond of playing ping-pong?





1.Now you’ll see some boys and girls on the screen. Read the names of hobbies on the blackboard and talk about these boys’ and girls’ hobbies. (Slide 4-6)

(Looking after pets (ухаживатьзаживотными),

 cooking  (готовить),

 embroidering (вышивание), knitting (вязание),

sport, traveling (путешествие),

listening to music (слушатьмузыку),

 watching TV, painting (рисовать),

playing computer games,

singing, reading, dancing, jogging,

horseracing (ездаверхомналошади),

skiing, skating, roller-skating,

collecting stamps (coins (монеты), books, magazines…)






2. Let’s remember the names of hobbies doing the task on the screen. Look! You can see some letters here. The task is to make up the words on topic “Hobbies” (Slide 7). Open your exercise books and write down the words.
































3. Аудирование


Now we’ll listen to a student speaking about his hobbies. Be attentive! As you listen to his comments complete the sentences on the screen (Slide 8).


  1. I have a big ______ of coins.
  2. Now we do it ______.
  3. There more than 200 coins from _____ countries in our collection.
  4. Collecting coins isn’t _____, you know.
  5. You _____know much about different _____ and their _____.
  6. I haven’t got any _____ Russian coins in my ______.



V. Введение новой лексики по теме «Радио и телевидение»


            We shall learn some new words on the topic “Free Time”. They are connected with Radio and TV (Slide 9).

            Do you usually listen to the radio?

            What radio station is your favourite?

            What radio programs do you listen to?

            Does your grandmother listen to the radio?

            What is her favourite programme?

            What does your father like: radio or TV?

            Does your mother/sister watch TV?

            What TV programmes do you usually watch?


            Look at the screen, please. Read the words and try to guess their meaning. Read the words after me, please. Make up word combinations using new words and words from the second column.
















(Favourite comedy, political news, soap opera, talk show, interesting musical, popular programme)



VI. Подведение итогов

Now I want you to tell about your hobbies. And so I’ll see what have you learned from today’s lesson.

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