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"My country and my town"

Submitted by Елена Владимировна Шмелёва on пн, 21/11/2011 - 18:02
Данные об авторе
Шмелёва Елена Владимировна
Место работы, должность: 

МБОУ "СОШ №12" город Новочебоксарск

Республика Чувашия
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
основное общее образование
5 класс
6 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
конспект урока (занятия)
Краткое описание ресурса: 
<p> Урок проведен с учащимися другой школы в рмках конкурса &quot;Учитель года - 2011&quot;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p align="center"> &nbsp;</p> <p align="center"> &nbsp;</p> <p align="center"> &nbsp;</p> <ul> </ul>


Theme: “My country and my town”

Lesson Plan

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся

Задачи: 1) образовательные:

  • систематизировать и отработать знания учащихся по теме «Моя страна, мой город»;
  • расширение лексического запаса по теме;

2) воспитывающие:

  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к своей стране, родному городу;
  • способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения друг к другу;
  • расширять кругозор;

3) развивающие:

  • способствовать развитию  навыков чтения, говорения, аудирования;
  • развивать память, языковую догадку;

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран для проектора, презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал


Development (ходурока):

 I  Warming-up activities

a) Greeting (T →Cl)

T: Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. My name is Elena Vladimirovna. I’m an English teacher of school number 12. Today we have an unusual lesson: you don’t know me and I don’t know you, but I hope that everything will be all right. I’m Ok. How are you?

(T →P1, P2, P3)         

 (- Fine, thanks), Are you fine/ ok? (- I am fine, ok, all right, so-so, bed), And you, Nastya? ……Don’t be afraid. Take it easy. Everything will be all right.


T: Glad to hear it! Let’s start our lesson.


b) Doing the puzzle

T: To begin with, have a look at the blackboard, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. It’s very, very easy. You’ll see some pictures and your task is to name the word in the picture. The first letters of the words will help us to read the theme of today’s lesson. For example, a monkey – the first letter is ‘m’ , …..

P1, P2, P3…….: yellow -  letter ‘y’, computer – letter ‘c” and so on.

T: So, what key words have we got? Right. … (‘My country and my town’). Translate it, please. So, the theme of our lesson is “My country and my town”. We’ll try to speak about our country and our town (not in Russian, but in English) and I hope we’ll find out some new interesting facts.

Take this kind of paper. There are some words and word-combinations, which will help us in our work.

II Phonetic Drill

  1. Repeat after me, please.


words and word-combinations



to live in Russia                                  



the capital of Russia                              


столица России

the capital of Chuvashia                         


столица Чувашии

the state language of Russia                     


государственный язык России

the main sights                                      


основные достопримечательности














[ju:’ kreinjәnz]








and others                            


и другие

a museum



a cinema



a library



a church



a skating rink



a swimming-pool



a grove



a beautiful Cathedral


красивый собор

the national language


национальный язык

stands on the river Volga


стоит на реке Волга

the longest river in Europe


самая длинная река в Европе

my relatives and friends live here


мои родственники и друзья живут здесь

it’s a beautiful place with lots to see


это красивое место с множеством, что можно увидеть

there is no place like home


нет лучше места чем дом

the Kremlin



Red Square


Красная Площадь

the Tretyakov Gallery


Третьяковская Галерея

the Bolshoi Theatre


Большой Театр

the Cathedral of Basil the Blessed


Собор Василия Блаженного

Cathedral Square


Соборная Площадь

as for me


что касается меня

one hundred twenty-four thousand people


124 тысячи людей


2) Let’s translate these words from English into Russian:

-  to live in Russia;

-  the capital of Chuvashia;

-  the state language of Russia;

-  population;

-  Russians  and  Chuvashes;

-  Ukrainians  and  Byelorussians;

-  a church;

-  a skating rink and  a swimming-pool;

-  a grove and a bay;

-  a beautiful Cathedral;

-  it’s a beautiful place with lots to see        

3) Translate from Russian into English:

- Я живу в России;

- государственный язык России - русский;

- Русские, Чуваши и Татары;

- Украинцы и Белорусы;

- имеются музеи, театры, кинотеатры;

- Новочебоксарск стоит на реке Волга;

- мне нравится мой город;

- Мне нравится мой город, потому что мои родственники и друзья живут здесь.

- население Новочебоксарска;

- основные достопримечательности в Москве;

- Основные достопримечательности в Москве – Красная Площадь, Кремль, Третьяковская Галерея, Большой театр, Собор Василия Блаженного и другие.


4) Let’s read these words one by one in a chain, please.


III  The main part

a)  (T-Cl)

T: Good. Now boys and girls, be attentive and look at the black-board. There is a proverb: “There is no place like home”. Translate it, please. Yes, you are right. There are three Russian variants of this proverb. How do you think, what is the right meaning of the proverb?

 a) «Ошибается то, кто ничего не делает»;

  1. «В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше»;
  2. «Меньшеговори, большеделай».

T: Right you are! This proverb means that the best place for people is a place, where they live because there parents, friends live there. Everything is known for them…


b) (T-Cl)

Answering teacher’s questions (T →P1, P2, P3…)

Good, but what do you know about your home? What can we tell about Russia? Take a sheet of paper from your desks (show which ones). There are 13 questions here.

-- Listen to me, please.

-- Find the questions.

--  Let’s answer the questions.

  1. What country do you live? (- I live in…)
  2. What is the capital of Russia? (-The capital of…)
  3. People of what nationalities live in Moscow? (-People of different nationalities live in Moscow. They are ….)
  4. What is the state language of Russia? (- The state language of Russia is ….)
  5. What are the main sights in Moscow? (-The main sights in Moscow are…)
  6. What about you? Where do you live? (- As for me, I live in….. It’s in Chuvashia)
  7. What is the capital of Chuvashia? (- The capital of Chuvashia is….)
  8. What is the national language of Chuvashia? (-The national language of Chuvashia is…)
  9. Where does Novocheboksarsk stand? (-It stands on the river…)
  10. Is it the longest river in Europe? (- Yes, it is. It’s the longest river in….)
  11. What is the population of Novocheboksarsk? (The population of Novocheboksarsk is about 124000 people)
  12. What are the main sights in Novocheboksarsk? (-There are many sights in Novocheboksarsk. They are: Cathedral Square, churches…)
  13. Do you like your country (town)? (- Yes, I do. I like my country (town) because…)

                                                         (- No, I don’t. I don’t like my country (town) because…)


c)  (P-P)

Work in pairs.

 Now take this sheet of paper and try to ask and answer these questions to each other. (2-3 minutes). The scheme is in front of you.









T: time is up. Who would like to produce your work? (1-2 paier(s).


d) Relaxed time

Let’s have a rest a little. Watch some photos about these places. (Let’s do some exercises).


e) Completingthesentences (T-P1, P2, P3), (от учащихся требуется умение правильно строить предложения с отработанной лексикой).

T: And now, children, let’s play a bit. Here is a flower in my hand. It has 13 colourful  petals. You must take one of them, turn it over and finish the sentences about Russia and our town. For example, The country where I live is called …(Russia).

 Is it clear? Let’s start. (Учитель подходит по очереди к разным учащимся, каждый из них отрывает по одному лепестку и заканчивает предложение, если кто-то не знает, остальные помогают).                                                                     (T →P1, P2, P3…)

1) I live in…

2) The capital of Russia is…

3) People of different nationalities live in Moscow. They are ….

4) The state language of Russia is…                                              
5) The main sights in Moscow are…
6) As for me, I live in….. It’s in Chuvashia.
7) The capital of Chuvashia is….
8) The national language of Chuvashia is…

9) It stands on the river…

10) It’s the longest river in…

11) The population of Novocheboksarsk is about 124000 people.
12) There are many sights in Novocheboksarsk. They are: Cathedral Square, churches…

13) As for me, I like my country because…

14) As for me, I like my town  because…


f) (P)

T:Great! Well-done, friends. But now is more difficult task. Who would like to tell us some facts about the place where we live? (T →P1, P2). If time- (scheme)


I Russia - a) the capital;

               b) nationalities;

               c) the state language;

               d) the main sights.

II Chuvashia -  a) the capital;

               b) the national language;

III Novocheboksarsk – a) the situation (месторасположение);

                b) the population;

                c) the main sights.

Oh, thank you for your presentation. Very good.


IV Conclusion.  


And at the end of our lesson, let’s do a small test. It’s about some more facts about our country.

You may use the back side of the paper. It’s not for the mark. Do it for your development.

1) What is the population of Russia?

A) more than 140 million people;         

B) more than 150 million people;         

C) more than 160 million people;         

2) When was Moscow founded?

A) 1920

B) 1616

C) 1147

3) What is the second capital of Russia?

A) St. Petersburg;         

B) Sochi;

C) Cheboksary;

4) What is the symbol of Novocheboksarsk?

A) a dog;

B) a squirrel;

C) a lion;

5) What is the longest street in Novocheboksarsk?

A) Pionerskaya Street;

B) Sovetskaya Street;

C) Vinokurova Street;

6) How many ducks are there on the flag of Novocheboksarsk?

A) three;

B) four;

C) five.

Let’s check up, please.

  1. No mistakes – you have excellent knowledge about your country.
  2. 1-2 mistake(s) – you know your country good.
  3. 3-4 mistakes – your knowledge is poor.
  4. 5-6 mistakes – be more diligent (болеестарательным), read books!


Well, thank you for your work, boys and girls. You were very active, clever and friendly.  I liked working with you very much. Stand up, please. The lesson is over. Good-bye. Have a nice day!



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