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Фото пользователя Альбина Александровна Базгутдинова
Размещено: Альбина Александровна Базгутдинова - вт, 23/06/2009 - 03:30
Данные об авторе
Базгутдинова Альбина александровна
Место работы, должность: 
учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ с/п "Село Богородское" Ульчского муниципального района Хабаровского края
Хабаровский край
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
10 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
конспект урока (занятия)
Краткое описание ресурса: 
Обобщающий урок по теме "Австралия" в 10-м классе

Задачи урока:   

ü     Обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Австралия»

ü     Формировать навыки оперирования знаниями по теме «Австралия»

ü     Расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся

ü     Развить языковые способности  учащихся, готовность к коммуникации по теме «Добро пожаловать в Богородское!»

ü     Формировать и совершенствовать практические навыки владения лексикой повышенной сложности






                     Ход урока:



                                           I.      Вступление:

         Hello, everyone! I am glad to see you. I hope you are allright today and are ready to work hard at our lesson. Today we’ll see what have you learned about Australia. Would you like to visit Australia sometime?

P1, P2-Yes, of  course.


                                    II.      Brain – storming:


T – Why would you like to visit this country?

P – Because it is unique

T – Prove it.

                                III.      Устная речь:

T – Now, I’ll suggest you to comment some pictures about Australia.

(работа с использованием ИКТ- на экране появляются картинки с видами Австралии, учащиеся комментируют их)

1.     Карта – Australia is located in the southern hemisphere

§        South of Asia

§        Between the Pacific and the Indian oceans

2.     Ocean (57) – Australia is surrounded by two oceans

3.     Ferry (26) – Boats and ferries are very popular in Australia. Even children go to school by boats.

4.     Aborigines (24) – Aborigines are the Australian natives. They had been living here for 40000years before the first Europeans came.

5.     Flowers (25) – Australians love nature.

6.     birds(25) – The birds nest even in trees beside office towers and busy streets. About 400 special of birds in  Australia are found no were else in the world.

7.     recycling bins (25) – There are separate recycling bins for cans, bottles and general  garbage in several locations throughout the city.

8.     Park (57) – Sydney is surrounded by national parks. One of the famous is Tarongo Zoo.

9.     Sydney Opera House (56) – It is one of the greatest examples of 20th Century architecture. It was conceived by Danish architect Joern Utuzon. It is a symbol of Sydney’s cultural life.

10. Sport (57) -  Australians love sports. Olympic Games were held in Melbourne and in Sydney.

11. James Cook (58) – Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770. The first settlers were convicts from England, because prisons were crowded.

12. Deserts (60) – The huge areas of deserts are uninhabited.

13. June (63) – It is June. The coldest month of the year.

14. Coat of arms (73) – It is Australian coat of arms. It consist of a shield containing the badges of the six states. The supporters are native Australian fauna – a kangaroo and an emu. A yellow  - flowered native plant wattle also appears in the design;

15. Kangaroo (123) – the native animal of Australia. There are 50 species of kangaroo. Some stand as tall as a man and some are as small as a cat. They can often be seen in many of the forests and parks.

16. Flag (73) – Australian flag consists of the small stars. Union Jack, large seven – pointed star and small stars. Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain. The large star represents the number of the states and territory. The small star is the symbol of Southern Cross – a prominent feature of the Southern hemisphere night sky.

17. Date (73) – 1788. It is Australia’s national Day, when Captain Arthur Philip sailed into Port Jackson. He commanded 11 ships of the British Royal Navy.

                                    IV.      Обобщение материала:

T – So, I see you know much about Australia. Thanks everyone. May be you’ll visit this beautiful country. You’ll learn more about Australia at English lessons.

                                     V.      Презентация проектов:

(учащиеся представляют свои презентации по теме «Богородское»)


Now, let’s imagine that some Australians come to our country, and to our region.

What would you like to snow them and to tell about the place were you live.

1)     History of Bogorodskoe:

- Сергачёва Маша

                                      - Долгова Саша  

2)     The streets of Bogorodskoe:

                                  - Абраменко Полина

- Ширифулина Наташа

3)     The Sight of the village:

                                     - Юсупов Женя

- Легенкин Максим

4)     The NaturalHistoryMuseum:

                                       - Ефимов Миша

- Ходжер Кирилл

5)     The nature Around Bogorodskoe:

                                       - Малянов Дима

                                       - Безруков Паша

- Перевалов Вова

                                VI.      Подведение итогов урока:

- Thank you for good presentations, and hard work at the lesson.

I hope you’ll fell your self more confident when some foreigners come to Bogorodskoe. You’ll be ready to tell them about our village.


Questions about Bogorodskoe:


1)     Who were the first settlers? (Kazaki)

2)     What was the name of the Ulchsky settlement on the site of Bogorodskoe? (Tencha)

3)     What is the oldest street? (Lenina and  Naberezhnaya)

4)     Who Were the children, whose images are on the monument on the bank? (Zhanna Khatkhil, Andrey Agdumsa)

5)     Who was the founder of the museum? (Lonki)

6)     What is there on the Ulchsky coat – of – arm? (Eagle fish – salmon fir – free)

7)     When was Bogorodskoe founded? (in 1855)

8)     Why is Partizanskaya Street called so? (Partizans track passedl from Amur bank to the settlement Nizhnyaya  Gavan’)

9)     What is the oldest house in Bogorodskoe? (The militia house – it was the house of the local merchant – Usoltsev. He was the owner of gold – mining company).

                            VII.      Подведение итогов урока


»  Тэги к этому документу:

На: Австралия

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