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Конспект урока по теме "Канада"

Фото пользователя Ольга Борисовна Биндас
Submitted by Ольга Борисовна Биндас on пн, 30/03/2009 - 10:57
Данные об авторе
Биндас Ольга Борисовна
Место работы, должность: 
ГОУ РМЭ "Лицей им. М.В. Ломоносова"
Республика Марий Эл
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
9 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 
Систематизировать и обобщить знания по теме
Тип урока: 
Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

New Opportunities Intermediate

Используемая методическая литература: 


Используемое оборудование: 


1)     Компьюторная презентация «Канада»
2)     Карта Канады
3)     Видеокассета «ClickOnIV»
4)     Аудиозаписипесен, кассета “New Opportunities intermediate”
5)     Картинки по теме
6)     Постер с изображением Аврил Лавин
7)     Распечатки заданий викторины, текста, заданий для чтения
Краткое описание: 
Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с применением ИКТ


Открытый урок по теме «Канада», проведен 12.10.2007 учителем высшей категории ГОУ РМЭ « Многопрофильный лицей им. М.В. Ломоносова» Биндас О.Б. для слушателей курсов повышения квалификации ГОУ ДПО (ПК) С «Марийский институт образования»
Урок проведен в 9а классе
Название: «Canad aexplored»
Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий
Цель: Обобщение и контроль знаний учащихся по теме.
Практические задачи:                                                                             1)
Совершенствование произносительных навыков на основе песни
 « Daredevil», стихотворения «National Anthem»
2) Совершенствование навыков аудирования по УМК NewOpportunitiesintermediate
3)Развитие навыков устной речи     
4)Активизация лексики в речи
5) Контроль навыков чтения в формате ЕГЭ
Образовательные задачи:
1)Обобщение изученного материала по теме
2)Контроль лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся по теме
3)Расширение кругозора учащихся
Воспитательные задачи:
1)Укрепление у учащихся позитивного отношения к английскому языку, к странам изучаемого языка
2)Развитие у учащихся актерских качеств, стремления к лидерству, инициативы, чувства взаимопомощи.
Оснащение урока:
1)     Компьюторная презентация «Канада»
2)     Карта Канады
3)     Видеокассета «ClickOnIV»
4)     Аудиозаписипесен, кассета “New Opportunities intermediate”
5)     Картинки по теме
6)     Постер с изображением Аврил Лавин
7)     Распечатки заданий викторины, текста, заданий для чтения
Ход урока
1.     Вступительное слово учителя: Dearguests! We are glad to see you. Do you like to explore the world? Are you daredevils? Let’s sing and watch the video. Why do  we call people “daredevils”? would you like to go to Canada?
You are welcome to our last lesson on the topic “Canada” We are traveling to this amazing country today in order to know more about Canada.
Учитель: Let’s start our lesson with “National Anthem”. 
National anthem
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love
In all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts
We see thee rise.
The True North
Strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land
Glorious and free!
O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
It’s the national Anthem of Canada? And do you know the nick name of the country? Look there are a lot of maple leaves on the blackboard why?
Now refresh your memory and watch some images of the Country of Maple Leaf.
2.     Контроль навыков монологической речи по теме «Географическое положение Канады» Компьюторная презентация
·        Сanada – the second largest country of the world
·        Ottawa
·        Provinces and Territories
·        Canadian flag
·        Population
·        Official languages
·        National symbols
·        Main cities
·        Currency
·        Climate
·        Lakes
·        Rivers
·        Niagara Falls
·        Mountain ranges
·        Animals
·        Sport
3.     Викторина – проверка знаний на основе просмотренных файлов презентации
Choose the correct variant
          1. Canada is the… country in the world
a) Largest
b) Fifth largest
c) Second largest
d) Third largest
2. …poetically is called “Our Lady of the Snow”
a) M. Twain
b) O. Henry
c) M. Lawrence
d) R. Kipling
3. The city with the largest population in Canada is…
a) Montreal
b) Toronto
c) Ottawa
d) Vancouver
4. There are … provinces and three territories in Canada
a) 50
b) 12
c) 10
d) 8
5. The largest Canadian province is…
a) Ontario
b) Manitoba
c) Alberta
d) Quebec
6. Canadian animal symbol is …
a) bear
b) beaver
c) fox
d) wolf
7. Canada is …
a) a federal republic
b) a parliamentary republic
c) a monarchy
d) an independent constitutional monarchy
8. Canada became independent from Britain in…
a) 1759
b) 1867
c) 1776
d) 1931
9. In 1603 … began the settlement which was named Quebec.
a) Samuel de Champlain
b) Jacques Cartier
c) James Cook
d) Abel Tasman
10. The … is the national emblem of Canada.
a) birch
b) maple leaf
c) rose
d) daffodil
Answers:1c 2d 3b 4c5d 6b 7d 8d 9a 10b
4.     Тренировка использования лексических знаний «Исторические факты Канады»
Read the text and decide which answer a, b, c, d best fits each space
 The early period of Canadian history 1)______ in the struggle between the two 2)_______: France and England. The French played the main role in the early 3) ______ of Canada. In 1605 Samuel de Champlain 4)____ the settlement of Port Royal, around which the French colony of Arcadia grew up, which later was 5) attacked by the English. In 1608 Champlain founded the township of Quebec which later became the centre of a large French colony 6)____ New France.
      The two largest 7)_____ of Canadian Indians, the Algonquins and the Iroquois, were 8)______ enemies and 9)_____ at war with each other. They too became 10)____ in the struggle, the Algonquins on the French side and the Iroquois on the British side.
hardly ever
Answers: 1d 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7d 8d 9b 10c
1.      Контрольнавыковаудирования. Упражнение № 3 стр.19
Ответы:1d 2h 3b 4e 5a 6f 7c 8g
We know that Alexander Mackenzie was the explorer of Canada, try to compare his life with one of the Russian explorers of the past or present.
2.     Контроль навыков диалогической речи: Диалог ComparingCultures
Прослушивание диалогов.
3.     Обучение словообразованию ClickOnIVстр. 189 “PolarBears
Word building
The polar bear is a magnificent animal measuring around 1.6 m in 0) height and with an average 1) length of 2.5 m from nose to tail. Adult males weigh between 300-800 kg but females are 2) considerably smaller, weighing 150-300 kg and measuring 1,8-2 m in length. Their fur is 3) generally white, but it can yellowish, or even brown or grey. Polar bears are solitary creatures, with the 4) exception of mothers who are 5) competition with one another over food. However, in 6) situations where bears meet each other, the smaller bear will 7) usually run away. A female bear with cubs, on the other hand, will charge much larger males, as she is 8) protective of her young or the food they are eating. Polar bears are thought to be 9) dangerous to humans, although humans and bears 10) rarely come into contact as the human population in areas where the bears live is very low.
Answers:1 length 2 considerably 3 generally 4 exception 5 competition
6 situations 7 usually 8 protective 9 dangerous 10 rarely
4.     Контроль навыков чтения в формате ЕГЭ, множественный выбор.
Polar bears live in the remote icy places, humans try to explore the unusual kinds of accommodation.
Read a newspaper article and for questions 1-7 find the answer A,B C. or D which you think fits best as it is shown in the example (0)
A Warm Reception Promised at the Ice Hotel
QUEBEC CITY Monday January 1 (Reuters). — Canadian businessmen opened on Monday North America's first Ice Hotel and said 1,000 tourists had already signed up to spend a night in a chilly building made of ice and snow.
The hotel built of 4,500 tons of snow and 25 tons of ice, opened outside Quebec City in a place overlooking the St. Law­rence river and the Montmorency Falls which are higher than world well known Niagara Falls. New Year's Day opening fol­lowed a weekend snowstorm.
"The hotel is fully booked with 22 people in our six suites," Ice Hotel communications director Helene Barbeau told Reuters. "The staff unveiled the hotel on New Year's Eve and even slept in the ice beds," she said in an interview.
The Ice Hotel's facilities include a bar, a cinema and two art' galleries, with exhibits made of sculpted ice about Canada's Great North and Inuit people, as well as executive suites com­plete with an ice bed. The cost — $100 per one person a night — includes a hot breakfast and a sleeping bag on top of animal fur for the ice bed.
The Canadian structure cost C$750,000 to build, including C$125,000 from the Quebec provincial government.
Most of the 1,000 people who have reserved rooms for the season are Americans who come from as far away as Texas, Flor­ida, California and Arkansas, but some also are tourists from South Africa, Japan, France, Germany and Britain. Those who reserved for Monday's opening came from New York, Maine, Washington and Montreal.
"We also expect 40,000 people to visit the site this winter," Barbeau said adding that the wedding of a local celebrity is to be held at the hotel on January 27.
The Ice Hotel will stay open for three months before the ice and snow melt in early
The idea of an ice hotel is being imported from Sweden, where what was advertised as the world's first ice hotel was built about ten years ago in Jukkasjarvi, a drive of seven hours from Stockholm.
The Quebec Ice Hotel (www.icehotel-canada.com) has a sur­face of 10,760 square feet, one quarter the size of its Swedish counterpart. It has a staff of 32 people.
The Ice Hotel intends to move permanently to the Duchesnay resort west of Quebec City next year. The new Ice Hotel should
be able to accommodate 85 guests. It also will be the size of two football fields, four times larger than the current Ice Hotel and comparable in size to its Swedish counterpart.
"People will be able to do cross-country skiing, snowmobile riding and winter fishing," Barbeau said.
The Ice Hotel was opened by businessmen from
 A   the USA. BCanada. C   the UK. D. Sweden.
1. The first ice hotel in the world was built not far from
 A   Stockholm. B   Montreal. C   Quebec. D   Duchesnay resort.
2. The hotel opened
A   before the snowstorm.
C   at the weekend.
B   after the snowstorm.
 D   before the weekend.
3. The Quebec provincial Government contributed into this structure
A   C$750,000.
B   C$1,000.
C   C$125,000.
D   C$40,000.
4. The Ice Hotel accommodates A   22 guests. B   40,000 guests. C    1,000 guests. D   85 guests.
5. The Ice Hotel is situated in the place which is known for
A   the wedding of a local celebrity.
B   Winter Carnival.
C   Niagara Falls.
D   Canada's Great North.
6. The hotel stays open until
    A   the New Year's Day.
B   early April.
 C   the New Year's Eve.
 D   late February.
7. The new Ice Hotel will be        
A   the size of the present Ice Hotel.
B   smaller than the present Ice Hotel.
 C   as large as a football field.
D   larger than the present Ice Hotel
Ответы: 1a 2b 3 c 4a 5a 6b 7d
Optional: Тренировка в использовании usedtoна основе текста “TheInuit

Read the text about the Inuit people of North America and complete it with the verbs below. Use used to or the present simple (e.g. he lives, they have, etc.).


have cook
drive  call
wear limit
wear         live go        take
cake hate
off       be spend



he lives of the Inuit people of North America have changed a lot in 30 years.
First, their name people 1) used to callthem Eskimos, but now they are called Inuits, which means 'the people'.
They 2)........... ... ................ in igloos in the
winter but today, many of them live in
houses in small towns. They
3)     .      .. ..... ....   seals-they ate the meat
and made clothes from the fur. Many of the people still 4).............................    seal-skin
clothes today because they are very warm. Remember, the weather is extremely cold for many months of the year. 85-year-old Inuit, Mariano Tagalik, told us a little about her early life.
'Our winter igloos were very warm. We 5)      .. .   .......         inside so sometimes it
got too hot. When I was a child I
6) .................................. most of my clothes when

I was in our igloo. In the short summers
we lived in seal-skin tents, but I
7).................................... as much time as possible
playing outside.'
To move over the snow, they 8)....................... ... .. . special snowshoes on
their feet, but today many Inuits
9)                      .        snowmobiles. These
machines can travel long distances in a
short time. In the past it 10)              .   . .. ....
them days or weeks to travel the same distance.
Inuit children never 11)            ............
to school - they learnt everything from
their parents but now, like all North
Americans, they 12)     . . .            about
10 years of school education.
Life is not as hard as it 13)    ............................. but many of the older
Inuits 14).. .. .......................    town life and
want to go back to the old days.

 Answers: 2 used to live 3 used to hunt 4 wear 5   used to cook       6 used to wear 7 used to spend 8 used to wear 9 drive 10 used to take 11 used to go 12 take off 13 used to be 14 hate
5.      Проверка домашнего задания – проект «Любимый канадский музыкант» Аврил Лавин
6.     Подведениеитоговурока We have explored only the small part of the great country, we’ll study more about Canada.
Your marks…     Your hometask is to copy out the new words from page 21


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