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Фото пользователя Татьяна Николаевна Юницина
Submitted by Татьяна Николаевна Юницина on пн, 21/06/2010 - 14:42
Данные об авторе
Юницина Татьяна Николаевна
Место работы, должность: 
МОУ "СОШ № 4" г. Архангельска
Архангельская область
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Уровень образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
7 класс
8 класс
9 класс
10 класс
11 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 
Цели: -практическая – сформировать умения общения на английском языке по теме США; -образовательная- дать учащимся представление о культуре и традициях США ; - воспитательная- воспитать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка, воспитать чувство эстетического восприятия при просмотре отрывков из произведе-ний американских классиков; -развивающая- совершенствовать у учащихся воображение, логическое мышление, внимание, память,развивать познавательный интерес через организацию игровых ситуаций.
Тип урока: 
Комбинированный урок
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 


1.       Трубникова Т.О., Шеварихина Ю.С. Сценарии  тематических вечеров. Ростов н-Д,2002

2.       Томахин Г.Д. По Соединённым  Штатам Америки.-М.,  1980

3.      Учебное пособие по страноведению США Сост.Ощепкова В.В.,1995

4.       Tomscha Terry .American Customs and Traditions.  - Longman Group UK Limited 1994

5.      High Peter B. An Outline of American Literature.-Longman Group  UK Limited,1995.


Используемое оборудование: 

Оснащение мероприятия:

плакат, на фоне звёзд написано название мероприятия, карта США, символы  США, цветные иллюстрации достопримечательностей, портреты известных  американцев, интерактивная доска, проектор, экран, магнитофон, диски (презентация команд, задания по  конкурсам), фонограмма песни «My Bonnie», тексты песни, 3 сценария: « The Las t Leaf» by O. Henry, « Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain, « The Prince and the Pauper» by Mark  Twain,тексты стихов Longfellow.


Краткое описание: 
План мероприятия. 1.Вступительное слово ведущего. 2.Представление команд и членов жюри, ознакомление с правилами игры. 3.Содержание игры (раунды). а) Discovering the USA. Poetic Pause (Поэтическая пауза). б) History. в) Geography. Musical Pause (Музыкальная пауза). г) Presidents. Lexical Pause (Лексическая пауза). д) Customs and Traditions. е) Literature (Home work). 4.Подведение итогов игры. 5.Заключительное слово ведущего

Quiz « Do You Know the USA ?»


    Участники: ученики 7 класса.

План мероприятия.

1.Вступительное слово ведущего.

2.Представление команд и членов жюри, ознакомление с правилами игры.

3.Содержание игры (раунды).

а) Discovering the USA.

Poetic Pause (Поэтическая пауза).

б)  History.

в) Geography.

Musical Pause (Музыкальная пауза).

г) Presidents.

Lexical Pause (Лексическая пауза).

д) Customs and Traditions.

е) Literature (Home work).

4.Подведение итогов игры.

5.Заключительное слово ведущего.


Ход игры. Под музыкальную заставку телевизионной игры КВН выходят команды.

1.Вступительное  слово.The quiz-master:

Good morning everybody. We have gathered together to hold the quiz. It will be dedicated to the  USA. That’s why our classroom is decorated in this way. You see the geographical map of the USA, the flag  and symbols of the сountry, the  colourful  pictures and posters demonstrating some historical places, places of interest and the portraits of outstanding people. I do hope you have learnt a lot of interesting facts about the USA, its geography, history,  the presidents, its people. I am sure you will certainly get some more information today as well. We shall travel about the USA. I promise our trip will be merry and interesting. This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you success. Be industrious, honest and you will win.

2.Представление команд, членов жюри, ознакомление с правилами игры.

The quiz-master:

Now it is time to introduce  teams.  The name of the first team is «Russian Guys».  Its captain is  Aleksandr  Fodorov.

Капитан  представляет свою команду. Команды за месяц до викторины получили задания: оформить презентацию своих команд на электронных  носителях. Учитель информатики по очереди показывает презентации команд. Капитаны  комментируют. (Смотрите образец в конце сценария. Приложение 1.) После того, как все команды были представлены, идёт представление жюри.

The quiz-master: I have invited a competent jury. The members of the jury are…   We ask

our  judges not to be strict and forgive our participants the mistakes they will make. We'll try our best and won't do the mistakes.

Now listen to the rules of the quiz. They are simple. The game has 6 rounds. They are:

          А)  Discovering the USA.

         Б)   History.

         В) Geography.

Г) Presidents.

Д)Customs. Traditions.

Е)Literature. (Homework).

Each team gets one point for every correct answer. If the answer is wrong you get no point.

 The team which  answers the most questions wins.  Each team takes turns in answering questions.

3.Содержание игры.

А)  Discovering the USA

And now we come to the first round of the quiz called « Discovering the USA». Yesterday you saw a film about the USA . Show how well you remember it.  Fill in the missing information. (Текст задания  записан на  интерактивной доске. Команды заносят ответы  на отдельные бланки. Потом сдают  их судьям):

1. America's symbol of Freedom is…….

2. The National Symbol of America is …….

3. The Statue of Liberty is a gift from ……..

4. A large part of the Declaration of Independence is written by……

5. The symbol of the Republican Party is ………

6. The fifty stars on the American flag represent……..

7. Laws are made ……

8. There are (……) senators in the Senate.

9. The tallest building in America is……….

10 There are (….) rooms in the White House.

11 The chairperson in the House of Representatives is …….

12 The main head quarters of the United Nations  are  in………

13 The flag of the USA is called …….

14 The American Parliament is ……..

15.  The tallest building in Washington is …….

The quiz-master:  while the jury is busy totaling the score, let's have a poetic pause. Listen to   the pupils reciting poems by American poets .(Приложение 2).

  The quiz-master:  Let's ask the jury to give us the results of the  first round.

The jury: The score is….    to….     in « Russian Guys'»  favor.

Б) The quiz-master: And now  the second round which is called «History». Answer the questions. The first pupil who puts up his hand, gets the  right to answer  first. If he is wrong, the members of the opposite team can answer the same question and get a point. Mind, no point for the team, if I hear  somebody shouting. (Вопросы на интерактивной доске)

1. Give the names of the three ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America.

2. What was the name of the Dutch settlement which became New York  City?

3. What was the  colonists' motto during the « Boston Tea Party»?  

4.In which city and state is the Liberty Bell located?

5. Which country presented the USA  with the Statue of Liberty? What was the occasion?

6. How many years did the Civil War last?

7. Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960s?

8. Who was the commander of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War?

9. Who was the leader of the American army during the War of Independence?  

10. Which American general, who later became the 34 - th  President,  commanded  all  US

forces during World War the second?

В) The quiz-master: now the  third round. It is called « Geography». It consists of two parts.

 Part 1. The task is:

choose the right variant. (Все задания на интерактивной доске)

1. Which is the biggest state in the USA?

a). Texas

b). California

c). Alaska

2. How many states are there in the USA?

a). 48


c). 50

3). What state  is  called « the Magnolia State»?

a). Alabama

b). Mississippi


4. What is the nickname of   Texas?

a). the Lone Star State

b).the Coyote State

c).the Sunshine State 

Part 2

Finish the sentences:

1. The continental US is divided into (…..) time zones.

2. The  highest  trees in the world grow in (….).They are called(«…..» or «….»).

3. The name of the first US national  park  is (……). It is located in (……).

4.The highest mountains are (……,…..).

5. The name of the main river  in the US ,one of the longest in the world is (……….with the….).

6. The capital of the USA is on the (….) river.

7.You can see 10,000 lakes  in (……..).

8. The five great lakes are (………………….).

9.(………) meets the sun first.

10. The state especially rich in coal is (……….).              

The quiz-master: while the jury is busy totaling the results of the second and third rounds, we'll have a musical pause. Group of girls will sing a song «Bonnie».(Приложение 3.Слова и ноты)……..Well done. Now let's listen to the results of the second and third rounds.

The jury: the score is 8(«Russian Guys») to7 («Flowers») and to 6/(«Friends»).

Г) The quiz-master: Attention.  The next round is called « Presidents»

Match  the portraits of American  presidents  with their names  and the information about them

(See attachment 1)


Lexical  pause Now I'll see  whether you can tell American English from British English

You'll  read  a  Russian  version of the word, then you'll give American and British English  of this word. The winner will be the team that names as many words as possible.






Apartment                                         Flat






Last name, Surname, Vacation, Holiday, Lorry, Petrol, Gasoline, Grade, Form,  Subway, Metro; Tube. Underground; Cookie, Candy, Biscuit, Sweets, Elevator, Lift , Bathtub ,Autumn , Fall, Bath, Truck









Каникулы, отпуск




The quiz-master: Let s ask the jury to give us the results of  the  fourth round

The jury the score is …..    to……      in   «Flowers»  favor.

Д) The quiz-master  And now we come to the fifth round. It is called  «Customs  and Traditions».  

Part 1. Answer:

1. What are the ingredients of a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner?

2. What do the terms « melting pot» and «salad bowl» mean to US society and culture?

3. Which American rock-and-roll star lived in Memphis Tennessee?

4. Which American  silent – movie star is called the Little Tramp?

5.What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and  actresses each year in the USA?

6.What university is  the oldest in the USA?

7.  What is the largest office building in the world?

8.What  street in New York is famous for cinemas, theatres, shops ? Why is it called the Great White Way?

9. What is the nickname of the  USA government?

 10. What  American  place of interest is known to many children of the world? Where is it situated?

Part 2.  Do crossword  puzzle. Use the clues to fill in the missing words ( clues are   across: July, Columbus,   New  Years  Day,  Washington,  Mothers day; down: Halloween,  green,  Santa Clause,  discrimination , Irish)

(See attachment 2)

Part 3 Holidays.  Match the holidays with the  pictures. Answer : When do Americans celebrate them?

(See attachment 3)


Е) The quiz-master: while the jury is busy totaling the score let's  pass over to the last round which is called « Literature».

Part 1. Answer:

1. Which 19 th –century American writer is said to be  the founder of the detective genre?

2. What  pen-name did an American writer William Sydney Porter  use to sign the humorous  stories  which  he  wrote  in prison?

3. Which  American family compiled  the first  dictionary of the American  variant of the

English language?

4. During  which periods in American history was the novel «Gone with the wind»  set?

5. Which American  author  wrote «The Last of the Mohicans» ?

Part 2  Match:

  1. Washington Irving

a)      The first American writer to earn international  recognition.

  1. O’ Henry

b)      The  author's real name was Samuel Clemens.

  1. Ernest  Hemingway 

c)      Surprise endings  were this writers characteristic trademark.

  1. Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow

d)     He went to Alaska to find gold.

  1. Mark  Twain

e)      He was Nobel Laureate in Literature .He wrote « The Sun Also Rises»

  1. Jack London

f)       He was the first American  to be  honoured with a bust in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey London

(See attachment 4)


Part 3


The quiz- master : Are  you tired? Let's have a rest. While the jury is busy totaling the score we'll watch a few plays which have been prepared by our teams.( It  was their hometask).  These are three extracts taken from books by famous American writers.  Do you know these books? Do you know these writers? So watch. Enjoy yourselves and guess. Those who'll give the right answer will bring one more point to their teams.

( Смотри сценарии в приложении № 6,№7, №8)

4 )The quiz-master :well, jury, it's time to declare the winners of today's quiz.

The jury:  the score is 27 to26 and 25 in « Flowers» favor. Congratulations to all members of the « Flowers» team. You were the best. But « Russian Guys» and « Friends» there is no need to worry .You  were also the great. I am sure next time you'll be luckier. The winners please come to us to get your prize.

5) Dear friends .Today's quiz  has come to an end.Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our quiz. I am happy with your answers. You showed perfect  knowledge of the topic « the USA». Thank you for the game. Thanks to our jury for their work. Good bye.


Приложение №1(к пункту 2.)

 I am Alexandr. I am the captain of a team….. We are from the eighth form.  We  are four

in the team. My life would be boring without them. All of them are of my age. My classmates  are different. They have different personalities. Sometimes we have problems with each other.

This is Vanya.  He is my friend. He,s supportive and keeps  secrets.

This is  Masha. She is great at working on the computer. Like me she likes music and reading but we  are both not very good at sports. She cheers me up when I am upset.

This is Denis. He is my neighbour and we spend a lot of time together.He's kind and considerate.He is so brainy. He is always here to cheer me up. I always turn to him when I have problems with maths.

Sometimes  we argue about little things but we make up  quickly.  There are a lot of other things that we like about each  other. Each time we all get together we have a good laugh. We are never bored.We  are sure  we'll be the winners in the competition. П     

Приложение №2

Приложение №3

Приложение №4

Приложение №5


Приложение №6

( Е)Literature, Part 3)

The Last Leaf

(By O Henry)


Doctor:  She has a very small chance. She has a chance, if she wants to live. If  people don't

want to live,  I can't do much for them. Your little lady has decided that she is not going to

get well.  Is there something that is troubling her?

Sue :      She always wanted to go to Italy and paint a picture of the Bay of Naples.

D :   Paint. Not paint.  Is there anything worth being troubled about ? A man?

Sue:    A man? Is a man worth?  No , doctor.  There is not a man.

D:   It is weakness.  I will do all I can do. But when a sick person  begins to feel that he is going to die, half my work is useless. Talk to her about new winter clothes.   If she were interested in the future, her chances would be better.

(After the doctor had gone)

Johnsy:      Twelve, eleven….        then ten ,    nine….   eight…    seven (almost  together)

Sue:             (looked out the window) What was there to count? (to herself)  What is it dear?

Johnsy:         Six (in a voice still lower) They are falling faster now. Three days ago there were almost a hundred . It hurt my head to count them.   But now it's easy. There goes another one. There are only five now.

Sue :            Five what, dear? Tell your Sue.

Johnsy :        Leaves.  On the tree. When the last one  falls,  I must go too, I've known that

for three days. Didn’t the doctor tell you?


 Приложение №7

The Adventures of  Tom Sawyer

(By Mark  Twain)

Aunt  Polly :  Tom.  Tom.  Where is that boy? Where are you, Tom?

(выбегает Том)

Tom:       Here I am.

Aunt  Polly:     Tom, go and whitewash the fence.

Tom:            Oh Auntie. I cant.  I'll do it….     Tomorrow.

Aunt  Polly:      Whitewash the fence, I say.

(Уходит. Том  начинает белить забор. Появляется Бен с яблоком в руке,)

Ben:      What are you doing?

Tom:       I am  whitewashing the fence. I don’t want to do it. Tim  wanted, but Aunt Polly

didn’t let him.

Ben :     Tom, do let me. I'll give you my apple. ( Бен даёт яблоко и начинает белить забор.  Появляется Билли).

 Billy:     Let me do some  whitewashing.

Ben :       No, I won't. (Начинают драться.)

 Tom:     Stop  that.   Now it's your turn to whitewash, Billy. (Билли работает)

Tom :     Now it's your turn to whitewash ,Ben.


Приложение №8

«The Prince and the Pauper»

(By Mark Twain)

Сидит на большом стуле принц, рядом стоит солдат. Подходит  нищий Том, солдат

отталкивает его.

Soldier :   Let out of  here.

Prince :      How can you do that to the poor lad? Open the gates and let him in. What is your name?  Have  you parents?

Tom:     Tom  Canty, sir  I have parents.  I  also have a grandmother and twin- sisters. I don’t love my grandmother. I can't forget her beatings.

Prince:      How can she beat you? I shall order to throw her into prison for that.

Tom:          My mother is very good to me and twin –sisters.

Prince:       I have sisters and cousins too. Do your sisters not let their  servants  smile


Tom:          Sir, they have only one dress and no servants.

Prince:       I am going to help them. Soon your  sisters have many dresses and servants.

Is your life hard or pleasant in Offal Court?

Tom:           It's   hard when  I am hungry. But it has many good things when I am not hungry.  In summer we always swim in the river , we fight in the water. When the weather is fine we dance, sing and play in the sand, and we cover each other with it and then jump into the water again.

Prince:        It's   wonderful.  I am really to give my crown for a day like that. Give me your clothes and put on mine for some time , so that I can go to Offal Court and have a good time there.




1)The Statue  of Liberty 2) the Bald Eagle 3) France 4) Thomas Jefferson 5) the Elephant

6) 50 states 7) in the Capitol 8) 100 9) the Sears Tower 10) 132 11)the Speaker12) in New York City 13) Stars and Stripes 14)Congress 15)the Capitol



1)      Nina, Pinta ,Santa Maria 2) the colony was the New  Netherlands thе capital city was New Amsterdam 3)No Taxation  without Representation 4) in Philadelphia Pennsylvania

5) France the 100-year anniversary of the Franco-American alliance during  the American war of Independence 6)4 years 7) Martin Luther King 8)General Lee 9)George Washington

10)Dwight David Eisenhower



Part1 1)1C 2)2C 3)3B 4)4A  Part2 1) four 2)California redwood  or  sequoia 3)Yellowstone

Wyoming 4) the Cordillera Mountains 4418 the Appalachians 2037

5) the Mississippi river with the Missoury  6)the Potomac 7)Minnesota 8)Lakes Michigan

Superior  Huron  Erie  Ontario 9)Maine10)Illinois


3Г) 1)f F2)cA3)e D4)dC5)bB6)aE


3Д) Part 1 1) Turkey cranberry sauce pumpkin pie 2) that the US is a country of immigrants

who work together as Americans while retaining their ethnic identities 3)Elvis Presley

4)Charlie  Chaplin 5) Oscars or Academy Awards 6)Harvard University was organized

in 1636 in Cambridge Massachusetts 7) the Pentagon- it was built between 1941-1943

8) Broadway It is called the Great White Way because of the electric signs which turn

night into day 9)Uncle Sam is a cartoon symbol of the US government  10) Disneyland

near Los Angeles in California opened  in 1955 and Disney World in Florida opened in


Part3) 1)Presidents day  (on the third  Monday in February) 2)Columbus Day (October 12)

3)St Patricks Day (March 17) 4) Easter (on a Sunday in April or May) 5) Valentines Day

(February 14) 6) Independence Day (July4) 7)Christmas (December 25) 8) Martin  Luther

Kings Birthday (January 15) 9) New Years Day (December 31) 10)Halloween(October 31)

3 Е 1)Edgar A Poe 2)O Henry 3) Webster 4)the Civil War  and Reconstruction 5) James

Fenimore Cooper

Part 2  1) 1aA 2)2 b C 3) 3d F 4)4 e B 5) 5f D 6) cE



1.       Трубникова Т.О.,Шеварихина Ю.С. Сценарии  тематических вечеров. Ростов н-Д,2002

2.       Томахин Г.Д. По Соединённым  Штатам Америки.-М.,  1980

3.      Учебное пособие по страноведению США Сост.Ощепкова В.В.,1995

4.       Tomscha Terry .American Customs and Traditions.  - Longman Group UK Limited 1994

5.      High Peter B. An Outline of American Literature.-Longman Group  UK Limited,1995.






                                                                     Школа №4, г.Архангельска     





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