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Золотой век живописи в Англии и России

Submitted by Татьяна Александровна Богословская on Sat, 29/05/2010 - 10:05
Данные об авторе
Богословская Т.А.
Место работы, должность: 
МОН СОШ № 1 учитель английского языка
Ставропольский край
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
9 класс
10 класс
Английский язык
Мировая художественная культура
Цель урока: 
Познакомить с историй создания крупнейших галерей Англии и России,совершентсвовать навыки практического владения английвским языком по теме "Искусство"
Тип урока: 
Урок комплексного применения ЗУН учащихся
Учащихся в классе (аудитории): 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

УМК “ENGLISH - VII” авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

Краткое описание: 
Урок английского языка в 9 классе по учебнику О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой (часть VII) по теме: «Золотой век русской и английской живописи» я провожу в рамках цикла уроков, посвященных искусству. На данном уроке используется компьютерная презентация, выполненная в программе Microsoft PowerPoint.Поэтому необходимо наличие в кабинете компьютера и мультипроектора. Данная презентация создает зрелищность и необходимый эмоциональный настрой, выступает как средство зрительной наглядности так необходимой для учащихся – визуалов. Если есть возможность лучше проводить спаренный урок, так как материал очень обширный и требует серьезной проработки.


Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов», село Александровское, Александровского района,
Ставропольского края
“The Golden Age of British and Russian Paintings”
Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева
Автор-составитель:  Богословская Т.А.,
 учитель английского языка
Цель урока: Вывести учащихся на новый, творческий уровень владения темой.
Практические задачи:
1.     Практиковать учащихся в обсуждении проблемных вопросов по теме с использованием опор.
2.     Тренировать учащихся в применении усвоенного лексического материала в новых ситуациях общения.
3.     Учить школьников анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы, создавать аргументированные высказывания о произведениях искусства
Образовательные задачи:
1.     Расширять общий и лингвострановедческий кругозор учащихся
2.     Познакомить с историей создания художественных галерей в Англии и в России.
Воспитательные задачи:
1.     Формировать положительное отношение к фактам иноязычной культуры и понимание их общечеловеческой значимости
2.     Показать учащимся интегративные связи английского языка с другими учебными предметами (история, МХК)
Развивающие задачи:
1.     Развивать внимание, мышление, логику высказывания
2.     Развивать способность к сравнению и сопоставлению, способность делать выводы из прочитанного и услышанного.
 Оборудование урока: Презентация «Золотой век Британской живописи»,
репродукции картин, буклеты, книги по искусству.
“All great arts is believed to be thought provoking”
I.                   Организационный момент.
Teacher: Hello, dear children and our guests! First of all, I want you to look at the blackboard and read these words. Please think what our lesson is devoted to.
Pupil 1(reads the words on the blackboard): “All great art is believed to be thought-provoking.”
Teacher: How do you understand the words “thought-provoking”? Try to guess their meaning.
Pupil 2: I think that art makes people think about life, the beauty around them, nature, and love of their country and its people.
Pupil3: In my opinion art wakes up people’s feelings, such as kindness, admiration, enjoyment and peace in the soul.
Teacher: Very well. What kinds of art can you name?
P1, P2: Architecture; Sculpture; Literature; Cinema; Theatre; Painting; and Music.
Teacher: Today we are going to discuss painting, as this kind of art makes the strong impression on people, their feelings and thoughts. Painting contributes to the development of a person’s character and to raising his or her intellectual level.
a)     What kinds of art do you know?
To my mind it’s painting that makes the strongest and most beautiful impression on people, their feelings and thoughts.
b)    What do you think we shall do at the lesson?
II.               Фонетическая зарядка.
To speak about painting we should remember words on the topic.
Say after me:

still life,
School of painting:
in the centre foreground,
in the right (left) foreground.
 in the middle (centre) of the picture.
in the right (left) of the picture
 at the top (bottom).
in the distance (in the far distance)
to portray
was painted/drawn by

III.           Речеваязарядка
The greatest art gallery in Russia is the Tretyakov Gallery. It contains the main treasures of Russian painting. Do you happen to remember?
a)     when it was founded
b)    where it’s situated
c)     what architectural style the house represents
d)    who founded the gallery
e)     how many pictures it houses
f)      artists of what countries are represented.
IV.           Актуализация учебного материала
 And what about the UK? What is the most famous art gallery there?
Listen to Alex who has prepared a short but rather informative report about the Tate Gallery in London.
a)     Listen to him and complete the table in your activity sheets.
Рассказ ученика: The Tate Gallery is the state national museum in London, keeping over sixty thousand works of art: painting, sculpture, figures and engravings.
The gallery was opened on July, 21st 1897.
The founder of this gallery was Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer. He was a very rich man and collected paintings. 
The idea of the Tate Gallery took shape in 1890. In that year Henry Tate gift of sixty-five paintings and two sculptures, almost all of them the work of Victorian contemporaries, was offered to the nation, but a gallery had still to be built to house them.
When opened seven years later, the Tate Gallery consisted of eight rooms, and was intended as a collection of contemporary British painting only; it was, moreover, a mere annex to the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square.
In 1897 the Tate Gallery was officially opened by the Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VII) - eight galleries housing British art. Later it had the status of the National Gallery of British art and the National Gallery of Modern Foreign Art. In 1955 the National Gallery and the Tate became independent institutions.
     The Tate Gallery has become the national collection of British painting of periods, and in addition to this the national collection of modern foreign painting, and the national collection of modern sculpture, both British and foreign.
b)    Now you’ll have some minutes to work with the table.
You may do this in pairs.

The Tate Gallery
The Main Information.
The date of foundation
The place of the gallery
The architecture style
The founder of the collection
The number of paintings
What countries are represented
The most famous painters
The importance of the gallery
The Tretyakov Gallery

c) Let’s check your answers.(Фронтально)
Thankyou. You managed to get a lot of new information
V.               Систематизация знаний
a)     To know more about different painters let’s listen to short reports made by some pupils. (Pupils speak about Ivanov, Brulov, Repin, Turner and Constable and show the illustrations in the books or on the slides).
b)    Imagine you are in the gallery and have a chance to listen to a guide telling you about the most famous portrait by T. Gainsborough “Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort”. Read the text and find out…
1.     What was typical for Gainsborough’s portraits?
2.     What makes the portrait look true to life?
3.     What was the women fashion like in the 18th century?
Gainsborough “Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort’
Thomas Gainsborough (1727—1788) was an outstanding English painter of the I8th century. He was a brilliant portraitist and was a favourite of the aristocracy. The artist’s deep psychological approach enabled him to impart a poetic expression of individuality.
Gainsborough’s Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort” is an outstanding work of art. The artist depicts a graceful and attractive young woman. She has a pleasant oval face, straight eyebrows and black eyes, a straight nose and well-shaped delicate hands. You call see that she is an aristocrat.
Her rather pale complexion is contrasted by the dark colour of the background (the dark background was traditional in Gainsborough's time). The artist enlivens the thee by a little colour on her cheeks.
Her grayish hair is combed very high and fastened with a comb and a blue ribbon, as was the fashion in those days. The dress is very low cut, also according to the fashion of the day.
The portrait is painted in cold colours (black, blue, grey and white). At first sight you may think that it is a traditional ceremonial portrait, but if you look attentively, you will see that her parted lips, fleeting glance, and graceful gesture of her hand help to create a true impression of the sitter’s vitality and optimism. The woman in the picture is alive, and we have a feeling that she is looking at us.
c)     Now open your activity sheets and read some short dialogues.
Memorize these Short Dialogues.
What a landscape! Oh, it’s a masterpiece, and who is the artist?
— You mean the oil painting. This is “Rye» by Levitan.
— It’s marvelous. I am so impressed with the picture.
— Don’t you find this picture “Grove of Mast-trees” by Shishkin wonderful?
— Oh, yes the picture is a record of reality. With what marvelous success and skill this picture is painted!
— You know, what strikes me most in the picture is its glorious combination of colours.
— Yes, the colours are rich. And the trees are so lifelike, so vivid.
— What a nice flower-piece! The flowers are excellently presented.
— Yes, they are so colourful and refreshing to the eye.
— You see it is hard to tear oneself away from this canvas.
— Yes, the picture is realistically portrayed. I admire such painting.
— Don’t you find this picture wonderful?
— No! It’s awful. No artistic merit.
               - Well, it’s a matter of taste, of course, I don’t agree with you at all.
VI.           Развитие навыков диалогической речи
a) Try to prepare your own flashes on these pictures.(Учащиеся получают открытки с иллюстрациями и работают в парах)
Use the phrases and words on your activity sheets.

Negative Impressions
Light is not rendered at all.
It isn’t a picture; it is a mere spattering of colours.
I shouldn’t call it a painting at all,
It offends the eye.
It’s too bad for words.
It’s completely meaningless. -
I was shocked by...
It’s a shame...
No good at all!
It’s unbelievable trash.
It’s beneath all criticism.
General Discussion
May I put a word in?
If you ask me...
Generally speaking...
Strictly speaking...
Positive Impressions
I am favorably impressed by the picture.
It is realistic and true to life.
It is thought-provoking art.
There is convincing truth in this painting.
This is what I should call the realism!
Isn’t it superb?
Oh, but do look at this portrait!
 It’s a work of genius.
The effect of the light is striking.
It is magnificent (lovely, amazing, fantastic).
It’s an impressive piece of art.
General Discussion
That depends on...-
I want to pres the point that
On one hand...
On the other hand...
Under the circumstances.

b) Let’s listen to …
VII.        Рефлексия
Our lesson is coming to an end. Let’s sum up.
What have you learnt today?
What did this lesson give to you?
Do you wish to visit the Tretyakov Gallery?
Would you be able to speak with a foreigner about some pictures?
What is your opinion of the lesson?
What is your opinion of your work?
VIII.    Домашнее задание
At home you are to finish your work with flashes and act them out.
IX.           Итог урока
Your makes for today are:
Thank you for your active work.
See you on ….

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