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"Праздники" (Рождество и Новый год)

Submitted by Валентина Васильевна Быкова on Wed, 18/01/2012 - 16:38
Данные об авторе
Быкова В.В.
Место работы, должность: 
МОУ Гимназия №87, учитель английского языка
Краснодарский край
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
8 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 

Способствовать повышению мотивации учащихся в обучении английскому языку, интересу к культуре и обычаям другого народа.

Используемое оборудование: 

•    доска,
•    магнитофон,
•    аудиокассета к сборнику песен для начальной школы Биболетовой М. З.,
•    ММП
•    презентация по теме,
•    две елочки с шарами для украшения,
•    маски Санта Клауса и Деда Мороза,
•    медальки,
•    сладкие призы.

Краткое описание: 
Во время занятия систематизируется уже имеющиеся знания учащихся о праздновании Рождества и Нового года в России и Великобритании, а так же учащиеся знакомятся с дополнительной информацией об истории этих праздников. Проводятся три конкурса.

I. Организационный момент.
Good morning, girls and boys!
We welcome you on our unusual lesson. Today we speak about our favourite holidays–Christmas and New Year Eve. Our aim is to compare traditions in GB and in Russia.
So, our first hero is … Father Frost or Ded Moroz! Where does he live? (“He lives in a Russian forest”) Do children like Father Frost? Why? (“They like to get presents.”) By the way, what presents would you like to get? (“I’d like to get ….”)
Well, who is the second hero of our lesson? Look at the screen! (картинки презентации с изображением Санта Клауса) So, who comes to children of GB? (“Santa Claus”)
Let’s sing a song to greet our heroes! (песня “Say Hello”)
II. Основная часть занятия.
T:  Is Christmas state or religious holiday? When do people celebrate it?
T: It is the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a happy holiday. Families cоme together to share their happiness. They attend church and exchange gifts. Before Christmas parties are held in schools, offices, factories and clubs.
Advent begins four weeks before Christmas. It is a time of great anticipation (ожидание), when Christians look forward to celebrating Christ’s birthday. An advent calendar has 24 numbered doors, one for every day of advent. The doors are opened, day by day. The last door is opened on Christmas Eve.
Legend says that at the first chime (удар колокола) of midnight on Christmas Eve animals are able to speak and evil spirits lose their powers.
 Santa Claus is like our Father Frost, is not he? (“Yes, he is. Because he is kind, gives presents and is very nice.”) Is he a brother of our Russian hero? What do you think?
Let’s listen to the story of our guests and get to know more about them.
Actually, Father Frost and Santa Claus are one and the same fairy-tale hero. They have one and the same name. It’s “Святой Николай” or “Николай Чудотворец”. In English “святой” is “St.” или “Santa”, and “Николай” is “Nicolaus” or tender-- “Claus”. Compare in Russian “Николай” or “Коля”. So, the hero’s name is Santa Claus. Where comes our hero from? Cities and towns sparkle with bright lights and decorations. Churches, homes, schools, shops and streets are decorated with Christmas trees, coloured lights, Santa Claus.The traditional colours for this holiday are red and green. People wish one another a “Merry Christmas” during this holiday. Christmas carols are sung on the radio and in public places during these seasons. The most famous carols are “Silent Night”, “Joy to the world”, and “Jingle, Bells”.
Учитель: Let’s sing one of these carols “Jingle, Bells”.
All over the world traditional gifts bringers visit children at Christmas. Santa Claus is the best known of these. His name comes from the Dutch for “St. Nicholas”. He was a rich man who used his wealth to help others.
It was the Americans who gave Santa Claus a sleigh and a team of reindeer (северный олень) The traditional Christmas dinner consists of a turkey or a goose, pudding, roast beef, nuts and oranges. Roast goose or turkey remains today a favourite dish on the Christmas dinner table and many people say:
Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat,
Please put a penny in an old man’s hat.
If you haven’t got a penny,
A ha’ penny will do,
If you haven’t got a ha’ penny,
Got bless you
Christmas is a lovely time
The snow lies white and thick
Mistletoe is hard to find
And holly hard to pick.
Gifts wrapped up in Christmas paper
Sitting round the tree so bright
Children fast asleep in bed
As Santa comes to night
Tinsel round the windows bright
Pink, orange, red and white
Glittering in the evening light
Oh, such a lovely sight.
T: What is traditional Christmas dish?
Слайды № 16-19
So the traditional dish for Christmas dinner is pudding. Listen to the legend about how Christmas puddings were invented.
One Christmas Eve a king of England found himself in a forest with no food.Night was drawing on, so he stopped at woodcutter’s house and asked for food and shelter (убежище).The woodcutter was very poor, but he and the king mixed together all the food they had. The king had only some brandy.The result was a sweet, sticky mixture which they put into a bag and boiled. They had made the first Christmas pudding.
 Listen to a poem “I Tie my Love with Ribbons”
In the glow of Christmas candles
And the stars that shine above,
I bring you season’s greetings
With my ribboned gift of love.
In the joyous sound of voices
Singing carols in the snow,
I take your hand and tell you
Of my love that seems to grow.
With Christmas years behind us
And Christmas years ahead,
I tie my love with ribbons
In the shade of Christmas red.
So today we’ve learnt much about Christmas in Great Britain. I think it was interesting and useful for all of us.
Физкульт минутка.
Let’s have a rest! Your heroes ask you to do something. You do things if you hear the word “please”.(Дети выполняют только просьбы Дедов Морозов, кто ошибается---“замерзает”, т. е. выбывает из игры) For example: Swim! Skip! Dance, please! Run, please! Make a snowman! Make a snowball, please! Write! Have breakfast! And so on.
(Чтобы согреть “замороженных, надо сделать веселую зарядку --- станцевать и спеть песенку “We can do anything”)

 Рождественский стол на Руси. В рождественский сочельник не едят до первой звезды, той звездочки, которая указала путь волхвам к Новорожденному Иисусу. - А известно ли вам, какое главное кушанье было в рождественский сочельник?  Это богатая кутья. Уже не постная, т.к. пост закончился. Кутью такую готовили из вареного ячменя, пшена, поливали медом или растертым со сладкой водой маком. Это первое блюдо, которое появлялось на рождественском столе, его должна отведать каждая семья.
В отличие от западного Санта-Клауса, мчащегося по небу на оленях и незаметно подкладывающего детям подарки в рождественскую ночь 25 декабря, наш Дед Мороз шумно и весело приходит в гости в самый канун Нового года.
Он приносит подарки в узелках, почти как Святой Николай дочерям разорившегося отца, а вот Санта-Клаус подкладывает детям подарки в чулки, носки или башмаки. Не случайно вечером накануне заветного дня дети как следует чистят свои ботинки и ставят их у порога. А еще у нашего Дедушки есть внучка, Снегурочка.
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
T: And now we’ll speak about symbols of these holidays. What are they?
Слайды № 1, 5-13
Let’s check your homework! Let’s begin our “Christmas – tree Parade”.(Дома ребята нарисовали необычные елки)
Examples: “My Christmas-tree can neither dance, nor sing, but it can jump and run.” (Елочка в спортивной “одежде” и кроссовках);
“My Christmas-tree can neither swim, nor watch video, but it can have breakfast.”(У елочки вместо украшений – посуда и разные “вкусности” к чаю.) и т. п.
3. Now our competitions!
The second competition is “A Snowman”. Guess the words of the puzzle. (головоломка помещена на плакате с изображением снеговика, ребята каждой из команд обводят слова своим цветом, у кого больше угаданных слов, тот и победитель)

The third competition is “ Christmas Menu”. Let’s make a list of menu for our guests! The team of Father Frost makes menu of Russian food, and the team of Santa Claus makes menu of British food.
Words: hot ale with spices and sugar, lemons, salads, fried chicken, apple-pies, tarts, oat-cakes, champagne, sweets, chocolate, fruit, egg-nog, turkey, Christmas pudding, potatoes with chops, fruit cake, mince pies, ice-cream, Christmas crackers, biscuits.
The fourth competition is “A Christmas Time-table”. Say, what can you do at different time to prepare to the party? (Презентация с изображением часов различного вида, показывающих разное время) What can people do at 11 o’clock on Christmas or New Year Eve? And at 2 p. m.?...
Words: play hockey, make a cake, help mom to cook, lay the table, wash fruits, make a snow-man, cut vegetables for salads, decorate the Christmas tree, play snowballs, skate…
The fifth competition is “Christmas card”.
Paint and write a Christmas card in English! All kids of the team make one card.
Подведение итогов занятия.
Write down your hometask: make a Christmas card with wishing in English and in Russian, compare and remember the differences.

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