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План-конспект урока домашнего чтения "Sister Wendy-TV Star"c использованием видеоматериалов.

Фото пользователя Татьяна Владимировна Минкина
Submitted by Татьяна Владимировна Минкина on Fri, 23/04/2010 - 02:32

Урок домашнего чтения на английском языке в 10 классе Женской гуманитарной гимназии.

Учитель: Минкина Т.В.

Тема: Sister Wendy – TV Star

           (Живопись. Религия)

Цели:  - познавательный аспект – знакомство с выдающейся личностью – монахиней, искусствоведом, философом – сестрой Венди Бекетт;

-развивающий аспект – развитие речемыслительной деятельности учащихся;

- учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых умений обучающихся на основе аутентичных мультимедийных средств обучения;

- воспитательный аспект – воспитание толерантного отношения к представителям разных религиозных конфессий, подготовка обучающихся к диалогу культур, расширение кругозора учащихся.

Сопутствующие задачи: развивать умение понимать аутентичную аудиозапись, читать с полным пониманием текста; развивать умения говорения учащихся (полилог, монолог, диалог), способствовать повышению мотивации обучающихся к овладению английским языком.

Оснащение: тексты “Sister Wendy Superstar”, 2 видеосюжета интервью с Сестрой Венди; фильм об искусстве “Всемирная история живописи” – рассказывает сестра Венди; компьютер, на доске эпиграф: “Art is a collaboration between God and the artist? And the less the artist does the better” Anonymous.

Ход урока.

I) Оргмомент. Good afternoon, dear girls! Today we continue to speak about arts and religion learning a lot about a self-taught art person, who turned international celebrity. You are welcome to express you thoughts.

II) Развитие речевых умений учащихся на основе текста домашнего чтения.

1)      Was everything clear to you? Before speaking about the main character let’s do the pre-reading task.

a) Ex 1 - P₁P₂

b) Ex 2 – P₁

2) Let’s pronounce some words and expressions.

  - verbosity = complicated speech

  - bespectacled = wearing spectacles, glasses

  - solitude = being alone

  - solitary confinement = living (being alone)

  - caravan = a road vehicle whithout an engine, pulled by a car

  - to be inflected by smth

  - contemplation = the act of thinking deeply about smth, looking at smth in calm and careful way

  - luxurious

  - to have delight in doing smth = to have pleasure

  - to pore over smth = to look at or to read smth very carefully

3) Let’s do exercise after the text

   a) Ex 1 - P₁P₂P₃

b) Ex 2 – P₁P₂P₃

            4) Let’s discuss what you have learnt about Sister Wendy ( полилог)

III) Развитие умений понимания аутентичной видеозаписи, говорения на основе сюжетов интервью.

1)      Now it’s time for us to see the conversation of Sister Wendy, catholic men the BBC discovered, with Bill Moyers ( YouTube).  a) Let’s read the words and expressions: (с доски) – to live in solitude;

                                                                                                           - to have the priviledge to do smth;

 - to know smth from one’s babyhood;

 - to tempt to do smth;

 - not to use a hint or a script.

b) Video → Cl – Try to catch the main ideas (2 parts)

2) What have you learnt from the interview? T ↔ P₁P₂P₃

   - What was her family like?

- How did she decide to become a nun?

- How did she become a BBC TV star?

- Was it difficult for S.W. to speak before the camera?

IV) Развитие умений понимания речи на слух и говорения на основе сюжетов видеофильма.

1)      Now we have a chance to see Sister Wendy telling us about her favourite paintings. Pay attention to her manner of speaking, please.

a)      1 отрывок. Coustable’s picture “The Hay – Wain”.

b)      Стоп-кадр – What did you catch? P₁P₂P₃

c)       I want you to describe this beautiful picture.

P₁; P₁P₂P₃

d)      Продолжение просмотра – Turners picture.

e)      What have you learnt from the film? P₁P₂P₃

f) Dialogue about Turner’s picture. P₁↔ P

2)      ( на фоне портрета S.W.)

So, today we have learnt a lot about the international television celebrity – Sister Wendy. I want you to share your impressions. What lesson did she teach you? Is there anything in her life for you to follow? - P₁P₂P₃

3)      I liked the way we spent time together. You’ve learnt about the international celebrity. (The marks are excellent ).

V)  1)Your homework is to prepare interesting material about Sister Wendy – TV star.

      2) Don’t fail to go to You tube site to know more ( there are 4 more episodes of the interview).

VI) To sum it up, there is a quotation on the blackboard: “Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better” Anonymous.

How do you understand it? - P₁P₂P₃.

-I appreciate you opinions,still, there's a lot to think about.We'll continue our talk next time.



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Sister_Wendy_part_1.flv 9.82 MB
Sister Wendy-photos.doc 208.5 KB
Sister_Wendy_part_2.flv 9.89 MB

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