Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
1) Приветствие ( T- P, P - P).
T: Good morning, girls and boys!
I’m glad to see you.
P: Good morning, dear teacher!
We are glad to see you.
T: How are you today, Nigora?
Nigora: I’m fine, thank you. How is your life, Indira?
2) Беседа с дежурным (дата, день недели, отсутствующие, домашнее задание).
3) Постановка задач урока.
T: Today we’ll continue our talking about travelling. We’ll try to sum up all the information and I think it will help you in planning you summer holidays. Of course, we’ll with great pleasure plan project works.
II. Речевая зарядка. (Мудрая фраза Св. Августина).
а) знакомство и чтение фразы.
T: At first I want you to look at the board and read the word of wisdom said by St. Augustine.
On the board: ‘ The world is a book and those who do not travel
read only a page of it.’ St. Augustine
б) беседа о мудрой фразе.
T: Do you understand the word of wisdom? Do you need the translation, Il’nur?
T: In your opinion, what St. Augustine wants to say? Please, use the expressions in your answers. (Expressions are on the table).
· I think
· I suppose
· If I’m not mistaken
· I’d like to say
· On the one hand
· On the other hand
T: Thank you for your answers. I liked them. You are brilliant.
III. Работа над лексикой по теме «Путешествие».
1. Беседа с учащимися по проблеме «Почему люди путешествуют?» (заполнение Word Web на доске).
T: So, dear students, I’d like to ask you some questions. Why do people travel? You see, it is the simplest question. On the other hand, it makes us think. Give your reasons. We’ll complete the Word Web.
Предложенные идеи записываются на Word Web на доске учениками. Думаю что, время для обсуждения не требуется, так как это завершающий урок по теме. Учитель также участвует в заполнении Word Web, по ходу работы исправляются допущенные лексические и грамматические ошибки. Word Web на доске может имеет такой вид:
T: Thank you. Let’s sum up the reasons why people travel.
P: ….
2) Беседа «Где можно получить информацию о поездке заграницу или по своей стране» (письменная словарная работа).
T: Before going to somewhere, we should plan the trip, don’t we?
T: We also should get as much information as possible. So, where can you get the information about traveling abroad on your own or to the seaside, for example. Please write on the sheet of paper and then we’ll check your work. You have only three minutes.
T: Please give full answers as on the example (примерный ответ на доске).
P: … (Before going to some places we can get the information from newspapers (magazines, history book, encyclopedia, travel leaflets, tourist guide, internet, impressions of friends).
T: You did your best.
3) Беседа о видах путешествия (устные ответы по опорной грамматической конструкции или по речевому образцу).
T: You get a lot of information about destination. What way of traveling would you like to choose? Use one of these expressions, please.
If you travel to… you’d better go by…
For me there is nothing more like traveling by…
T: What ways of traveling have we named, Fadis?
Fadis:… ( On foot, on horse, by car, by bus, by air, by ship/ boat, by train, hitchhiking)
4) Разговор о видах деятельности во время путешествий ( устные ответы).
T: Boys and girls enjoy different activities on holidays. What activities would you like to be offered? Please continue the list.
motor sport
T: Well done. Thank you.
5) Обсуждение. Какие вещи необходимы во время путешествия? (упражнение на выбор самого необходимого из предложенных вариантов и объяснение своего выбора).
T: People who plan traveling should decide what things to take. A good decision will make a journey more pleasant and comfortable. Which things you think you will need if you are going to have summer holidays abroad. Tick if you need it.