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The sights of London. The Present Continuous Tense.

Submitted by Алсу Закуановна Мухамадиева on Sat, 29/05/2010 - 00:02
Данные об авторе
Мухамадиева Алсу Закуановна
Место работы, должность: 
МОУ СОШ №3 имени Ю.А.Гагарина, учитель английского языка
Республика Татарстан
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
основное общее образование
Уровни образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
5 класс
6 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
конспект урока (занятия)
Краткое описание ресурса: 
Можно использовать для повторения Present Simple, Present Continuous, a также при изучении достопримечательностей Лондона.



I.                    Greeting.
Goodday, children! I`m very glad to see you! Sit down.
How are you today? What`s the weather like today?
II.                  Phonetic drill.
a)      Look at the board and repeat these words after me.
[ju:]-museum, future, usually
[i] -   cinema, history, symbol
[ ] – gallery, abbey, taxi, family
[ei]- stadium, radio, famous
[a:] –park, parliament, postcard
[ ] – square,care, there
[ ]- real, theatre
[o] – monument, popular
[ ] – tourist
b)      Let`s read them in chorus.
c)       Read in chain.
d)      Read to yourselves.
e)      I want to listen to some of you.
III.                Explanation of the grammar.
1.       a) Today we are going to speak about Present Simple and Present Continuous.
b)But, first of all, let`s remember their structures
    Who wants to try? You know them, you should only remember.
c)Translate my sentences into English:
- Я читаю сейчас.
- Он обычно встает в 7 часов.
-Мы не поем в данный момент.
-Я хожу в школу каждый день.
-Они спят в данный момент.
-Она не любит животных.
2.  a)- Но есть глаголы, которые не употребляются в Present Continuous.
         - Look at the board and repeat these words after me:
Hate, love, like, need, want, have, see
     b) open your books at p.63 ex. 11.
     c)let`s read the first rule
     d)Translate these sentences(Почему в первом предложении употребляется Present Continuous, а во втором – Present Simple?)
     e)Now read the second rule.
     f)Let`s read and translate the sentences with these verbs.
     g)Итак,почему мы в этих предложениях использовали   Present Simple, а не Present Continuous?
          IV.   Tasks on new grammar.
1.       Open your books at p.64 ex.12
Read the task and the example.
2.       Find ex.13 p.64. put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous.
V.                   Physical relaxation.
VI.                Working with the texts.
1.a)Find ex.16 p.65 and read the first text.
   b)But before reading repeat some words after me:
hour [] час
weigh [] весить
 с) Now read the text.
 d) What is the text about? In what picture is Big Ben shown?
 e)Translate the text.
f) Answer the questions:
What is Big Ben?
How much does it weigh?
Where can you hear a deep tone?
3.        a) Find the second text.
b)Repeat some words after me
The Tower of London[]
The Thames []
The Bloody Tower []
The Queen[]
Buckingham Palace []
c)Read the words altogether.
d)Read the text.
e)What is this text about? Name the picture in which the Tower of London is shown.
f) I`ll read you the sentences and you are to say if they are true or false.
- You can see the Tower of London from the Mississippi.
- The Tower is very old.
- It is only one building.
- You see blood there today.
- Now the King and the Queen of Britain do not live in the Tower.
VII. Test
Let`s do the test and check if you remember anything about Britain.
VIII.Your homework will be ex.5 p.73, texts 1,2 for good reading.

The lesson is over. Goodbye



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