Интегрированное внеклассное занятие по английскому языку и информатике
Сценарий сказки:
А fairy-tail “A mitten- house” 2 –ой класс
There was a little mitten in the forest.
Mice: Oh! What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in the house? No answer! (Вошливдомик)
Mouse 1: Look! Apples here!
Mouse 2: Apples there!
Mice: Apples, apples everywhere.
And two little mice settled to live in this mitten- house. Then two funny, merry monkeys hopped along and they said:
Rabbits: What a nice mitten- house! Who lives in the mitten- house?
Mice: We are Mice! Who are you?
Monkey: I am Monkey.
Mice: What can you do?
Monkeys: We can jump and skip.
Mice: Come in, please!
Monkeys: Thank you!
And so they settled to live in that mitten- house together. Then two little white rabbits ran past, stopped and said:
Rabbits: What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in it?
Mice: We are Mice!
Monkey: I am Monkey! Who are you?
Rabbits: We are Rabbits!
All: Can you jump?
Rabbits: Yes! We can. We can jump and skip. (Кролики показывают, как они умеют прыгать и скакать на скакалке).
All: Come in, please!
Rabbits: Thank you!
And so they settled to live in that mitten- house together. One day a slim lion went past, stopped and said:
Lion: What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in it?
Mice: We are Mice!
Monkey: I am Monkey!
Rabbits: We are Rabbits! Who are you?
Lion: I am a slim Lion!
All: Can you play chess?
Lion: Yes, I can. I can play chess, football and tennis!
All: Come in, please!
Lion: Thank you!
And so they settled to live together. Then a big bear ran past, stopped and said:
Bear: What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in the mitten-house!
Mice: We are Mice!
Monkeys: We are Monkeys!
Rabbits: We are Rabbits!
Lion: I am Lion. Who are you?
Bear: I am a big bear.
All: Can you read the ABC?
Bear: Yes, I can. I can read the ABC. (Медведьчитаеталфавит)
All: Come in, please!
Bear: Thank you!
And so they settled to live in that mitten- house together. Then a bright and merry Cockerel went and sang the song “Clap. Clap, clap your hands!”
Cockerel: What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in the mitten- house?
Mice: We are Mice!
Monkey: I am Monkey!
Rabbits: We are Rabbits!
Lion: I am Lion.
Bear: I am a big bear. And who are you?
Cockerel: I am Cockerel. I can sing .Let’s sing together. (Всезверипоютпесню)
Сlap,clap,clap your hands.
Clap your hands together!
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet.
Stamp your feet together!
Touch, touch, touch your ears.
Touch your ears together!
Touch, touch, touch your cheeks.
Touch your cheeks together!
Shake, shake, shake your hands.
Shake your hands together!
Smile, smile, smile at your friends!
Let us smile together!
All: Come in, please!
Cockerel: Tank you!
And so they settled to live in that mitten- house together. One day a brown dog ran past, stopped and said:
Dog: What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in the mitten-house?
Mice: We are Mice!
Monkey: I am Monkey!
Rabbits: We are Rabbits!
Lion: I am Lion!
Cockerel: I am Cockerel. And who are you?
Dog: I am a brown Dog. I can write the letters.
All: Write the letter “P”,”I”,”G”.
All: Come in, please!
Dog: Thank you!
And so they settled to live in that mitten- house together. Then a slim and red fox ran past, stopped and said:
Fox: What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in it?
Mice: We are Mice!
Monkey: I am Monkey!
Rabbits: We are Rabbits!
Lion: I am Lion!
Bear: I am bear!
Cockerel: I am Cockerel.
Dog: I am Dog! Who are you?
Fox: I am Fox.
All: Can you dance?
Fox: Yes, I can. (Лисатанцуетподмузыку)I can dance, skate and ski.
All: Come in, please!
Fox: Thank you!
And so they settled to live in it together. Then a clever tiger ran past, stopped and said:
Tiger: What a nice mitten-house! Who lives in the mitten-house?
Mice: We are Mice!
Monkey: I am Monkey!
Rabbits: We are Rabbits!
Lion: I am Lion!
Bear: I am bear!
Cockerel: I am Cockerel.
Dog: I am Dog!
Fox: I am Fox. And who are you?
Tiger: I am Tiger. I am clever. I can read the poem. I am a tiger. My name is Alice. I like to chat.
All: Comein, please! ( Все звери выходят и поют песню “ The more we are together!"
Tiger: Thank you!
The End
Тема занятия по информатике: Ввод текста в графическом редакторе Paint.
Цель: Отрабатывать навыки работы с графическим редактором Paint.
Учиться вставлять текст на английском языке в графическом редакторе Paint.
Отрабатывать навык самостоятельной работы за компьютером, правила работы за компьютером.
Объяснение задания.
Правила работы за компьютером.
Практическая работа.
Подведение итогов.
Ход занятия:
1.Сегодня на занятии нам предстоит создать в ГР Paintрисунок варежки, и поместить в нём текст, который вы видите на экране (HappyEnd).
2. Но сначала давайте вспомним правила работы за компьютером. (рассказ учащихся).
3.Откройте ГР Paint.
С помощью инструмента карандаш или кисть изобразите на экране варежку. Закрасьте её с помощью инструмента «заливка» , «распылитель» или другим способом. Затем с помощью инструмента надпись нанесите на получившееся изображение надпись
«HappyEnd». Для этого измените, язык текста надписи с русского на английский, используя сочетание клавиш (Shift+ Alt), для введения заглавной буквы, удерживая клавишу Shift, введите необходимую букву. При написании используйте шрифт « Scrawt».
4.Какие трудности вы испытывали, при выполнении данного задания?
Сохраните ваши работы под названием «Варежка», в папке «мои рисунки».