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Методическая разработка темы "Путешествие"

Фото пользователя Ирина Георгиевна Матвеева
Submitted by Ирина Георгиевна Матвеева on вс, 04/09/2011 - 17:12
Данные об авторе
Матвеева Ирина Георгиевна
Место работы, должность: 

МОУ "Гимназия №1", учитель английского языка

Саратовская область
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
7 класс
8 класс
9 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
дидактический материал
Краткое описание ресурса: 
<p> Методическая разработка темы &quot;Путешествие&quot; для 7 - 9 классов</p>





1. Answer the questions

1) When do you usually travel?

2) Where do you usually go?

3) Do you collect information about the places you would like to visit?

4) Do you find it useful?

5) When do you start preparing for the trip?

6) Do you like to take pictures when you travel?

7) Do you take pictures of yourself in different places?

8) What is the idea behind taking pictures?

9) Some people travel to faraway places not to see people, while others travel to meet people. What about you?

10) What do you like better, to travel alone or in a group? Why?

11) What places would you like to visit?


2. Read and learn the words and expressions.

to spend one’s holiday travelling – проводить отпуск в путешествии

the ruins of ancient towns – развалины древних городов

to enjoy picturesque places – наслаждаться живописными местами

for a change of scene – для смены обстановки

to discover different ways of life – открыть для себя новые стили жизни

to try different food – попробовать разную пищу

to listen to different musical rhythms – послушать разные музыкальные ритмы

to spend one’s time doing something – проводить время за чем-либо

to visit museums and art galleries – посещать музеи и картинные галереи

to look at shop windows – рассматривать витрины магазинов

to dine at exotic restaurants – обедать в экзотических ресторанах

a city dweller – городской житель

to laze in the sun – нежиться на солнце

a traveller - путешественник

a holiday-maker – отдыхающий, отпускник

a camera - фотоаппарат

to take pictures of something – делать снимки чего - либо

a sight - достопримечательность

a church - церковь

a castle - крепость

views of valleys, plains, waterfalls – виды долин, равнин, водопадов

to be reminded by the photos of something – вспоминать о чем-либо, глядя на фотографии

means of travel – способы путешествовать

advantages and disadvantages – преимущества и недостатки

according to their plans and destinations – в соответствии со своими планами и конечным пунктом путешествия

to be fond of travelling – любить путешествия

to get to know people – знакомиться с людьми

3. Translate into English

1. Многие люди любят путешествовать.

2. Проводя свой отпуск в путешествиях, люди видят разные страны и континенты.

3. Люди путешествуют, чтобы увидеть новые живописные места, познакомиться с новыми людьми, попробовать национальную еду или просто ради смены обстановки.

4. Сельские жители предпочитают проводить время в больших городах – посещать музеи и обедать в экзотических ресторанах.

5. Городские жители обычно проводят отпуск у моря или в горах.

6. Туристы и отдыхающие обычно берут с собой фотоаппарат, чтобы делать фотографии достопримечательностей в городах, виды гор, долин, водопадов и т.д.

7. Путешественники выбирают тот или иной способ путешествия в зависимости от их преимуществ и недостатков, места назначения и своих планов.


4. Answer the questions using these new words and expressions.

1. How do many people all over the world like to spend their holidays?

2. Why do they travel?

3. Why is it interesting for them?

4. Where do the city dwellers and those who live in the country like to go on holiday?

5. What do the travellers take pictures of? Why?

6. How do people usually choose means of travelling?

7. Why are we so fond of travelling? 


5. Test yourself! The way one spends a vacation can tell us a lot about a person’s character. Find out more about yourself, answer the following questions.

1) Where do you like spending your vacation?

a) in the country

b) at the seashore

c) in the mountains

d) at a summer camp

2) Who do you like going with?

a) your best friend

b) a group of friends

c) on your own

d) with your family

3) What do you hat doing on vacation?

a) being alone all the time

b) being in a crowd of people all the time

c) meeting new people every day

d) being just with your family

4) How do you like having your meals on vacation?

a) cooking your own meals

b) having all the meals in the same café every day

c) eating in different places every day

d) going without regular meals

5) What do you enjoy doing during the day?

a) lying in the sun all day

b) swimming

c) walking

d) lying in bed reading

6) What do you enjoy doing in the evening?

a) going to the disco

b) listening to music on radio

c) going to symphony concerts

d) having parties

Count the number of times you get “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”. now work with your partner and find out what kind of person he is.

1        1-a     2-b    3-c     4-d

2        1-d    2-a     3-c     4-b

3        1-c     2-d    3-b    4-a

4        1-d    2-b    3-c     4-a

5        1-c     2-d    3-b    4-a

6        1-a     2-b    3-c     4-d

If you get mainly:

“a” You are shy. You find it difficult to have a lot of friends. You enjoy the arts.

“b” You are serious, master of your feelings. Your head rules your heart, but you have a friendly nature.

“c” You are romantic and imaginative. You are kind, but you find it difficult to make a lot of friends.

“d” You are a happy person. You are impatient, but you enjoy life and its pleasures. You like to be the centre of attention.


6. Read the dialogue “A Trip to Los Angeles”

A Trip to Los Angeles

James Hall has a new job with Orange Computers in Philadelphia. He is 23 and he’s just out of college. As part of his training he has to spend 6 weeks at company headquarters near Los Angeles. It’s his first business trip, and he’s packing his suitcase. He lives with his parents, and his mother is helping him.

Mrs. Hall: Jimmy, haven’t you finished packing yet?

James: No? Mum? But it’s all right. There’s not much to do.

Mrs. Hall: Well? I’ll give you a hand. Oh, there isn’t much room left. Is there anywhere to put your shaving kit?

James: Yes, sure. It’ll go in here. Now I have three more shirts to pack. They’ll go on top, but there is another pair of shoes to get in. I don’t know where to put them.

Mrs. Hall: Put them here, one on each side. There. O.K. I think we can close it now.

James: Oh, where is the tag?

Mrs. Hall: What tag, dear?

James: The name tag that the airline gave me to put on the suitcase. Oh, here it is.

Mrs. Hall: Now, do you have the key?

James: What key?

Mrs. Hall: The key to lock the suitcase, of course.

James: It’s in the lock, Mom. Don’t make such a production. There’s nothing to worry about. There’s plenty of time.

Mrs. Hall: Have you forgotten anything?

James: I hope not.

Mrs. Hall: And you have a safe pocket for your traveller’s checks?

James: Yes, they are in my inside coat pocket.

Mrs. Hall: Do you have a book to read on the plane?

James: Yes, it’s in my briefcase.

Mrs. Hall: What about small change to make phone calls?

James: Check. I have a pocketful of coins.

Mrs. Hall: And is everything all arranged?

James: What do you mean?

Mrs. Hall: Well, is there someone to meet you in Los Angeles?

James: No, Mum, I’ll rent a car and go to a motel near the Orange office. They suggested the Newport Beach Holiday Inn.

Mrs. Hall: Do you have a reservation?

James: I hope so. I asked them to make it – the motel reservation, I mean. I reserved the car myself.

Mrs. Hall: Well, you’ve taken care of everything. I don’t know why I am worrying. Take care of yourself and be good. Call us tonight.

James: Thanks, Mum I will.

Mrs. Hall: Oh, I nearly forgot! Here is some gum to chew on the plane – you know when it’s coming down. It’s sugarless.

James: Oh, Mum. Don’t worry. I’ll be all right. I’ll see you next month.


Exercise 1.

Answer the questions.

Why is James packing for a trip?

Who is helping him?

Has he forgotten anything?

Will he be met in Los Angeles?

Where is he going to stay there?

Who made reservations for him?


Exercise 2.

James lives in Teaneck, New Jersey, across the Hudson River from New York City. His mother drove him to a bus stop in Teaneck. He took a bus to New York, then a subway train to Kennedy Airport, and finally a plane to Los Angeles. How can you get to your nearest airport? What is the best way for you to get there?


Exercise 3.

James made a list. Look at it.

He remembered to pack his shirts. He forgot to pack his raincoat.







Black Shoes☺


Shaving Kit☺



Exercise 4.

Think about the clothes you would pack for a two-week trip to New York or Boston in spring. Imagine that you have just been on the plane and the airline has lost your suitcase. Make a list of the clothes you had in your suitcase.

One dark blue wool sweater

One brown leather belt




7. Read and translate the text



A. Personally I hate seeing people off. I prefer being seen off myself. I’m extremely fond of travelling and feel terribly envious of any friend who is going anywhere. I can’t help feeling I should so much like to be in his place.

B. but what method of travelling do you prefer?


A. For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is comfortable, more convenient and of course far quicker than any other method. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train. Besides, flying is a thrilling thing. Don’t you agree?

B. I think I should like to say a word or two for trains. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable corner seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if the journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. Besides, do you know any place that is more interesting than a big railway-station? There is the movement, the excitement, the gaiety of people going away or waiting to meet friends. There are the shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowd at the booking-office getting tickets, the hungry and thirsty ones hurrying to the refreshment rooms before the train starts. No, really! Do you know a more exciting place than a big railway station?

C. I do.

A. And that is?

C. A big sea port. For me there is no travel as fine as by ship. I love to feel the deck of the ship under my feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in my face and hear the cry of the sea-gulls. And what excitement, too, there is in coming into the harbour and seeing round us all the ships, steamers, cargo-ships, sailing ships, rowing boats.

A. Well, I suppose that’s all right for those that like it, but not for me. I’m always seasick, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.

B. I’ve heard that a good cure for seasickness is a small piece of dry bread.

A. Maybe, but I think that a better cure is a large piece of dry land.

D. Well, you may say what you like about air flights, sea voyages, railway journeys or tours by car, but give me a walking tour any time. What does the motorist see of the country? But the walker leaves the dull broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can’t go. He takes mountain paths through the heather; he wanders by the side of quiet lakes and through the shade of woods. He sees the real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest; he feels the quietness and calm of nature.

         And besides, you are saving your railway fare travelling on foot. No one can deny that walking is the cheapest method of travelling.

         So I say: a walking tour for me!


8. Speak about the main advantages and disadvantages of each kind of travelling


9. Make up and act out your dialogue. Say what means of travelling you prefer and why.






Practice reading the following words and word combinations and learn them by heart

A passenger train                               пассажирский поезд

A goods train                                    товарный поезд

A mail train                                       почтовый поезд

To carry                                           перевозить

Combined                                         объединенный

A carriage                                         вагон

A slow train                                      медленный поезд

A fast train                                        скорый поезд

A non-stopping train                          поезд, следующий без остановок

A stopping train                                поезд, следующий с остановками

Without stopping                              без остановок

A local train                                      местный поезд

A long-distance train                          поезд дальнего следования

A suburban train                                пригородный поезд

An electric train                                 электричка

To connect                                       соединять

An overnight train                              ночной поезд

A day coach                                               дневной поезд

Sleeping accommodation                   условия для сна

A separate compartment                    отдельное купе

A sleeper                                          спальный вагон

A lower/an upper berth                      нижняя/верхняя полка

Bedding                                            постельные принадлежности

A guard                                            проводник

Sitting accommodation                      места для сидения

To change trains                                делать пересадку

To make a changing                          делать пересадку

To board a train                                садиться на поезд

A through train                                  “прямой” поезд

A place of destination                        место назначения

Booking office                                  билетная касса


11. Remember to use the correct prepositions in the following phrases:

A ticket for a train                                       билет на поезд

A seat on a train                                          место в поезде

An upper (lower) berth on a train                 верхняя/нижняя полка в поезде

I bought a ticket on the fifth of March                   я купил билет пятого мая

I bought a ticket for the fifth of March         я купил билет на пятое марта

A train to Moscow                                               поезд на Москву

To book tickets in advance                         купить билеты заранее

To reserve tickets by phone                        заказать билеты по телефону

To have tickets delivered                             доставлять билеты

One way (return) ticket                                билет в один конец (обратный )    

The train to London leaves                          Поезд на Лондон отправляется

from platform two, track five                       со второй платформы, пятого пути.

An inquiry office                                         справочное бюро


12. Translate into English


1. Когда отправляется поезд на Одессу?

2. Поезд отправился в Санкт-Петербург в 8.30.

3. Поезда обычно отправляются на Москву с четвертой платформы.

4. Поезд на Таллин стоит на втором пути.

5. Поезд на Таллин отправляется со второго пути.

6. Я купил билет на десятое апреля.

7. Я купил билет десятого апреля.

8. Она купила билет на нижнюю полку на скором поезде.

9. Мы купили билеты на пригородный поезд.


13. Learn the following dialogues.


A. Do you have tickets for the seven-twenty-five (train) to Sochi tomorrow?

B. How many tickets?

A. Two, please.

B. Just a minute. Let me see … . Well, I can let you have two tickets but the seats are in different carriages. Will that do?

A. I am afraid not. What about the day after tomorrow?

B. Yes, we have some upper berths in a compartment car, if you like.

A. We won’t have to change trains, I hope.

B. No, it’s a through train.

A. All right, I’ll take the tickets.

B. Here you are.

A. I’ve got a question. My son is travelling with us. He is just a little over four. Shall I pay for him?

B. No. children under five may travel free. Anything else?

A. How long does it take to get to Sochi, please?

B. I am not quite sure. I think something like seventy hours. Ask at the inquiry office over there. They’ll give you all the information you want.

A. Thank you.



A. I want a one-way ticket to Springfield. When does the next train leave?

B. There’s a train at four-ten. There’s also another at seven-twenty this evening.

A. Are they both through trains?

B. Yes. The four-ten is a fast train and makes only one stop in New Haven. It arrives in Springfield at nine-thirty. The second is a local and takes about an hour and a half longer.

A. Is there a dining car on both trains?

B. There’s a diner on the four-ten. The seven-twenty has just a café. You can get there sandwiches and coffee, drinks, etc.

A. What is the price of a ticket?

B. A seat on the four-ten will cost you ten dollars. A ticket for the seven-twenty is cheaper: it will cost you only six dollars and eighty cents.

A. I think I’ll have a ticket for the four-ten. It will be more expensive, but I’ll save time.

B. As you like. Here is your ticket.

A. Thank you.


14. Render the contents of the dialogues in indirect speech.


15. Read the text




There are different kinds of trains: passenger trains, mail trains and goods trains. Mail trains carry mail, or post, that is letters, parcels, newspapers and magazines. Goods trains carry goods. Passenger trains carry passengers. Mail trains and passenger trains are usually combined: they have carriages for passengers and a special carriage or two for mail.

Passenger trains can be slow or fast. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at very large stations. So we can call these trains respectively stopping and non-stopping trains.

         There are local trains and long-distance trains. Local trains connect points situated not far away from each other, say, a hundred or two-three hundred kilometres. By a long-distance train you can travel very far – for thousands of kilometres. If you live in a large city, like St.Petersburg or Moscow or Kiev, you can go to the suburbs of the city by a suburban train.

         Sometimes, when travelling a long distance, you have to change trains 9or make a changing), that is to get off one train and board another, if there is no through train to the place of your destination.

         When you are travelling a long distance, it is very convenient to go by an overnight train. Overnight trains have sleeping accommodation: they usually have “corridor cars”, that is carriages with separate compartments (they are called sleeping cars, or sleepers). In each compartment there are two lower and two upper berths, on which you can sleep like in bed. Trains which run by day are called day coaches. You cannot sleep in these trains: they have only sitting accommodation: very comfortable soft armchairs.


16. Answer the following questions.

1. What are passenger trains, goods trains and mail trains?

2. What is a combined mail and passenger train?

3. What is the difference between slow and fast trains?

4. What is a non-stopping train? Does it mean that it never stops?

5. What places can you get by a local train? by a long-distance train?

6. Where can you see suburban trains? Where can they take you? Why are they called suburban trains?

7. Why do you sometimes have to change trains (make a changing) while travelling?

8. Why is a through train convenient?

9. What is an overnight train?

10. What do you call a train which runs only by day?

11. What accommodation do you get on an overnight train?

12. What accommodation do you get on day coaches?

13. What is a corridor car?

14. How many people can travel in one compartment?

15. Which do you prefer: a lower berth or an upper berth? Why?




17. Read and translate the dialogue




A. Porter, will you see for my luggage, please?

P. Where for, sir?

A. I’m going by the 10 o’clock train to Glasgow. Will you have this trunk labelled and put in the luggage-van? The suitcase and bag can go on the luggage-rack.

P. Right, sir. What class?

A. First. Try and find me a corner seat in a smoker, facing the engine, if you can.

P. Have you got your ticket yet, sir?

A. Not yet. Where is the booking-office?

P. Come along with me and I’ll show you. Here it is. I’ll meet you on the platform.

A. Which platform is it?

P. Number 8, over there.

A. One first to Glasgow, please.

C. Single or return?

A. Single … Do I have to change anywhere?

C. No, no change. It’s a through train.

A. Thanks you.

P. Here you are. I’ve found you a corner seat next to the corridor. Your carriage is near the dining-car, and you can order lunch when the attendant comes along.

A. What time do we get to Glasgow?

P. You’re due to arrive at 6.15.

A. Thank you. Here you are.

P. Thank you, sir. I hope you’ll have a comfortable journey.

A. Well, I’ve still got some minutes to spare, so I’ll go and get myself a novel or a detective story to while away the time during the journey.

P. Mind, you don’t miss the train, sir.

A. That’s all right. The train doesn’t leave for another ten minutes and it won’t take me more than five minutes to get a book.


18. Using the material above make up your dialogue.


19. Read the story.


Looking for the Train.


         We got to the Waterloo Railway station at eleven and asked what platform the eleven-five to Kingston started from. Of course, nobody knew: nobody at the Waterloo Railway Station ever knows what platform a train is going to start from, or where a train is going to, or anything about it. The porter who took our luggage thought it would go from number two platform, while another porter, with whom he discussed the question, had heard people say that it would go from number one. But a third porter, who came up to us, was sure that it would start from platform number five.

         To put an end to the matter, we found the station master and asked him. He told us that he had seen the Kingston train at number three platform, but the people there said that they thought that train was the Southampton express, or else the Windsor local. But they were sure it wasn’t the Kingston train.

         Then our porter said that he thought the Kingston train must be on the high-level platform. So we went to the high-level platform, saw the engine-driver and asked him if he was going to Kingston. He said he could not say for certain, of course, but that he thought he was. If he wasn’t the eleven-five for Kingston, he said, then he was pretty sure that he was the nine-thirty-two for Virginia Water, or the ten a.m. express for the Isle of White. “Anyway, you will know when you get there,” he added.

         We put half-a-crown into his hand and asked him to be the eleven-five for Kingston.

         “Nobody will ever know on this line,” we said, “what you are, or where you are going. You know the way, don’t you? You start quietly and go to Kingston.”

         “Well, I don’t know, gentlemen,” replied the engine-driver,” but I suppose some train must go to Kingston, and, all right, I’ll do it. Give me that half-crown.”

         Thus we got to Kingston.

         We learnt afterwards that the train by which we had come was really the Exeter mail, and that they had spent hours at the Waterloo Station looking for it, and nobody knew what happened to it.


20. Retell the above story.




21. Study and learn the following words and expressions.



An ocean liner                                   морской пассажирский лайнер

To combine                                      совмещать, сочетать

Comfort                                            комфорт

Comfortable                                               комфортный, удобный

Solid                                                 твердый

On board a ship                                на борту корабля

Calm                                                 спокойный

Rough                                              грубый, шершавый, бурный (о море)

To get seasick                                   заболеть морской болезнью

To book passage                              заказать билеты на пароход

To float                                            плавать на поверхности

Floating city                             плавучий город

Conveniences                                    удобства

To entertain                                       развлекать

Entertainment                                    развлечение, увеселение

A deck                                              палуба

A cabin                                             каюта

A porthole                                        иллюминатор

To land                                             причаливать

To share smth. with smb.                            делиться чем-либо с кем-либо


22. Read the text



         Many people enjoy travelling by sea. They say it is the most pleasant means of travelling. They mean travelling by an ocean liner, which combines comfort and speed. You feel as if you are walking on good solid ground when on board the big liner. You can enjoy fresh sea air, the sights of the sea and the sky. No matter what the sea might be – calm or stormy, you feel comfortable and safe on board the big liner. But smaller ships are less comfortable and in rough seas many passengers will be most unhappy. They get seasick and then travelling by sea becomes a real torture for them.

         If you have made up your mind to travel by sea you should book passage on board a modern liner. These liners are real floating cities with all modern conveniences and a wide choice of sport and entertainment facilities. Every modern liner has a number of decks with all sorts of names, such as “promenade deck”, “sun deck”, etc. There are passenger cabins above and below deck. A cabin looks very much like a compartment or a railroad sleeping car, but the windows are different. In a cabin they are known as portholes.

         You needn’t worry about your meals on board the modern liner. Restaurants will take care of you. In short, if you are not seasick the voyage will give you many moment of pleasure.


23. Answer the questions

1) Have you ever travelled on board an ocean liner?

2) When were you on board a ship last?

3) What journeys have you taken by boat? Were they pleasant voyages?

4) Where did you book your passage when you made up your mind to go on a sea voyage?

5) Do you like to travel by boat or do you prefer to go by train or plane? Why?

6) Do you prefer to travel on board a big ship or a smaller boat? Give your reasons.

7) What facilities for sports and entertainment are provided on big ocean liners?

8) Do you enjoy eating in the restaurant on board a ship?

9) Did you enjoy the fresh sea air and the sights during the last voyage?

10) What are some advantages of sailing on larger ships?

11) What kind of decks does a modern liner usually have?

12) Are you a good sailor? Are you seasick when you are on board a ship?

13) Whom do we call a poor sailor?




24. Read the dialogue




Lena: Hello, Nina. Haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been? I wondered what had become of you.

Nina: Oh, I’ve had a most exciting experience. The fact is, Dad took me on a voyage round Europe.

Lena: How wonderful! I suppose you’ve seen lots of interesting things. Do tell me all about it. Where did you sail from?

Nina: From Odessa.

Lena: Did you call at any European port?

Nina: We did. Quite a number of them. At each port we went ashore and made the most wonderful trips into the depths of the country.

Lena: By railway or car?

Nina: By motor-coach. Now I can boast of having seen Rome and London, Paris and Athens.

Lena: I must say that I feel pretty nervous. Did you have a pleasant voyage?

Nina: Rather fine, except the two days after Gibraltar. It was rough in the Atlantic, and I had to keep to my cabin.

Lena: What about your father?

Nina: Oh, Dad was all right. He’s an exceptionally good sailor.

Lena: Did you go ashore in Spain?

Nina: No. we didn’t. We only saw the coast from the deck. It didn’t look very inviting, rather bare and monotonous in fact.

Lena: And did you bathe in the Mediterranean?

Nina: Not only there, but in the Atlantic Ocean too. There are wonderful beaches at some places on the west coast of France. Swimming is just delightful there.

Lena: Well, I’m glad that your journey was a success.


25. Render the contents of a dialogue in indirect speech.


 26. Use the above dialogue to make up your dialogue.


27. Fill in the blanks with the following words: cabin, on board, overboard, passage, food, journey, meals, restaurant, sea-sick, shared, ticket.


Economy Wasted


         A tourist was staying in Norway for a couple of weeks and spent all his money. He could pay his … back to England. He thought:” It’s only a two-days’ … and I can go to England without … .” So he went … … a ship and bought a … . He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell and when dinner time came he did not go to the  … . He … his cabin with an Englishman and he said to him: “I am … I don’t feel well.” The next morning he didn’t have breakfast. And at lunch time he again stayed in his … . At dinner time he was so hungry that he said: “I am going to eat even if they throw me … afterwards.”

         At the dinner table he ate everything put in front of him. Then he asked for the bill.

         “The bill, sir?” asked the steward.

         “Yes,” answered the tourist.

         “There isn’t any bill,” was the answer.

         “On the ship … are included in the passage.”


28. Choose the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.


На борту корабля, оплатить обратный проезд, двухдневное путешествие, пойти в ресторан, заболеть морской болезнью, остаться в каюте, за борт, питание включено в стоимость билета.


29. Answer the questions on the story.


1) Where was the tourist staying?

2) How long did he stay there?

3) Did he spend all his money?

4) Where did he decide to go?

5) Did he buy a ticket on board the ship?

6) Did he go to the restaurant when dinner time came?

7) When did the tourist go there?

8) Why did he go there?

9) Did he eat much at dinner?

10) Why didn’t he have to pay for his dinner?


30. Retell the story using the questions as a plan.





31. Study and learn the following words and expressions.



Safe and sound                                          в целости и сохранности

A trip by air                                                путешествие по воздуху

Exciting                                                      захватывающий

There’s nothing like flying                           нет ничего лучше, чем летать

An air-travel booking office                         касса воздушных сообщений

The hotel I was staying at                            гостиница, в которой я жил

A hostess                                                   стюардесса

A stewardess                                              стюардесса

Snacks                                                       закуски

Soft drinks                                                 прохладительные напитки

At a height                                                  на высоте

By all means                                               непременно

A booking office clerk                                кассир

To waste time                                             понапрасну тратить время

To stand in a queue                                    стоять в очереди

The plane took off                                      самолет взлетел

To register a ticket                                      зарегистрировать билет

To land                                                      приземляться

To consult the time-table                             посмотреть расписание

To drop into a bar                                      заглянуть в бар

To board the plane                                               подняться на борт самолета

Altitude                                                      высота

Flight                                                         рейс, полет

To see smb. off                                          провожать кого-либо

 To part                                                      прощаться


32. Learn the following dialogue.


A. Hello, Peter. Here you are safe and sound. Did you enjoy your trip by air?

B. Oh, it was an exciting trip. I think there is nothing like flying. It’s convenient and besides it’s the quickest way of travelling. It took me only five hours to get here.

A. And how long would it have taken by train?

B. Three days, I think. I’ll never go by train now if I can fly.

A. And what about a ticket? Was it easy to get?

B. Oh, quite easy. I booked my ticket in advance at an air-travel booking office. It took me only a few minutes to do that. The very next day I had it delivered to the hotel I was staying at.

A. And how did you like the plane? It’s wonderful inside, isn’t it?

B. Oh, yes. It’s very comfortable. The hostess, a very nice-looking girl, took great care of the passengers and offered us some snacks and soft drinks.

A. I see that you travelled in comfort. At what height did you fly?

B. At a height of eight thousand to nine thousand metres. I say, why don’t you try to fly by plane?

A. I will try it by all means.


33. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech.



34. Read the text



Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is the fastest means of travelling. Here are a few hints on air travel that may be helpful.

         Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport formalities.

         Passengers must register their tickets, weigh and register their luggage. Most airliners have at least two classes of travel, first class and economy class, which is cheaper. Each passenger of more than two years of age has a free luggage allowance. Generally this limit is 20 kg for economy class and 30 kg for first class. Excess luggage must be paid for, except for some articles that can be carried free of charge.

         Watch the electric sign flashes when you are on board. When the “Fasten the Belts” sign goes on, do it promptly and also obey the “No Smoking” signal.

         Do not forget your personal effects when leaving the plane. Landing formalities and customs regulations are more or less the same in all countries.

         Being on the board of the plane the passenger has an arrival card to fill in. after the passenger has disembarked, officials will check his passport and visa. In some countries they will check the certificate of vacation. When these formalities have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination of his luggage. As a rule personal belongings may be brought in duty-free. If the traveller has nothing to declare he may just go through the “green” section of the Customs. In some cases the Customs inspector asks you to open your bags for inspection. It sometimes happens that a passenger’s luggage is carefully gone through in order to prevent smuggling. After you are through with all customs formalities the inspector will put a stamp on each piece of luggage or chalk it off.




As a rule                                           как правило

Belongings                                        принадлежности

Chalk                                                помечать мелом

Customs regularities                          таможенные правила

Certificate of vacation                        сертификат отпуска

Departure time                                   время отправления

Disembark                                        высаживаться

Domestic flight                                  рейс внутри страны

Duty-free                                          беспошлинно

Excess luggage                                  лишний багаж

International flight                              международный рейс

Hint                                                  маленький совет

Fill                                                    заполнять

Free luggage allowance                      разрешение на свободный провоз багажа

Free of charge                                   бесплатно

Must be paid for                               должен быть оплачен

Official                                             служащий

Passenger of more than                     пассажир старше двух лет

two years old       

Personal effects                                 личные вещи

Promptly                                           сразу, быстро

Smuggling                                         провоз контрабанды


35. Answer the questions to the text

1. Who travels by air nowadays?

2. What are the main Custom formalities?

3. Who can have a free luggage allowance?

4. Is it important to go through Customs examination of the luggage?

5. How do you think: what is the certificate of vacation?



36. Read the text.



         Last summer Nick spent his holidays in the Crimea. He went there by plane. He booked his ticket in advance. He rang up the air-travel booking office and reserved a seat for the 15th of July.

         “Will you come for your ticket yourself or do you want it delivered?” asked the booking office clerk.

         “I’d like my ticket delivered, please,” said Nick because he didn’t want to waste his time going to the booking office and standing in a queue.

         The plane to Yalta took off at 9 a.m., but he had to be at the airport an hour before to register his ticket. His plane was TU-134. It is a comfortable and modern plane. Nick’s seat was near the porthole and he could see how they took off in St.Petersburg and landed in Yalta. They were flying at a height of six thousand metres, so Nick could see only clouds through the porthole. The hostess offered the passengers some snacks and soft drinks. The flight was very pleasant. It took Nick only three hours to get to Yalta.

         The way back was not so pleasant. Nick could not get a ticket for a plane. He had to stand in a long queue to get a ticket for a train. When at last his turn came, he said to the booking office clerk:

         “Please, I want a ticket to St.Petersburg for the fourth of August.”

         “I’m sorry,” said the booking office clerk,” there are no tickets for a through train to St.Petersburg. I could give you an upper berth on a train to Moscow, and in Moscow you will have a changing.”

         Nick thought a little. “Oh, well, that’s all right,” he said, “give me a ticket for the Moscow train. After all, there are a lot of trains going from Moscow to St.Petersburg every day, so I hope I will have no problems with the ticket.”

         He was right. When he arrived in Moscow, he consulted the time table and saw that there were ten trains to St.Petersburg. It did not take him long to get the ticket. He just had time to drop into a bar and have a snack before his train started. The train was comfortable. Nick had a lower berth in a separate compartment. In the morning he was in St.Petersburg.


37. Answer the following questions.


1. Where did Nick spend his holidays?

2. How did he travel to the Crimea?

3. Did he buy a ticket on the day of departure or book in advance?

4. How did Nick book a ticket? Did he go to the air-travel booking office?

5. What date did he reserve a seat for?

6. How did he get his ticket?

7. Why did Nick have his ticket delivered?

8. At what time did Nick’s plane take off?

9. Why did he have to be at the airport an hour before taking-off time?

10. Was Nick’s plane comfortable?

11. Where was Nick’s seat?

12. What could Nick see through the porthole?

13. What height was the plane flying at?

14. What did the hostess offer the passengers?

15. Was the flight pleasant?

16. How long did it take Nick to get to Yalta?

17. Was Nick’s way back as pleasant? Why not?

18. What was necessary for Nick to do to get a ticket for a train?

19. Why did Nick have to make a changing in Moscow?

20. What accommodation did Nick get on the train to Moscow?

21. It was not difficult for Nick to get his ticket in Moscow, was it? Why?

22. What accommodation did he get on the train to St.Petersburg?


38. Using the material of the text above, speak about how you once travelled.



39. Read the text



If I could afford, I’d like to be on holiday right now. For me it is better go hiking or ride by bike. I’d be happy to stay out of town, camping, hiking, fishing or spending time in the country. Somewhere out of the way. The fewer holiday-makers the better, because I don’t like crowds.

So you ask me: why do you prefer this kind of travelling more than any other? First of all, there is nothing like the Russian country-side! I feel the great satisfaction watching our nature, in these moments a full harmony penetrates to my soul. Russian forests show us the rainbow of colours, and these bright colours always inspire good emotions and good mood. I like to leave the dull broad way and to go along the winding lanes where cars can’t go. The walks through the shade of woods make me calm after intensive work week. Besides, I like animals very much. Can you find the better place, where you can see the hares, the squirrels, the deer in the forest or the young birds in their nests? These forest walks teach us to love the life and to protect the environment.

         I think that the rest homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps can’t suggest you this. They attract a lot of people who always bother us to see the real nature. But if I want to go in the company of people, I always travel with my friends. As a rule we camp nearby the lakes where we swim, fish, also we often like to wander by the side of lakes in the early morning when the sun rises. I can say it is a terrific view indeed! Some of us play football; some of us play badminton or some other games.

         In walking tour time flies, but this time is unforgettable. After such a rest I feel fresh ready to work.



Along winding lanes                          вдоль извилистых тропинок

Attract                                              привлекать

Bother                                              мешать

Dull broad way                                  широкая монотонная дорога

Environment                                      окружающая среда

Go hiking                                          путешествовать пешком

Holiday-maker                                   отдыхающий

Inspire                                              вселять

Penetrate                                           проникать в

Rest-home                                        дом отдыха

Ride by bike                                     ездить на велосипеде

Sanatorium                                        санаторий

Squirrel                                             белка

Suggest smb. smth.                           предлагать кому-либо что-либо

Terrific view                                      потрясающий вид

Time flies                                          время летит

Unforgettable                                    незабываемый

Out of town                                      вне города

Out of the way                                  вдали от городов

Wander                                             бродить


40. Answer the questions to the text


1. Do you like to go hiking?

2. Why do you prefer this kind of travelling?

3. Whom do you usually camp with?

4. What are the main delights of walking tour?

5. What places can you advise for camping?


41. Speak if you like travelling on foot. Give your reasons.




42. Read and translate the dialogue.




Jim and Maggie are getting ready for their trip.


Jim and Maggie: Hello, Robert!

Robert:Hello, you two. I’ve brought the car round. We can start packing right away.

Jim:Everything’s waiting for you in the hall.

Robert: Good. You two can be bringing the things out, while I put them away in the boot.

Jim:Here’s the first item: our tent.

Maggie:And here is our spirit cooker.

Robert:You won’t need that. I’ve already packed mine. We’ll want a kettle, though. Have you got one?

Maggie:Jim’s just bringing it. Oh, look out, Jim. You nearly dropped the spit.

Robert:The spit?

Jim:Is this thing a spit? I wondered what it was for.

Maggie:It’s a special clockwork-spit to roast meat or potatoes on. Nice gadget, isn’t it? I saw it in the shop yesterday and I couldn’t resist buying it.

Jim:But Maggie, we won’t cook elaborate meals on our trip. It’ll probably be quicker to eat in a café.

Maggie:All the same, I think we should take it after the first week you’ll be longing for a nice grilled chop.

Robert:And what’s this strange contraption?

Maggie:Oh, that’s a special cooler to keep butter in. I think it’s so unpleasant to eat runny butter, don’t you?

Robert:Well, but does it have to be so large? We’ll be running out of space soon to put things in.

Jim:And what’s more we’ll be spending all our time loading and unloading the car. We should keep things down to a minimum.

Maggie:You’d be the first to grumble if your butter was rancid. Here you are. I’ll put the cooker in this bucket, that’ll save some room.

Jim:What do we need a bucket for?

Maggie:We’ve got to have something to keep water in, haven’t we?

Robert:We can use the kettle. Look here; is this object another one of your gadgets?

Maggie:Yes, that’s a foot pump to pump our rubber mattresses up with. It’ll save a great deal of trouble.

Robert:Oh, well, maybe that’s not such a bad idea. But what’s Jim bringing out now?

Maggie:That’s our collapsible card-table. I thought we ought to have a proper table to eat off.

Robert:Now this I really draw the line at, Maggie. You’ll be asking me to pack a couple of beds and gas-stove next.

Maggie:What are you doing, Jim?

Jim:Robert’s quite right, Maggie. I’m going to take this table and the bucket and the butter-cooler right back to where they came from.

Robert:We’ll let you keep your spit as a special concession.

Maggie:All I can say is you’ll wish we’d brought the table when you have ants crawling all over you food.


43. Imagine you are going on a trip to the countryside by car and you are packing. Make up your dialogue.



44. Read and learn the following expressions

to have a drink - выпить

had a very good time – очень хорошо провели время

forgot about the time – забыли о времени

a station master – начальник станции

if you miss it – если вы на него опоздаете

rushed along the platform – помчались по платформе

to catch the train – успеть на поезд

they managed – им удалось

approached him – приблизился к нему

he laughed till he cried – он смеялся до слез

what’s the matter with you – что с вами

mixed up everything – все перепутали

to see me off – проводить меня


45. Read the story

They Mixed Up Everything


Three young men came to a little station in the country and asked when the train to London was leaving. They were told it was leaving at 8 o’clock.

“Oh, we have a lot of time,” said one of them. “Let’s go to the bar and have a drink.”

So they went to the bar, took a drink and had a very good time. They forgot about the time, and when they came to the platform, their train had left. They saw the station master on the platform. They went up to him and asked:”When is the next train to London?”

“Trains to London leave every hour,” said the station master. “The next train leaves at 9 o’clock.”

“Oh, all right,” said the three friends. “We have a lot of time. Let’s go to the bar and have another drink.”

They went to the bar and had another drink and forgot about the time again. So when they came to the platform, they didn’t see the train. It had gone.

“When is the next train to London?” they asked the station master who was still on the platform.

“I have told you that trains to London leave every hour,” said the station master. “The next train will leave at 10 o’clock. But it is the last train to London tonight. If you miss it, you will have to wait until morning.”

“Oh, it’s OK,” said the young men and went to the bar again. Of course they forgot about the time again, and when they came to the platform, the ten o’clock train was just leaving. They rushed along the platform trying to catch the train. Two of them ran very fast and managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage. But the third man remained on the platform.

When the station master approached him, he was very surprised to see that the man was laughing. He laughed till he cried and could not stop.

“What’s the matter with you?” asked the station master. “Why are you laughing?”

“Oh,” said the young man when at last he was able to speak, “Did you see those two idiots who jumped on the train? They mixed up everything! It was me who was going to London. They had only come to the railway station to see me off.”


46. Retell the above story


47. Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

1. You needn’t go … the booking office: it is possible to book … phone … advance.

2. Please, I want two lower berths … the Sevastopol express … Saturday, the second … May.

3. I was looking … the porthole and saw how our plane took … .

4. I can give you one upper berth … a separate compartment.

5. The train … Sochi leaves … eleven-twenty-three … platform three, track five.

6. When did you last travel … railway?

7. Planes fly … a speed … over eight hundred kilometres … an hour.

8. She bought two tickets … a through train … Kiev.

9. Fast trains only stop … large stations, while slow trains stop … all stations.

10. The eleven-fifteen is a fast train … sleeping accommodation.

11. The train … Minsk is … platform three.

12. When does the plane … Warsaw take … ?

13. Our train leaves … eight-twenty-five … platform three.

14. We got tickets … the fast train … Yekaterinburg.

15. Why is there no train … Portsmouth today?

16. Arriving … the station where he was to change … the Moscow train, he went … the inquiry office to find out what platform his train started … .

17. We had to go … Moscow … a slow train because there were no tickets … a fast train … the booking office.

18. Our plane took … … nine o’clock … the morning.

19. We rang … the air-travel booking office and reserved seats … a plane … the tenth … July.

20. It takes you only an hour to get … Moscow … plane.

21. I could not get a ticket … a plane and had to stand … a long queue to get a seat … a train … St.Petersburg.

22. There are a lot of … train going … St.Petersburg … Moscow every day. Many … them are overnight trains … sleeping accommodation, and some … them are day coaches … sitting accommodation only.


48. Translate into English.


1. Когда отходит последний поезд на Санкт-Петербург?

2. С какой платформы и с какого пути отходят поезда на Москву?

3. Коля достал одно нижнее и одно верхнее место в отдельном купе скорого поезда.

4. Нам надо делать пересадку? – Нет, это прямой поезд. Вы доедете до места назначения без пересадки.

5. Да, это поезд на Санкт-Петербург, но это скорый поезд, а у вас билет на почтовый.

6. С какой платформы отходят поезда на Новгород?

7. Моя мама не любит есть в вагоне ресторане.

8. Я не достал билет на прямой поезд, и мне пришлось делать две пересадки.

9. Самолет летел со скоростью восемьсот километров в час.

10. Насколько я знаю, поезд на Новгород – дневной, и в нем есть только места для сидения.

11. Я опоздал на поезд, и мне пришлось ждать два часа.

12.  Мы бежали очень быстро и успели на четырехчасовой поезд на Сосново.

13. Могу я заказать билет на самолет до Праги?

14. Самолет в Лондон отправляется в пять сорок пять.

15. Вам билет в один конец или обратный? – Обратный, пожалуйста.

16. Вы придете за билетами сами, или вам их доставить?

17. Идти в кассу и стоять там в очереди – это потеря времени. Я всегда заказываю билеты на поезд по телефону, и мне их приносят.

18. Могу предложить вам билет на поезд девятнадцать пятьдесят.

19. Могу предложить вам нижнее место на поезде девятнадцать пятьдесят на десятое апреля.

20. Мы ехали дневным поездом. Из окна мы видели места, которые проезжали.

21. В поездах дальнего следования есть вагоны-рестораны.

22. Стюардесса предложила пассажирам закуски и прохладительные напитки.

23. Говорят, почти невозможно достать билет на самолет в летний сезон.

24. До места назначения отсюда нет прямого поезда. – Ничего не поделаешь! Придется делать пересадку.


49. Learn the following proverbs. Think of situations or short stories to illustrate these proverbs.


1. All roads lead to Rome. Все дороги ведут в Рим.

2. East or West – home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.


50. Make up the exam topic “Travelling”



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