Сценарий праздника “Mother’s Day”
Это внеклассное мероприятие проведено в 3 классе общеобразовательной школы к Дню матерей России (можно провести и во втором полугодии к 8 Марта). Это своего рода демонстрация родителям достижений их детей в изучении английского языка. Все песенки были выучены на уроках во втором классе, в сказке также используются знакомые детям выражения и разговорные формулы. На уроке рисования дети приготовили открытки для мам и нарисовали их портреты. На уроке английского языка дети написали короткое сочинение-рассказ “My Mother” и подписали открытки (Happy Mother’s Day!). Портретами была украшена классная комната.
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you! We wish to congratulate you on Mother’s Day! Please, children!
(Дети встают в линеечку в центре класса)
Pupil 1:
I love my dear mummy!
I love her very much!
And do you love your mummy?
Children (in chorus): Yes, we do!
Pupil 2:
Who loves mummy best?
“I, says Fred,
I give her flowers:
White, yellow and red.”
Who loves mummy best?
Pupil 3:
“I,” says May,
“With my dear mummy
I always play.”
Who loves mummy best?
Pupil 4:
“I”, says Joe,
“She asks to help her
And I always do so.”
A song “My dear, dear mummy”
My dear, dear mummy,
Let me kiss your face
I want you to be happy
Today and always
Be happy, be happy
Today and always
Be happy be happy
today and always!
Pupil 5:
I’m mother’s little pet,
Yes, that’s me
And my hair is very black
As you can see.
Pupil 6:
I have two balls, many toys
And a brother
And I’m very, very, very
Fond of my mother.
A song “Clap your hands” (по учебнику Биболетовой М. З.)
Pupil 7:
Mother is busy
from morning till night
keeping her family
happy and bright!
Pupil 8:
Help your mother to lay the table
with a knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother to lay the table
Every afternoon!
Pupil 9:
Help your mother to clear the table
Take the knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother to clear the table
Morning, night and afternoon.
A song “What is your name?”
What is your name?} 2
Can you tell me,
What is your name?
My name is Alex} 2
You won’t forget it,
My dear friend.
How old are you? } 2
Can you tell me,
How old are you?
I’m just 7 } 2
And are you older,
My dear friend?
Where do you live? } 2
Can you tell me,
Where do you live?
I live in London, sometimes in Oxford
Sometimes in Cambridge,
My dear friend!
Teacher: Now we’ll show you a fairy-tail “Puff-ball and his friends”.
В сказке занято 7 учащихся. Пока они готовятся, оставшиеся 5 рассказывают стихи, выбирая с магнитной доски по 2 картинки с рифмующимися словами. Начинаем с тех стихотворений, которые заучивали на уроках (“A cat with a hat”, “A dog with a frog”, “A pig with a stick”), затем дети по аналогии рифмуют самостоятельно (“a mouse with a house”, “a parrot with a carrot”, “a cock with a clock”, “a hen with a pen”).
A cat went to town to buy a hat.
What? A cat with a hat?
A hat for a cat?
Who ever saw a cat with a hat?
A hen went to town to buy a pen.
What? A hen with a pen?
A pen for a hen?
Who ever saw a hen with a pen? ( и т. д.)
Teacher: Now let’s watch a fairy-tail. (Декорации: 2-3 ёлочки на подставках, макет домика с окошком)
Puff-ball and his friends.
P.-1: Puff-ball has no father, no mother and no friends. One day he goes to find some friends. He walks on and on and meets a mouse.
The mouse: Good day, Puff-ball! Please, take me with you!
Puff-ball: And who are you?
The mouse: I’m Mufty-tufty Mouse.
Puff-ball: Then, come with me.
Puff-ball and Mufty-tufty mouse walk on and on and meet a frog.
Frog: Good day! Please, take me with you. You are two and I’m alone.
Puff-ball: And who are you?
Frog: I’m Bully, the frog.
Puff-ball: Come with us.
Puff-ball, Mufty-tufty Mouse, Bully the frog walk on and on and meet a hare.
Hare: Good day! Please, take me with you. You are three and I’m alone.
Puff-ball: And who are you?
Hare: I’m Jack, the hare.
Puff-ball: Come with us.
Puff-ball, Mufty-tufty Mouse, Bully the frog, Jack the hare walk on and on and meet a wolf.
Wolf: Good day! Please, take me with you! You are four and I’m alone.
Puff-ball: And who are you?
Wolf: I’m Howli-Growly the Wolf.
Puff-ball: Come with us.
Puff-ball, Mufty-tufty Mouse, Bully the Frog, Jack the Hare, Howli-Growly the Wolf walk on and on and meet a bear.
Bear: Good day! Please, take me with you. You are 5 and I’m alone.
Puff-ball: And who are you?
Bear: I’m Grizzly Bear.
Puff-ball: come with us.
Puff-ball, Mufty-tufty Mouse, Bully the Frog, Jack the Hare, Howli-Growly the Wolf, Grizzly Bear walk on and on. They come to a house in the forest.
Mouse: The house is big!
Hare: The house is nice!
Wolf: We can live here.
Bear: Yes, we can live here.
And Puff-ball, Mufty-tufty Mouse, Bully the Frog, Jack the Hare, Howli-Growly the Wolf and Grizzly Bear still live in that house.
(Дети выстраиваются в линеечку в центре класса)
Pupil 1:
Who fed me when I was a child?
Children: My mother!
Pupil 2:
Who made me feel so warm and mild?
Children: My mother!
Pupil 3:
Who sat and watched my little head
When I slept in my bed?
Children: my mother!
Pupil 4:
Who rushed to help me when I fell
Children: My mother!
Who always had new stories to tell?
Children: My mother!
Pupil 10:
Make a basket
for your mother
and fill it with flowers gay.
Then put in a card
Just to say:
Happy Mother’s Day!
Teacher: Children, give your cards to your mothers. (Дети дарят мамам свои открытки)
That’s all for today. Thank you very much! Happy Mother’s day!